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ICM 7.10
Guide - 7.10 Migrate from Oracle Database to Microsoft SQL Server/Azure SQL Managed Instance


ICM 7.10 now supports MS SQL Server as an additional database type besides Oracle. 

General Approach

DBMigrate for Microsoft SQL Server is supported starting with 7.10.2 GA only. This implies that customers who want to migrate must first migrate to 7.10 on Oracle before they can begin migrating to Microsoft SQL Server.


Microsoft SQL Server Setup


For more information on how to configure MS SQL Edition and Intershop 7 to be used as a development database, see Guide - Setup Microsoft SQL Server as Intershop Development Database.

Test / Production

For more information on how to configure SQL Server and Intershop 7 for a production environment, see Guide - Setup Microsoft SQL Server as Intershop Production Database.


For details on deployment, see Guide - 7.10 Database Deployment Configuration.

Code Migration


Intershop recommends using the data created by DBInit for development purposes. DDL preparers in DBMigrate may need to be converted to DBInit to create the initial table structures and indexes if only DBMigrate was used.

As of 7.10 GA, DBInit does not clear the database contents by default. To do this, an additional parameter must be added to the DBInit call:

cd %IS_HOME%\bin
dbinit.bat --clean-db=<FLAG>

Available values for the cleanup are onlyyes / no.

It is also possible to perform only the DDL database preparation steps to prepare the table, indexes, stored procedures, and functions:

dbinit.bat --ddl=true

More details can be found in Cookbook - DBInit.

Database-Dependent Preparer

If the custom preparer is to be run only for a specific database, the additional sqldialect parameter can be used.

The preparer is only executed if the database system matches the sqldialect. Currently, the dialects Oracle and Microsoft are available, e.g., in this example the script will only be executed if the system is running on an Oracle database system.

pre.Class1 = com.intershop.beehive.core.dbmigrate.preparer.database.ExecuteSQLScriptPreparer \
         resources/bc_rating_orm/dbmigrate/scripts/RecreateRatingCommentIndexes.sql \


There is no difference compared to running DBMigrate on Oracle.

Adapting Queries for SQL Server

The SQL syntax for Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL Server is not completely identical. They are slightly different. However, it is possible to provide both SQL dialects in the same file. For more details, see Reference - Query File Syntax and Cookbook - Mastering Database Independence.

Migrate Stored Procedures, Functions, PL/SQL

The syntax for stored procedures in Microsoft SQL Server also differs from that in Oracle Database. See SQL Server Create Procedure for further details.

For Microsoft SQL Server, the stored procedures are located in: /staticfiles/cartridge/lib/resources/{cartridge}/dbinit/scripts/microsoft. The stored procedures must be converted.

Java Code Changes

Running Database-Specific Code

Sometimes it is necessary to run specific code for different databases. To determine which database is currently in use, you can use the com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.cartridge.SQLDialect enum:

import com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.cartridge.SQLDialect;
    if (SQLDialect.ORACLE.isActive())
    	// Oracle specifics
    else if (SQLDialect.MSSQL.isActive())
    	// Microsoft SQL Server specifics
    	throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown SQL dialect " + SQLDialect.getCurrentSQLDialect());

Data Migration via Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle

To migrate the data from Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL Managed Instance, use the Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle tool.


  • Fully prepared Oracle schema (7.10): If the version is lower than 7.10, run a DBMigrate on Oracle to 7.10 first.
  • DDL only prepared MS-SQL schema (dbinit -classic --ddl=true): This is necessary because the assistant does not create the necessary table structure and indexes.
  • ThenormalizeTableStructure.sql script is executed in the SQL Server database (for normalizing the table structure).

Data Migration Steps

  1. Run the Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle and perform the following steps (tested with SSMA v8.1.0):
    1. Go to File | New Project and create a new project.
      1. Specify the project name, the project file location and the target database version.
      2. Click OK.

    2. Go to Tools | Project Settings.
      1. Go to General | Migration | Misc | Batch Size.
      2. Change the value to 10001.

