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Intershop Progressive Web App
Concept - Intershop Progressive Web App - CMS Integration


The Intershop REST API contains resources reflecting the aspects of Intershop's integrated Content Management System (CMS), i.e.
Pagelets, Includes, Pages.

Calling the /cms resource will list the available CMS sub resources for the different CMS artifacts.

  "elements": [
      "type": "Link",
      "uri": "inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site/-/cms/viewcontexts",
      "title": "viewcontexts"
      "type": "Link",
      "uri": "inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site/-/cms/includes",
      "title": "includes"
      "type": "Link",
      "uri": "inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site/-/cms/pagelets",
      "title": "pagelets"
      "type": "Link",
      "uri": "inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site/-/cms/pages",
      "title": "pages"
      "type": "Link",
      "uri": "inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site/-/cms/pagetree",
      "title": "pagetree"
  "type": "ResourceCollection"

With this API, a client can retrieve a composition of involved CMS objects (e.g. include, component, slot, component and so on).
It is the client's responsibility to interpret and "render" such a composition tree.
In the PWA this is done by mapping each element onto an Angular specific render component.

CMS Integration Overview

Angular CMS Components

A CMS render component in Angular has to fulfill the following requirements:

  • It is declared in the CMSModule.
  • The component must have an input for the assigned pagelet.
  • It is added to the CMSModule as an entryComponent (required, so a factory is generated as it is not referenced directly).
  • A mapping has to be provided in the CMSModule to map the definitionQualifiedName of the ICM realm to the PWA render component.
  • It needs to implement the CMSComponent interface.
providers: [
    provide: CMS_COMPONENT,
    useValue: {
      definitionQualifiedName: 'app_sf_customer_cm:component.custom.inventory.pagelet2-Component',
      class: CMSInventoryComponent,
    multi: true,

When using ng generate with PWA custom schematics, you can apply all those changes described automatically.
For example, the following code block creates a new Angular component named cms-inventory and registers it with the CMSModule.

$ ng generate cms inventory --definition-qualified-name app_sf_customer_cm:component.custom.inventory.pagelet2-Component
CREATE src/app/cms/components/cms-inventory/cms-inventory.component.ts (386 bytes)
CREATE src/app/cms/components/cms-inventory/cms-inventory.component.html (32 bytes)
CREATE src/app/cms/components/cms-inventory/cms-inventory.component.spec.ts (795 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/cms/cms.module.ts (4956 bytes)

Design View


To use the new Design View for the PWA within the Intershop Administration Portal ICM version 11.7.0 or above is needed.

The Intershop PWA 5.0.0 introduces experimental support for the new Design View that can be used within the Intershop Administration Portal (IAP).
Besides access to the IAP ICM 11 is required, that provides the necessary CMS Management REST API to get information about available CMS models and the CMS page tree and to edit CMS components.

ICM 11 does not provide the basic support for a design preview (as mentioned in the next section) so the Design View tab in the ICM backoffice cannot be used to preview content changes in the PWA.
The new Design View in the IAP currently only supports content editing but not content preview.

Design Preview

In conjunction with Intershop Commerce Management (ICM), Intershop PWA 3.3.0 introduced basic support for a design preview.
This means the Design View tab in the ICM backoffice can be used to preview content changes in the PWA, but without any direct editing capabilities.
Direct item preview for products, categories and content pages works now as well in the context of the PWA.

The preview feature basically consists of the PreviewService that handles the preview functionality by listening for PreviewContextID initialization or changes and saving it to the browser session storage.
The PreviewInterceptor than handles adding a currently available PreviewContextID as matrix parameter ;prectx= to all REST requests so they can be evaluated on the ICM side returning content fitting to the set preview context.

To end a preview session and to delete the saved PreviewContextID in the browser session storage, use the Finish Preview button of the Design View configuration.

Navigation CMS Components

With the Intershop PWA release 5.1.0 three new CMS rendering components are introduced that can be used to extend the main navigation.

Component Description
Navigation Category Renders a main navigation entry based on the selected category with optional sub navigation.
Navigation Link Renders a main navigation entry to the given link with optional sub navigation.
Navigation Page Renders a main navigation entry based on the selected page with optional sub navigation.

The according content models, to configure these new components in the ICM backoffice, are part of icm-as-customization-headless:1.7.0 (ICM 11.9.0).
They are all assignable to the Header - Navigation include and can be combined to extend the main navigation.
It would also be possible to completely configure the main navigation with these components without the default main navigation by only rendering the <ish-lazy-content-include includeId="include.header.navigation.pagelet2-Include"/> in the HeaderNavigationComponent.
To fulfill such a requirement the source code needs to be adapted accordingly.

All three component allow the configuration of additional freestyle HTML that is rendered within the sub navigation layer.
The root element as well as the depth of the sub navigation tree is configurable for the Navigation Category and the Navigation Page component.

Integration with an External CMS

Since the Intershop PWA can integrate any other REST API in addition to the ICM REST API, it should not be a problem to integrate an external 3rd party CMS that provides an own REST API, instead of using the integrated ICM CMS.
Even combinations would be possible.

In case an external API has to be integrated, the native Angular httpClient must to be used for the REST calls instead of the PWA's apiService.
In addition, the mapping of content to the according places in the PWA needs to be handled in a way fitting to the external CMS.

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