From now on the out-of-the-box (XML) export for RMA transmissions will only include positions that were assigned to the supplier referenced in the transmission configuration.
This change only applies to the mapping itself - the creation of ReturnAnnouncementTransmissionDOs (RATDO) has not been changed. IOM will create a RATDO for every configured CommunicationPartnerDO, independently of the SupplierDOs that are actually assigned to order positions.
The export for SUPPLIER_B will fail with an error in this case (no matching positions = empty position list). To prevent this, implement and configure a DecisionBean method
isExecutionRequired(ReturnAnnouncementDO, CommunicationPartnerDO)
that only triggers the creation of RATDOs for ReturnAnnouncementDOs that reference order positions for that particular CommunicationPartner / Supplier.