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  • Gradle Tools
  • ICM 7.10
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Public Release Notes - Gradle Tools - Version 2.11


Intershop Gradle Tools 2.11 are included in Intershop Commerce Management 7.8. The new version of Intershop Gradle Tools can also be used alongside with Intershop Commerce Management 7.6 and 7.7.

Gradle Tools 2.11 are based on Gradle 2.11.


When updating to Gradle Tools 2.11, please delete your gradle cache to ensure a smooth update. This also applies for an update to Gradle Tools 2.11.6.

Migrate Tools Version

Gradle Tools 2.11

To use Gradle Tools 2.11 with Intershop Commerce Management 7.6 or 7.7, perform the following steps to migrate your environment:

  1. Ensure to have access to the public repository of Intershop.
  2. Adapt your repository configuration of the artifact repository.
    Follow the  Recipe: Configure Artifact Repository Server in Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure.
  3. Regenerate the corporate plugin configuration and the corporate distribution as described in Recipe: Create Sources From Intershop Templates in Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure.
  4. Run the task createCorporateDistribution.
  5. Build the corporate distribution by triggering the automated CI processes.
  6. For your component set project, perform the following steps:
    • Change the Gradle distribution used by the Gradle Wrapper by modifying the property distributionUrl in gradle/wrapper/
    • In your files, remove the following properties if they exist:


      and add the following property instead:

      New for updated Gradle Tools = 2.11.4 = 2.11.4

      For more information regarding deployment-bootstrap, see section Product-Specific Deployment Components in Platform.

  7. Use the sources of the Responsive Starter Store to configure the project (Recipe: Set Up Project Based on the Responsive Starter Store in Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure).


    Intershop recommends to change the project structure to reduce the efforts for the development, the build itself and the maintenance of a build.

    1. Copy your assembly in the Gradle project with the store cartridges and adapt your assembly according to the sources of the assembly in the original source package.

    2. Adapt your release process.
      If it is not possible to use the SCM Versioning plugin or the provided release plugins, you can use a static version configuration. Furthermore it is possible to create your own publishing plugin. The sources of all public available Intershop Gradle plugins are available on GitHub (
    3. Adapt your CI configuration as described in Recipe - Setup CI Build For Project Artifacts in Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure.

Gradle Tools 2.11.6

To use the new Gradle Tools with Intershop Commerce Management 7.8 and later, perform the following steps to migrate your environment:

  1. Ensure to have access to the public repository of Intershop and to JCenter.
  2. Regenerate the corporate configuration after changes in the initialization script (see Migrate Version Configuration).


    This only works if you are already using version 2.11 of Gradle. If you want to migrate from an older version, you have to migrate to version 2.11.0 first (see Gradle Tools 2.11)

  3. Build the corporate distribution by triggering the automated CI processes.
  4. Use the sources of the Responsive Starter Store to configure the project (Recipe: Set Up Project Based on the Responsive Starter Store in Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure).

Gradle Tools 2.11.8

For the update of Gradle Tools 2.11.6 to this version no special changes are necessary.

This version will replace the default multicast configuration of ICM in a development and CI test environment with a JGroups configuration. Therefore the deployment DSL was extended:

        jgroups {
            appserver {
				// the file
	        	configFileName = 'jgroups_udp.xml'
        		acknowledge = false
        		syncAcknowledge = false

        		requestTimeout = 1000

        		networkInterface = ''
            tcm {
				// see configuration of app server
            cache {{
				// see configuration of app server
            orm {{
				// see configuration of app server

This change is also included in the 'com.intershop.deployment' package version 2.0.0.

