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  • ICM 11
  • ICM 12
Reference - Intershop Commerce Management Jobs


This reference describes the pre-configured Intershop jobs that are applicable to ICM 11+. It explains their purpose, the tasks they do, where to find them, as well as provides recommendations with regard to the job configuration. The document is intended to support administrative staff during the installation and configuration of Intershop Commerce Management 11.0 and later versions. This also applies for multi-data center environments.


In general, Intershop recommends to enable only those jobs that are required for the proper operation of an Intershop Commerce Management system.

Job Table Glossary

Default StateThe job state after a DBPrepare.
IsSiteSpecific[ True | False | Unknown ] indicator for data modification within affected tables:
  • True - data modification only for specific domain/site
  • False - data modification for all domains/sites
  • Unknown - unknown
Product Version
The initial Intershop Commerce Management version the job was created.
Product To Version
The last Intershop Commerce Management version for which the job applies.
Job DependenciesThe dependencies to other jobs, respectively batch processes.

SQL Helper

SQL Helper to detect current job information from database:

col Domain          format a50
col Name            format a70
col DefaultState    format a15
select dn(domainid) as "Domain"
       ,name        as "Name" 
       ,decode(enabledflag, 0, 'Disabled', 1, 'Enabled') as "DefaultState"
  from jobconfiguration
  order by 1,2;

Overview Jobs

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