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Video Tutorials
Intershop Studio
Video Tutorial - Intershop Studio (IStudio) Part 2 - Cartridge Development



This document replaces the outdated article with the ID 2557G5 and the same title.

The Intershop Studio, based on Eclipse, is the main development tool for the Intershop 7 platform. It offers an IDE for all development relevant tasks and assets like cartridges, pipelines, templates, pagelets, queries, and many more.

Intershop Studio allows you to customize code for your application to meet business requirements and processes.

The tutorial series contains several topics like:

  • Part 1: Installation and Configuration 
  • Part 2: Cartridge Development
  • Part 3: Code Debugging (especially pipeline debugging)

Part 2 of 3 gives you a short overview of working with Intershop Studio. We will create a cartridge that adds functionality to display some information about the sites and their assigned applications into the Operations organization. The cartridge already includes prepared content like pipelets and templates, which are part of the technical training courses.

If you want to recreate this tutorial, you can find the necessary files here:


Video Tutorial


Additionally to this tutorial, you can follow the tutorial tasks in the Guidance section below the video.



  1. Create a cartridge.
  2. Create a pipeline.
    1. Edit the pipeline.
  3. Check the result.
  4. Edit the cartridge content.


Create a Cartridge

  1. Open the Intershop Studio.
  2. Right-click on Package Explorer.
  3. Select New | Cartridge.
  4. Enter a valid cartridge and package name under Cartridge name and Package.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select Default [Ivy Support] under Cartridge Templates.
  7. Under Cartridges, add the cartridges sld_system_app and bc_foundation.
  8. Click Finish.

Create a Pipeline

  1. Drag and drop the training files (from the attached files) into the Package Explorer.
  2. Right-click on the cartridge folder tutorial.
  3. Select New | Pipeline.
  4. Under Name, enter a name for the pipeline and select Replace as the Override mode.
  5. Select view as the type by pressing Ctrl + Space in the text box.
  6. Select Application as the Group by pressing Ctrl + Space in the text box.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select Create Start Node and choose application/ApplicationFrame -sld_system_app as Rendering Template.

  9. Click Finish.

Edit the Pipeline

  1. Click the Show Palette arrow to display the pipeline editor.

  2. Select Pipelet and click the arrow between Start and the interaction node to insert it.

  3. Select the inserted pipelet.

  4. Click ... to insert the CreateSiteIterator[]:Sites -bc_foundation pipelet.

  5. Connect the error node to the arrow between the inserted pipelet and the interaction node, since the error node is not part of this tutorial.

  6. Press Ctrl + T to refurbish the arrow.

  7. Select Pipelet and click the arrow between the already inserted pipelet and the interaction node to insert a second pipelet.

  8. Select the inserted pipelet.

  9. Click ... to insert the PrepareApplicationView pipelet.

  10. Switch to the Configuration tab.

  11. Under Working template, click ... and select the template application/IncludeApps -tutorial(Tutorial ) - Templates.

  12. Select the pipeline, go to the Permissions tab, and click New to set permissions for the administrator.

  13. Select Organization as Element.

  14. Enter SLD_MANAGE_ENTERPRISES as Permission.

  15. Click OK and save the pipeline.

  16. Right-click the cartridge in Package Explorer and select Build cartridge (Ant Build).

  17. Select Sort targets and Hide internal targets not selected for execution for a better overview.

  18. Select the clean target, click Order..., and change the priority of the clean target so that it will be executed before the build [ Default ] target.

  19. Click OK.

    Building means adding new content to the existing cartridge. Cleaning the cartridge before the build process reduces the chance of old code fragments causing complications later.

  20. Click Apply, and then Run.

    The file defines where the created cartridges are located. Ensure that your build process adds your cartridge to this exact location.

  21. Register the cartridge in your file.

    Please restart your application server after this registration.

Check the Result

  1. Open Intershop 7 and log in as admin in your existing Operations organization.
    A new menu point called Sites & Applications has been added by the SiteNavigationBar.isml template.
  2. Click on Sites & Applications.
    The information area was filled by the template IncludeApps.isml.

Edit the Cartridge Content

  1. Switch back to Intershop Studio.
  2. To edit the name of the Sites & Applications menu point, open the file under tutorial | staticfiles | cartridge | localizations and edit the attribute.
  3. Save and rebuild the cartridge by clicking on Run tutorial build.xml and 1 tutorial build.xml.

    The rebuild is necessary to make the changed content available. In special situations, a restart of the application server might also be necessary.

  4. Check the results in Intershop 7.
  5. To change the delivered content, open the IncludeApps.isml template under tutorial | staticfiles | cartridge | template | default | application and edit the content with intershop specific and valid code.

    If you need further assistance, please contact the Support team or the Technical Training department.

  6. Save and rebuild the cartridge by clicking on Run tutorial build.xml and 1 tutorial build.xml.
  7. Check the results in Intershop 7.
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