New and Noteworthy

Updated Gradle Base Version

This release of Intershop Gradle Tools is based on Gradle 2.11. The previous release was based on Gradle 2.7. Please see Gradle's release notes for information about changes:

Notable changes include:

  • Improved performance for incremental builds.
  • Excludes for transitive dependencies are now published in the Ivy descriptor. Previously the only supported way to exclude unwanted dependencies was a global exclude in the assembly. Since Gradle 2.11, you should prefer the new approach:

    build.gradle of a Cartridge
    dependencies {
        // use org.jdom:jdom instead of jdom:jdom brought in by rome
        compile 'org.jdom:jdom'
        compile('rome:rome') {
            // this exclude is now published and respected by later build steps
            // no further exclude is needed in the assembly anymore
            exclude group:'jdom', module:'jdom'
  • Continuous build has reached a feature level that makes it feasible for everyday work. The feature is still incubating, but Intershop encourages developers to give it a try.

Changes in Intershop Gradle Tool Set

  • It is now possible to inherit also the deployment logic of an assembly. All assembly deployment scripts will be executed in alphabetical order if there is more than one inheritance.
  • Assembly builds and components (cartridges) can be part of one Gradle multi project. This simplifies the developer workflow as well as the whole CI process. See Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure.
  • The build tools now also support the Gradle standard layout. This is now the standard structure for cartridges.


    Intershop recommends to transfer existing projects to this standard structure.
    Intershop provides a script for a simple migration on GitHub

  • Special build plugins (Jaxb, Resourcelist, WSDL, ISML) are reimplemented and moved to Open Source. The source code of these plugins is available on and the binaries are available on JCenter (


    Intershop recommends to use these plugins instead of the integrated and deprecated plugins. The integrated plugins will be removed in further versions. Problems and issues in these plugins will be solved only on the public plugins.


The following changes only apply for Gradle 2.11.6 and later.

The Intershop Gradle Tool Set comes with some Gradle plugins, which are integrated in the build process of Cartridges. Intershop intends to move these plugins to OpenSource in the future.

The following plugins are available on GitHub:

DescriptionGitHub ProjectPlugin IDLatest Version

replaces plugin from Gradle Tools

introduced in version
Jaxb code generator pluginjaxb-gradle-plugin


Jaxb plugin2.11.5
JavaCC code generator pluginjavacc-gradle-plugin      
1.0.0JavaCC plugin2.11.5
ResourceList generator pluginresourcelist-gradle-plugin  
1.0.1ResourceList plugin2.11.5
SonarQube(TM) code analysis pluginsonarqube-gradle-plugin
2.1.0Sonar plugin2.11.5
WSDL code generator pluginwsdl-gradle-plugin
1.0.3WSDL plugin2.11.6
ISML compiler pluginisml-gradle-plugin
1.0.2ISML plugin2.11.6
Version recommendation pluginversionrecommender-gradle-plugin
1.3.5Versioning plugin2.11.6

Plugins with a replacement on GitHub are deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Intershop's Gradle Tools.

It is possible to deactivate the included plugins so that the new plugins can be used. Therefore it is necessary to add a property to the file.

Plugin (Grade Tools)PropertyIntroduced in version
Jaxb plugin
disableStandardJaxb = true

JavaCC plugin

disableStandardJavacc = true

ResourceList plugin

disableStandardResourceListPlugin = true2.11.5
WSDL plugindisableStandardWSDL = true2.11.6
ISML plugin
disableStandardISML = true
TLoc plugin
disableStandardISML = true

The TLoc plugin is no longer necessary.


The ISML plugin does not support spaces in the absolute path of the project.

After deactivating, it is necessary to configure the new plugins in the necessary build scripts (see documentation on GitHub - follow links for GitHub in the table above). The main steps are:

  1. Add the dependency in the build script block in the build.gradle of the root project. 

    build.gradle (root project)
    buildscript {
        dependencies {      
            classpath 'com.intershop.gradle.resourcelist:resourcelist-gradle-plugin:2.1.0'
            classpath 'com.intershop.gradle.jaxb:jaxb-gradle-plugin:1.0.1'
            classpath 'com.intershop.gradle.isml:isml-gradle-plugin:1.0.2'
            classpath 'com.intershop.gradle.wsdl:wsdl-gradle-plugin:1.0.3'
  2. Add plugins to existing sub projects and adapt the build scripts.

