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  • Gradle Tools
  • ICM 7.10
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Overview - Build, Assembly and Deployment


The present page serves as an overview for the topic. All available documents for the topic can be found here.

The present document replaces the document Overview - Gradle-Based Build and Deployment (KB-ID L25628)

About the Topic

Continuous Integration

Isoftware engineering, continuous integration is the practice of frequently merging and testing individual changes to code artifacts with a shared code base.

Intershop 7 (as of version 7.4 CI) and Intershop Commerce Management are bundled with Gradle-based tools that are used to build, assemble, upgrade, downgrade, deploy and undeploy system components. These tools are designed to implement flexible continuous delivery processes.

The goals of the continuous delivery process include:

  • Provide feedback as fast as possible to the developers
  • Continuously build, integrate, deploy and test the product to be delivered
  • Automate as much as possible to reduce the maintenance efforts of the build system

Build Process

The process of converting ("compiling") source code into executable software.

In the Intershop 7 context, several build process types were employed (up to Intershop 7.4):

Beginning with the continuous integration support for Intershop 7 and Intershop Commerce Management, Intershop replaces this approach with


Depending on the context, "assembly" may be

Depending on the project-specific configuration, an assembly can produce


Deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. The deployment process consists of several interrelated activities with possible transitions between them. These activities can occur at the producer side or at the customer side or both. Because every software system is unique, the precise processes or procedures within each activity can hardly be defined. Therefore, "deployment" should be interpreted as a general process that has to be customized according to specific requirements or characteristics.

Intershop includes the following activities into the deployment:

  • Provide environment (e.g. productive, test, backup)
  • Install/update software
  • Configure software



The property valid from indicates the first version for which this document is valid.

The property valid to indicates the last version for which this document is valid.

The version numbers 7.x are related to the products Intershop 7 or Intershop Commerce Suite.

All other version numbers are related to the product Intershop Gradle Tools.

Please note that the Intershop Customer Knowledge Base provides product-related filter criteria.

Document Groups

The present section provides a more detailed view about the available documents then the generic report above.


Concept - Continuous Delivery Tools (valid to 7.10)This is an overview about the idea behind Intershop Continous Delivery Tools. It should help to understand the big picture.
Cookbook - Setup of CI Infrastructure

Previous versions of this cookbook can be found here:

If a build engineer or system administrator wants to start with the preparation of an environment with all necessary servers and source artifacts, he should start with this document. This documents prepares also some necessary artifacts for an simple setup of a demo environment.

Guide - Quick Project Setup

Intershop 7 (since IS 7.4 CI) is delivered with tools that can be used to build, assemble, upgrade, downgrade, deploy and undeploy software components.

The present document is intended as a quick start guide for consultants and developers for a quick project setup.


The activities described in this document are intended to give a rough overview of the setup steps. The document helps to get a first impression about the functionalities of the Intershop platform and the "look and feel" when developing applications.

Be aware that this quick guide does neither describe the quickest solution for many developers, nor do the approaches mentioned here meet the requirements of a full-scale project setup.

To set up a development environment, please follow the Cookbook - Setup of CI Infrastructure (valid to Gradle Tools 2.7) instead, which focuses on creating a reusable infrastructure for multiple developers.

For more detailed information to a complete CI Infrastructure, please refer to Cookbook - Setup of CI Infrastructure (valid to Gradle Tools 2.7).

For more detailed information about deploying Intershop 7 instances, please refer to Cookbook - Gradle Deployment Tools (7.4 CI - ICM 7.7).

The procedures described in the present guide are based on Intershop 7.6 in combination with Intershop Gradle Tools 2.7.

Previous versions of this cookbook can be found here:

Cookbook - Gradle Developer Workflow

If a developer wants to start with development of components (cartridges), he find the first information in this document.

A previous version of this cookbook can be found here:

Cookbook - Gradle Developer Workflow (valid to Gradle Tools 2.7)

Build Tools

Concept - Gradle Build Tools

Developers and build engineers can find the most important information for the configuration of the component build in this document:

  • Server and their functionality
  • Information about the environment variables
  • All available Gradle plugins
  • Directory / file layouts for system component sets and system components.
Cookbook - Gradle Build Tools

This cookbook contains recipes for some special cartridge build configurations and some special tasks.

Reference - Gradle Build ToolsThis is the reference of Intershop build plugins and extensions.

Assembly Tools

Concept - Gradle Assembly Tools

If a developer wants to start with development of an assembly, he should read this document first.

Cookbook - Gradle Assembly Tools

This cookbook contains recipes for the implementation of an assembly.

A previous version of this cookbook can be found here:

Cookbook - Gradle Assembly Tools (valid to 7.8)

Reference - Gradle Assembly Tools

This document describes the Gradle DSL extension of the Intershop assembly plugins.

Deployment Tools

Concept - Gradle Deployment Tools If a developer, build engineer or administrator wants to get an overview of the functionality and important plugins of the deployment tools, he should use this document.
Cookbook - Deployment Tools ICM 7.10

This cookbook contains recipes for the implementation of a deployment.

Previous versions of this cookbook can be found here:

Reference - Gradle Deployment Tools

This document describes the Gradle DSL extension of the Intershop deployment plugins.


Guide - Setup Oracle XE as Intershop Development Database (valid to 7.10)

This guide helps to set up an Oracle XE for Intershop. This database can be used for development or presentation cases.

Guide - Setup Microsoft SQL Server as Intershop Development DatabaseThis document describes how to configure MS SQL Edition and Intershop 7 for use as a development database.
Guide - General Database Setup (valid to 7.10)

This guide is addressed to system administrators/DBAs who have to set up an Oracle database instance for Intershop 7. It does not describe the steps to do in detail, but summarizes the general requirements and common settings that an Intershop 7 cluster expects as preconditions to function properly.

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