Welcome to Intershop’s Tutorial Simple Setup of a Development-System. In this tutorial we want to show you the development-system setup step by step. You will get a deployed development server and access to our responsive starter store and all standard functionalities of our ICM 7.9 b2x version.
This video tutorial also applies to setting up an Intershop Commerce Management 7.10 development environment. In this case you only need to add additional database configuration parameters (databaseType
and jdbcUrl
) to the environment.properties file of your assembly.
# databaseType: oracle | mssql databaseType = # jdbcURL for mssql : jdbc:sqlserver://<HOST>:<PORT>;databaseName=<DBSCHEMA_NAME> # using sid : jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:<PORT>:<SID> # using service Name : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<HOST>:<PORT>/<SERVICE_NAME> jdbcUrl =
Steps to be done:
Setup the database.
The CI structure with the Nexus preparations, the related Version Control System and the CI Server will not be considered in this tutorial.
This tutorial is valid to Gradle Tools - Version 2.11.
Our system is based on Linux. We additionally provide adoption instructions for systems based on Windows.
The project will be set up in our User-Home. The next steps are based on Cookbook - Setup CI Infrastructure.
This Cookbook describes in full detail how to create the required CI infrastructure. It provides detailed examples based on Jenkins as CI server and Subversion or Git for version control. In addition, the Cookbook also describes how to set up the required users and permissions.
We refer to the recipes Create Sources From Intershop Templates and Set Up Project Based on the Responsive Starter Store. For a project setup or development environment setup it is necessary to have scripts, configuration files and also some basic source artifacts.
wget https://github.com/IntershopCommunicationsAG/intershop-cisetup-template/archive/master.zip.
Go to intershop-cisetup-template-master and change build.gradle:
setupDirectory = '/home/intershop1/intershop-cisetup-sources' repoBaseURL = 'http://localhost:8081/nexus/content' distributionURL='http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/distributions/gradle-dist/test.corporatename/2.0.0/test.corporatename-2.0.0.zip' projectName = 'a_responsive'
./gradlew intershopCISetupAll.
inspired-b2c, .ivyIcm-b2c
) (STRG+H → show hidden files).apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.artifactorypublish-configuration
into //apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.artifactorypublish-configuration
apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.simplepublish-configuration
into apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.simplepublish-configuration
*/** * This plugin will create a source package of the build. * It is possible to use this e.g. for the creation of an ESCROW package. * _This plugin is optional._ * See https://github.com/IntershopCommunicationsAG/gradle-release-plugins **/ apply plugin: 'com.intershop.gradle.escrow-plugin' escrow { sourceGroup = 'com.intershop.public.source' exclude '**/target' exclude '**/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties' }*
artifactory *{ publish { // for ivy publications repository { maven = false } // list of publication names defaults { publications('ivy', 'ivyEscrow') } } }*
ivy('icm-b2c', 'com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2c:') {}
into //ivy('icm-b2c', 'com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2c:') {}.
defaultUpdateProvider = ['icm-b2c'|'icm-b2x']
into defaultUpdateProvider = ['icm-b2x'].
def assemblyProjects = [ project(':inspired-b2c'), project(':inspired-b2x') ]
into def assemblyProjects = [ project(':inspired-b2x') ].
property was not already set with the task intershopCISetupAll
(see step 3 and 4):Open the terminal: ./gradlew enableHotCodeReloading.
If a "build failed" message occurs in this step that points to a missing gradle.properties file in your gradle home directory (${HOME}/.gradle/gradle.properties), create an empty gradle.properties file at this location for further processing.
Copy environment.properties in intershop-cisetup-sources/projects/a_responsive/inspired-b2x/target/samples.
If there is no sample file in this directory, it may have been copied to the location defined in the ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_buildEnvironmentPropertiesSample
property within the gradle_environment.sh/.bat file. This depends on whether the gradle environment was previously set in the console or not.
Change and customize it with your own properties.
We recommend to use the development properties file to overwrite default settings.
Open the terminal:
. gradle_environment.sh ./gradlew publish
Open the terminal:
. gradle_environment.sh ./gradlew deployServer su - (insert password for root privileges)
Skip this step if a Microsoft SQL Server Database is in use. For Microsoft SQL Server Databases, jump to the next section (Setup and Initialize the Microsoft SQL Server Database).
Steps 1 and 2 can be skipped if the database is already prepared. Otherwise, setting up the database requires dba permissions.
Open the terminal:
. environment.sh ./dbinit.sh -classic
Skip this step if an Oracle Database is in use.
Open the terminal:
. environment.sh ./dbinit.sh -classic
Open the terminal:
su - (insert password for root privileges)
cd /etc/init.d.
Execute the tasks to start the services:
/etc/init.d/microservicesService1 start /etc/init.d/DiscoveryServerService1 start /etc/init.d/eserver1 start