    1. Add the Jaxb plugin to the required build scripts.

      build.gradle (sub project)
      apply plugin: 'java-cartridge'
      apply plugin: 'static-cartridge'
      //add plugins
      apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.jaxb'
      apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.cartridge-resourcelist'
      intershop {
          displayName = 'Component'
      //add plugin configuration if necessary
      jaxb {
          javaGen {
              genname {
                  schema = file('staticfiles/definition/bc_region.xsd')
                  binding = file('staticfiles/definition/bc_region.xjb')
      dependencies {
    2. Add the ResourceList plugin to the required build scripts.

      build.gradle (sub project)
      apply plugin: 'java-cartridge'
      apply plugin: 'static-cartridge'
      apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.cartridge-resourcelist'
      intershop {
          displayName = 'Component'
      dependencies {


    3. Add the WSDL plugin to the required build scripts.

      build.gradle (sub project)
      apply plugin: 'java-cartridge'
      apply plugin: 'static-cartridge'
      apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.wsdl'
      intershop {
          displayName = 'Component'
      wsdl {
          axis1 {
      	axis2 {
      dependencies {


      Please verify the configuration

      The default parameters of the public plugin depend on the values of the command line tools.
      See for details.

    4. Add the ISML plugin to the required build scripts.

      build.gradle (sub project)
      apply plugin: 'java-cartridge'
      apply plugin: 'static-cartridge'
      apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.isml'
      intershop {
          displayName = 'Component'
      	//add output of the plugin the cartridge package
      	packages {
          	cartridge {
      dependencies {


Known Issues for 2.11.6

ISTOOLS-2820: disableStandardISML = true" does not work.

Currently a versioning plugin is applied with the initialization script as part of the corporate distribution. This plugin will be replaced by the "Version Recommender Plugin". See Migrate Version Configuration and versionrecommender-gradle-plugin.

Migrate Projects Based on ICM 7.6 or 7.7 to the New Project Structure

Intershop delivers a Responsive Starter Store for an easy project start. There is a project with sources for components - component set a_responsive - and an assembly project insprired-b2x or inspired-b2c. These projects were renamed with the creation of the project. The present document uses the original names for the migration of the projects. inspired-b2x is a synonym for inspired-b2x and inspired-b2c.

Please use the document Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure for your changes on the CI process.

  1. Adapt your repository configuration. Verify your configuration with Recipe: Configure Artifact Repository Server.
  2. Create the necessary sources for the CI setup. See Recipe: Create Sources From Intershop Templates.
  3. Create a new corporate distribution, follow the instructions in Recipe: Setup CI Build for Corporate Artifacts. It is not necessary to change or add a new build of 'p_oracle'.
  4. Stop your CI processes.

For the migration of your project, we use the generated sources of createProject. The sources are located in <sources>/projects/<project name, e.g., corporateshop>.

  1. Update Gradle and Gradle build tools for the component set project.
    1. Copy the content of <sources>/projects/<project name, e.g., corporateshop> to the component set. Existing files must be overwritten.

    2. Update your

      Outdated version = 2.7.1


      New version = 2.11.4 = 2.11.4
    3. Update your build.gradle.
      Use the template build.gradle and replace the following placeholder:

      <project description>Project description
      <project group>Group of the project, e.g.,
      <assembly name>Name of the assembly project

      Host name of the SonarQube server. If no SonarQube is used in the project, it is possible to remove the SonarQube Gradle plugin.
      Remove the following lines from the build.gradle file.

      Remove SonarQube Gradle plugin
      apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.sonarQube'
      sonarqube {
      	sonarProperties {
          	property '', 'https://<sonar-host>'

      It is also necessary to change the configuration com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2x to com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2c if you use Intershop Commerce Management B2C only.

