The features listed here refer to ICM 12 compared to ICM 11. Features that are implemented after ICM 12.0.0 will be added gradually as well, so you will also find information about minor version features within ICM 12 here.
All jobs can now make use of cron expressions. This allows for more fine-grained control over job execution. Define certain time frames or periods for job processing that suit your business best, e.g., by simply excluding a certain time frame from job execution to ensure that your most significant business hours remain unaffected by jobs running in the background. Using cron expressions allows, for example, to have cleanup jobs running only at night, to configure order export jobs that run during the day differently from those running at nighttime, or you can determine downtimes for ERP systems, to name a few use cases that can be covered with this feature.
This new capability simplifies the integration of e-procurement systems with ICM by allowing end users to configure cXML Punchout mappings directly in the My Account section of the storefront.
Users can now map and configure the following fields:
Classification Catalog
ShortName (resolves naming issues with certain eProcurement systems)
Unit Mapping
ICM 12 provides the functionality via REST API, the PWA release 5.2 contains the corresponding storefront part.
The updated Product and Catalog Management enables simple integration with third-party systems, such as external PIM (Product Information Management) platforms. This API has been developed to support REST-based applications to provide easy access to product management functions and enable administration and management via a user interface.
Within ICM 12, functionality and resource object definitions for creating dynamic product assignment configurations for catalogs has been added.
Intershop Commerce Management 12 provides a blueprint with templates and documentation of the current CI process.
This update increases security for deployments across different environments by enabling the designation of special approval users for specific environments.
To enhance the stability of staging processes, the staging framework now delegates execution to a Job Server. A Job Server is a Kubernetes (K8s) Pod initiated by a K8s job, ensuring more reliable and consistent staging operations. For details, see Concept - JobServer.
The potential risk posed by CVE-2023-34623 has been eliminated.
The vulnerability CVE-2023-34623 allowed attackers to cause a denial of service or other unspecified impacts via crafted object that uses cyclic dependencies.
Intershop adressed this issue by switching from net.sf.jtidy:jtidy to com.github.jtidy:jtidy.
Intershop Commerce Management has been updated to include the latest versions of all third-party libraries. By using these updated libraries, we ensure optimal compatibility and easier future upgrades, especially for integrating critical security patches.
Examples of updated libraries:
javax.inject to jakarta.inject and others
This enables the use of the latest libraries and ensures faster updates in response to potential security issues.
google.guava: 32.1 to 33.1 (update relevant for virtual threads, see update to JDK 21)
The time required to create a Sitemap XML could be reduced by at least 50% through improved SQL usage. The improved speed also affects nightly process chains, which can thus be completed faster.
With JDK 21, implementation partners benefit from using the features of the latest available LTS version of Java, enabling them to write more readable code.
The update to JDK 21 introduces support for virtual threads and a more efficient garbage collector. This update allows projects to use virtual threads more efficiently, and offers a way to gain speed by running processes in parallel.
Additionally, the transition from Guava Cache to Caffeine Cache enables asynchronous cache clearing.
An extension is an add-on that enhances a product or solution with new optional functionality. Extensions can be consumed independently, but require a product or solution, which they extend (they cannot run independently). An extension defines to which product/solution it is compatible.
The features listed in this section are only available if you consume the extension in question.
The new Intershop Stripe Checkout Connector simplifies payment integration by leveraging Stripe's robust Checkout API, offering support for various payment methods, including cards, bank debits, and redirects. With features like secure payment authorization, detailed or consolidated order transmission, and seamless refund processing via the Stripe dashboard, this connector enhances flexibility and efficiency for B2C and B2B commerce within the Intershop Commerce Platform.
For more details, see Public Release Note - Stripe Checkout Connector 1.
The Recurring Orders functionality has been adapted for full headless (PWA) support.
For more details, see Public Release Note - Recurring Order Extension 1.
The Transport Framework now supports Azure Blob Storage, in addition to the already supported Azure File Storage. This allows for greater flexibility of transferring data between ICM and other connected systems in cloud environments. This feature will be used as default for the data transfer from ICM to SPARQUE. See Guide - Transport Framework.
ICM now supports new ways to configure the basket and order calculation process to significantly lower customization efforts. Two new channel-specific configuration values now allow e-commerce managers to address rounding matters easily.
For detailed information, see Concept - Basket Calculation, Cookbook - Basket Calculation. Business users find guidance in the Online Help | Managing Cart Calculation Settings.
Optimize performance and scalability in managing large datasets with JDBC/batch processing for product and catalog deletions and unsharing. This enhanced approach reduces processing time, enabling faster and more efficient operations for high-volume environments.
For further details, see Concept - Product & Catalog JDBC/Batch Deletion and Unsharing.
Experience faster and more efficient data handling with the new Caffeine-based cache for the TypeCodeRegistry. By minimizing repetitive database queries, this enhancement significantly improves system performance, particularly in scenarios with intensive ProductLink usage. With streamlined operations and reduced load on the database, your commerce environment becomes more responsive and scalable, ensuring a smoother experience for both administrators and users.
See Guide - 12.1.0 - Provide Type Code Definition Cache for further details.
The cache for outgoing product links has been replaced by a new Caffeine-based cache. The new Caffeine cache offers a higher cache hit rate and performance improvement (both in the mid-single-digit range) with the same cache size configuration. The most significant advantage is the added ability to configure the cache to better suit specific needs.
For further details, see Guide - 12.3.0 - Caffeine Cache for Outgoing Product Links.