    3. Connect to Oracle (admin rights are required here, use SYSTEM login).
      1. Select the Oracle Data Provider for .NET from the list of providers:

        (Avoid using the OLEDB provider!)
        The required connection string has the following format:
        Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MyHost)(PORT=MyPort))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=MyOracleSID)));User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
        Data Source=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ORCL1)));User Id=system;Password=intershop;
      2. Deselect Load all user objects.
      3. Select Oracle Schema to migrate.
      4. Click OK.

    4. Connect to the SQL Server.

    5. In the Oracle Metadata Explorer, expand Schemas and select the database to convert.
    6. In the Oracle Schema Mapping Window:
      1. Select Source Schema to export.

      2. Click Modify to modify the Target Schema (e.g., intershop.dbo).
  2. In the Oracle Metadata Explorer:
    1. Expand the Source Schema (e.g., INTERSHOP).
    2. Select Sequences, Synonyms and Tables, deselect others.
    3. Right-click on Tables and and select Advanced Object Selection.
      1. Deselect all tables with the prefix DR$ (Oracle Text index tables).
      2. Deselect all tables with the prefix MY_ (will be created if required).
      3. Deselect the table NOT_USABLE_INDEXES (not needed under MS SQL).
      4. Deselect the table PLSQLLOG (not needed under MS SQL).
      5. Deselect tables with the prefix DBMONITOR_.
      6. Click Close.

    4. Change Type Mapping:
      1. Select the table PRODUCTBINDINGATTRIBUTE.
      2. Switch to Type Mapping View.

      3. Check if Columns type mapping is selected.
      4. Change Type mapping number to int.

      5. Click OK.
      6. Apply Type Mapping changes.
    5. Right-click on your Oracle database and select Convert Schema.
      The metadata will be analyzed.
    6. If the message The target 'synonym: XYZ' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? is displayed, click Overwrite All.
  3. In the Oracle Metadata Explorer, right-click on Source Schema and select Migrate Data.
  4. Provide the login parameters for databases again.


    After analyzing both databases, a summary with failed prerequisites is displayed. Please note that warnings for tables which already contain data can be ignored.

  5. Click Continue.
    The Oracle database will then be migrated to MS SQL.
    When the migration is finished, the Data Migration Report is displayed.
  6. Click Close.
  7. In the SQL Server Metadata Explorer, go to Databases | <Database Name> | Schemas | dbo, right-click on Synonyms and select Synchronize with Database.
  8. In the Synchronize with the Database popup, click OK.
  9. In the SQL Server Metadata Explorer, go to Databases | <Database Name> | Schemas | dbo, right-click on Sequences and select Synchronize with Database.
  10. In the Synchronize with the Database popup, click OK.
  11. Execute this script on the target database to verify that synonyms are set correctly.
    1. To check how synonyms were migrated, execute the following SQL query:
      select name, base_object_name from sys.synonyms;
    2. If the base_object_name values are like [icmdbXYZ].[dbo].[CLASSIFICATIONCOUNT$1] i.e. have the DB and schema qualifiers, then you need to remove them.
      We need a pure name like [CLASSIFICATIONCOUNT$1]:
      Or execute this script: Synonyms_RenameTargets.sql

Execution Durations

When performing the steps described in the previous chapter, keep in mind that some of these steps can take a considerable amount of time. 

The actual execution time required depends on the following parameters:

  • Performance of the Oracle database server
  • Performance of the MS SQL database server
  • Performance of the machine that executes the SSMA tool
  • Network performance (throughput and latency) between the above mentioned machines
  • Amount of data to be transferred

The following times have been measured as an example to know the expected duration (based on inSPIRED-b2x demo data):

7e) Convert Schema61 minutes
8) Migrate Data9 minutes
12+13) Synchronize Synonyms with Database0 minutes
14+15) Synchronize Sequences with Database0 minutes
16) Execute script0 minutes

Additional Hints

Microsoft suggests to adapt one to two connections for each core.