    4. Update your settings.gradle.
      Use the template settings.gradle and replace the following placeholder:


      <project name>project name
  2. Update Gradle and Gradle build tools for the assembly project.

    1. Copy the assembly project in the component set.

      Using Subversion it is possible to use svn cp.

    2. Remove the following files and directories from the copied assembly project:
      • bin
      • extbuild.gradle
      • settings.gradle
      • gradlew
      • gradlew.bat
    1. Adapt the build.gradle of the assembly.
      • Remove group and version configuration.

        Remove from build.gradle
        group = '<group>'
        version = '<version>'
      • Replace plugin and dependency configuration.

        Old configuration
         buildscript { 
        	repositories { maven { ... } } 
        	dependencies { 
        		classpath '' 
        		classpath '' 
        		classpath '' 
        apply plugin: 'ish-assembly' 
        apply plugin: 'ish-assembly-branding' 
        apply plugin: 'buildinfo'
        New configuration
         buildscript {
            dependencies {
                classpath ''
                classpath ''
                classpath 'com.github.groovy-wslite:groovy-wslite:1.+'
        apply plugin: 'ish-assembly'
        apply plugin: 'ish-assembly-branding'
        // optional
        apply plugin: 'project-report'
        apply plugin: 'jacoco'
      • Change the declaration of dependencies.
        In the assembly block replace all dependencies contained in your component set with project dependencies, e.g., becomes project(':bar').
        In the cartridges block replace all programmatic dependency declarations for cartridges contained in your component set with project dependencies, e.g.,  fooCartridges.collect {"$it"}  becomes fooCartridges.collect { project(":$it") }
  3. Test your changes.
     Execute gradlew publish  and gradlew deployServer.


    It is necessary to configure your Gradle environment before you run the commands. Please use the available scripts.

  4. Commit the changes to your version control system.
  5. Adapt your CI configuration following the documentation Recipe: Setup CI Build for Project Artifacts in Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure.

Migrate Version Configuration for Gradle Tools 2.11.6


This section only applies for Gradle Tools 2.11.6.

In the first step, it is necessary to adapt the corporate distribution. Therefore it is necessary to change the initialization script and create a build of the distribution.

  1. The old versioning plugin must be removed from the class path in the initialization script.

     dependencies {
    +  //Repository configuration - provided by Intershop
    +  classpath 'com.intershop.gradle.repoconfig:repoconfig-gradle-plugin:3.1.0'
    -  // versioning plugin - provided by Intershop
    -  classpath ''
  2. This configuration block must be removed from the initialization script.

    -allprojects {
    -  // Versioning plugin
    -  project.plugins.apply(
  3. Create a new release of the corporate distribution.


    The following changes must be done on the files in the root project.

  4. Add the plugin to the build script section.

     buildscript {
         dependencies {
    +        classpath 'com.intershop.gradle.versionrecommender:versionrecommender-gradle-plugin:1.3.3'
  5. Add all necessary version information to Gradle plugins in the build script section.

     buildscript {
         dependencies {
    +        classpath ''
    +        classpath ''
    +        classpath ''
  6. Apply the plugin to the root project.

    version = scm.version.version 
    apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.versionrecommender'
    apply plugin: 'hot-code-reloading'
  7. Configure the version recommender plugin.

    build.gradle (b2c demo project)
    versionRecommendation {
        provider {
            // default dependencies
            ivy('icm-b2c', 'com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2c:') {}
            // intershop build dependencies
            properties('intershopBuild', file('intershopBuild.version')) {}
        // all versions are used from providers
        forceRecommenderVersion = true
        excludeProjectsbyName = ['microservices']
        updateConfiguration {
            // Necessary for update of ivy artifacts
            ivyPattern = com.intershop.gradle.repoconfig.RepoConfigRegistry.ivyPattern
            defaultUpdateProvider = ['icm-b2c']
            defaultUpdate = 'MINOR'
    def assemblyProjects = ...
  8. Add the new file intershopBuild.version. = 2.11.6 = 2.8.1 = 2.11.6 = 2.11.6 = 2.11.6 = 2.11.6 = 2.11.6
  9. Remove the version configuration from the file.
    Properties starting with version. or filter. can be removed.


