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IOM 3.4
Guide - IOM 3.4 Migration for Tax Enhancements


The enumeration TaxTypeDefDO has been transformed into to a standard entity and has been moved from package bakery.persistence.dataobject.common to package

The previous values are still available, but they are now final static instances of TaxTypeDefDO. You cannot compare them as previously to other instances as they are like copies of the persisted values. Comparison should now be made using the IDs ( taxTypeDefDO.getId() ==  ? ).

The corresponding entities are still part of the initial dump.

  2. LOW_TAX
  6. NO_TAX

Please also check Guide - IOM 3.4 Deprecations and Removals.


The method SupplierDO.getTaxTypeDefDOBySupplierTaxTypeName still exists, but the fallback to the core tax-type names has been removed as it would require a persistence access for types that are not predefined (see list above 1..6).

Also, the NoObjectException is now thrown as soon as no corresponding mapping exists in Supplier2TaxTypeDefDO.

Please also check Guide - IOM 3.4 Deprecations and Removals.

ArticleSupplierShopDO and ClassificationTaxMappingDO

The method setTaxTypeDefRef of ArticleSupplierShopDO and ClassificationTaxMappingDO is deprecated and throws an exception if you call it with a ref > 6.

throw new TechnicalException("setTaxTypeDefRef in ArticleSupplierShopDO has been called with a non core taxTypeDefRef(1-6). Should use setTaxTypeDefDO instead.");


The now deprecated methods get|setCountryRef() and get|setCountryDefDO() of TaxDO were replaced by a new free location-string. Use get|setLocation() instead.

The attributes validFrom and validUntil (used by getters and setters) are now optional, but you cannot have only one null.

Unknown or non-matching taxes of order REST API-requests (POST) now cause new TaxDO-entries to be created on the fly as long as a rate is provided. In this case validFrom and validUntil are set to null.
When the rate is not provided, the old behavior is used and a predefined TaxDO with a valid time range must exist, otherwise the order is rejected.

Please also check Guide - IOM 3.4 Deprecations and Removals.


The methods getTaxesPerCountry at different classes where used to return the taxes tied to a shop's country, and it has became too limited for the new tax improvements. It was apparently only used in context of OMT, hence no impact on projects is expected.

Please also check Guide - IOM 3.4 Deprecations and Removals.

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