Some customers want to reduce the downtime of their system. A two-step migration can reduce the downtime significantly. In the first step all "non-transactional" data is transferred (such as products, content, configurations, ...), in the second step all "transactional" data is transferred (such as users, baskets, orders, ...).

Intershop provides a list of tables that is suitable for most customers.


Please keep in mind that the list must be extended by custom tables.

In addition, some businesses require changes to non-transactional data on short notice. Therefore, it is important to inform the business users about the transfer period. It may also require additional effort to do the modification a second time on the new platform.

See the attachment for each step (step_1_nontransactional.txtstep_2_transactional.txt).

Disable and Rebuild Indexes

Updating XML and text indexes takes a lot of time. To be more effective, they can be disabled before the migration and rebuilt after the migration.

This is a sample script that helps to disable all indexes shown in a table that has at least one XML index:

DECLARE @indexes TABLE (rowid INT IDENTITY(1,1), indexname nvarchar(128), tablename nvarchar(128));
		@count INT,
		@indexname nvarchar(128),
		@tablename nvarchar(128),

INSERT INTO @indexes
SELECT name as indexname, OBJECT_NAME(object_id) as tablename 
FROM sys.indexes
WHERE is_primary_key = 0
  and object_id IN (select object_id from sys.indexes where type_desc = 'XML')
ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(object_id), name

select @count = COUNT(1) from @indexes

WHILE @i <= @count
	SELECT @indexname = indexname, @tablename = tablename from @indexes where rowid = @i
	SET @sql = CONCAT('ALTER INDEX ', @indexname, ' ON ', @tablename, ' DISABLE')

	PRINT @sql
	EXEC sp_executesql @sql

	SET @i = @i+1

The following script shows how to rebuild the indexes:

DECLARE @indexname nvarchar(128),
		@tablename nvarchar(128),

SELECT TOP 1 @indexname = name, @tablename = OBJECT_NAME(object_ID) FROM sys.indexes where is_disabled = 1 AND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) = SCHEMA_NAME()
WHILE @indexname IS NOT NULL
	SET @sql = CONCAT('ALTER INDEX ', @indexname, ' ON ', @tablename, ' REBUILD')

	PRINT @sql

	EXEC sp_executesql @sql

	SET @indexname = NULL
	SET @tablename = NULL
	SELECT TOP 1 @indexname = name, @tablename = OBJECT_NAME(object_ID) FROM sys.indexes where is_disabled = 1 AND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id) = SCHEMA_NAME()

A search query in an XML column such as the XML product attributes is much slower than in Oracle. Either use direct custom attributes or add these attributes to the Solr search index, which is the recommended solution.


Check the following document for replication with SQL Server: Guide - Replication with Microsoft SQL Server/Azure SQL Managed Instance.

Development Tool dev_query

This tool contains some tools for database-related content to help the developer.

For a comprehensive guide, see Cookbook - Developer Tools dev_query.


JUnit Query Tests

To check the correctness of the queries, a new test has been added.

See Recipe: Create Test Case for a Particular Query for its usage.

Syntax Test (Prototype)

All queries on the server can be tested for correct syntax. To do so, execute the This test can be found in the cartridge dev_query.

It also checks for suspicious elements in queries that do not run in SQL Server.

There is a prepared launch configuration to start the test. The following attributes are required:

// Microsoft SQL Server configuration
-DCONNECTION_URL=jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port>;databaseName=<database name>
// Oracle configuration
#   using sid           : jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:<PORT>:<SID>
#   using service Name  : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<HOST>:<PORT>/<SERVICE_NAME>
-DDB_USER_NAME=<db user name>
-DDB_USER_PASSWORD=<db password>


This test does not check if the query is semantically correct.

SQL Logging

Several tools have been added to help developers analyze the queries sent to the database system.

These tools are located in the dev_query cartridge.

Record Queries

It is possible to record all queries sent to a database system, see Recipe: Record Query Call Log Files.

Replay Queries

The recorded queries can be replayed against another database system to verify that the syntax and semantics remain the same or to measure the performance of the database system.

This allows you to check for differences between databases.

See Recipe: Replay Query Log Files.

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