    The following steps must be done on the build.gradle file of the assembly project.

  10. Remove the version configuration from the build.gradle file.

    build.gradle (b2c demo project)
    buildDir = new File(projectDir, 'target')
    // if(name == 'inspired-b2c') {
    //     versioning {
    //         useVersionsFrom 'com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2c'
    //     }
    // }
    if(! assemblyProjects.contains(it)) {
    	// apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.sonarQube'
    	// versioning {
     	// 	useVersionsFrom 'com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2x'
     	// }
    	sonarqube {
  11. Add the necessary version information to the build script section.

    buildscript {
        dependencies {
            classpath ''
            classpath 'com.github.groovy-wslite:groovy-wslite:1.1.3'

For more information please see the original documentation of the plugin on GitHub versionrecommender-gradle-plugin.

Product-Specific Deployment Components in Platform

With the introduction of Gradle Tools 2.11 and the release of Intershop Commerce Management 7.8, some Intershop-specific deployment logic has been moved from Gradle Tools into a separate project.

For Intershop Commerce Management 7.6 and 7.7 the deployment and assembly tools are still part of the Gradle Tools 2.11 delivery.

Since ish-assembly and a part of deployment-bootstrap have been moved to a separate project, several changes are necessary.

Replacing deployment-bootstrap


This change will be delivered completely with Intershop Commerce Management 7.8.

The sub-project deploy-bootstrap was split up into several sub-projects, and depending on the context, different adaptions are necessary.


The DeploymentBootstrapPlugin is now part of the deployment-launcher sub-project. Therefore:

  1. Replace the following code:

    classpath 'com.intershop:deployment-bootstrap:2.11.+'


    classpath '' 

Using deploy-plugins

The Intershop-specific deployment logic is part of p_platform now. Therefore, in the build.gradle of the platform assembly:

  1. Replace the following code:

    dependencies {
    	'deploy-plugins' "com.intershop:deployment-bootstrap"


    dependencies {	
    	'deploy-plugins' project(':deploy_platform')
    	'deploy-plugins' project(':assembly_operations')


    For Gradle 2.11.6, use the following code as replacement.
    dependencies {	
    	'deploy-plugins' 'com.intershop.deployment:deploy-intershop'
    	'deploy-plugins' 'com.intershop.deployment:assembly-toolbox'

Replacing Dependencies of Dependencies

It is necessary to avoid implicit dependencies to the deployment-bootstrap. They may occur, for example, if a component set depends on another component set that depends on deployment-bootstrap, e.g., p_platform depends on p_infrastructure, which still has the dependency to deployment-bootstrap. In the deploy-settings.gradle, the HostTypeSettingsPlugin is required, which is now located in the sub-project deploy_platform within com.intershop.platform.

  1. Therefore the following code has to be added in the deploy-settings.gradle to replace the dependencies:

    apply plugin:com.intershop.deploy.settings.HostTypeSettingsPlugin
    //  Substitutes 'com.intershop:deployment-bootstrap' with 'com.intershop.platform:deploy_platform' (so not all *.gradle files have to be changed)
    gradle.allprojects{project ->
    }as Action


    For Gradle 2.11.6, use the following code as replacement.
    apply plugin:com.intershop.deploy.settings.HostTypeSettingsPlugin
    //  Substitutes 'com.intershop:deployment-bootstrap' with 'com.intershop.deployment:deploy-intershop' (so not all *.gradle files have to be changed)
    gradle.allprojects{project ->
    }as Action

Replacing ish-assembly

  1. Since ish-assembly and the operations assembly are now part of p_platform, the following replacement is necessary in the build.gradle of the assemblies (f_business, f_b2b):

    buildscript {
        dependencies {
            classpath ''


    buildscript {
        dependencies {
            classpath 'com.intershop.platform:assembly_operations'


    Using Gradle Tools 2.11.6, the classpaths '' or 'com.intershop.platform:assembly_operations' need to be replaced by 'com.intershop.deployment:assembly-toolbox:1.0.0'.


The following plugins provided by Intershop are now deprecated and will be removed from the next release without a replacement:

  • component-set plugin
    This plugin is no longer necessary because the assembly is now part of the project and can be used for the versioning plugin. 
    This functionality can be replaced with a script in the settings.gradle:

    def excludeList = ['gradle', '.gradle', 'target', 'build', 'bin', 'reports']
    def dirMatch = {dirPath ->
        File dirFile = new File(dirPath)
        ! excludeList.contains( && dirFile.list()?.contains('build.gradle')
    rootDir.eachDirMatch(dirMatch) {File proj ->
        include ":${}"
  • ish-sonar-plugin
    This plugin will be removed with the next release and replaced with a new public plugin.
  • ish-tloc-plugin
    This plugin will be removed with the next release because it is no longer used.
  • ish-hotfix-plugin
    This plugin will be removed with the next release because it i s no longer used.


For Gradle 2.11.6 the following plugins are deprecated as well.
  • ish-wsdl-plugin
    This plugin will be removed with the next release because it is no longer used.
  • ish-isml-plugin
    This plugin will be removed with the next release because it is no longer used. 
  • ish-jaxb-plugin
    This plugin will be removed with the next release because it is no longer used. 
  • ish-javacc-plugin
    This plugin will be removed with the next release because it is no longer used. 

Potential Breaking Changes

Corporate Plugin Replaced by Public Plugin 

The corporate plugin and the corporate plugin configuration have been replaced by the public Gradle plugin repoconfig-gradle-plugin.

Deprecated Hotfix Importer Removed

The Hotfix Importer was removed with Gradle Tools 2.8, after being deprecated with Gradle Tools 2.7, and replaced by the Intershop Public Repository (see Public Release Notes - Gradle Tools - Version 2.7 | Deprecations | Hotfix Import Workflow Replaced by the Intershop Public Repository).

Groovy Updated to v2.4

Since Version 2.8, Gradle ships with Groovy 2.4.4 instead of 2.3.10. The migration should be seamless in general, but there might be some binary compatibility issues when using Groovy with @CompileStatic. Additionally, Spock has been updated accordingly from 1.0-groovy-2.3 to 1.0-groovy-2.4.

Please be sure to recompile all your binary Groovy artifacts, i. e., code that is not contained in .gradle script files, if any.

Update of Geb Integration Test Framework to 0.13.1

Due to the update of Groovy it was necessary to adapt the version of the Geb test framework accordingly. The new version is not completely compatible with the latest used version (0.12.2).

Please check the documentation on for more information.




  • ISTOOLS-3158: Gradle tools writing the project version to the manifest
    This prevents Artifactory to optimize the storage of jar files without code changes. If metadata, like project version, are necessary in the manifest, it is possible to configure this in the build script. It is also possible to use the build info plugin for more detailed information.


  • ISTOOLS-3262: Add JGroups configuration and changed default synchronization configuration to JGroups


  • ISTOOLS-3107: Issues with service script creation on docker images solved
  • ISTOOLS-2943: will be created if does not exist
  • ISTOOLS-2820: it is now possible to deactivate the old isml plugin


  • AbstractDatabaseBuildConfiguration: return the database input file for import if a file is defined
  • Add deprecation warnings for WSDL, ISML and Versioning plugin
  • Deployment: Double quotes in properties will no longer be escaped


  • DeployWindowsServiceTask: Adapt powershell command for Windows 10
  • Add support for multiple assembly projects
  • ISML task supports taglibs
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