Welcome to Intershop Commerce Management 12.
This Public Release Note contains information about the latest features of Intershop Commerce Management. In addition, it serves as a quick reference for the latest documentation.
For further documents related to ICM 12, refer to Overview - Intershop Commerce Management 11+.
This release contains the support of JDK 21 which replaces JDK 17, and goes forward with the javax - jakarta replacement.
To support the K8s job server, replication tasks will be “scheduled” as jobs and no longer directly executed by the target (mostly live) application server. In case there is no job server configured, the jobs will be executed in the target server.
The following REST APIs have been updated with the initial ICM 12.0 release:
Punchout REST API
For all REST API changes, see Reference - Intershop Commerce Management 12 REST API.
For a list of new functionality and technical improvements, see What's New in ICM 12.
Please see our feature list for more details about the new release:
For a list of all available ICM 12 documents, use the ICM 12 filter in our Knowledge Base.
For migrations to ICM 12 version, refer to:
For migration from ICM 7.10 to ICM 12, refer to Overview - 7.10 - 12 Migration.
E-commerce managers can now configure the rounding precision used internally in the basket calculations (Calculation Rounding Precision) per channel in Intershop Commerce Management. This way, it is possible to increase the precision beyond the default currency-specific rounding (e.g., from two decimal places for EUR to four decimal places). Furthermore, the precision used to display and export money values (Result Rounding Precision) can now also be configured per channel in Intershop Commerce Management.
For detailed information, see Concept - Basket Calculation, Cookbook - Basket Calculation. Business users find guidance in the Online Help | Managing Cart Calculation Settings.
New metrics are available to provide the ability to create alerts in monitoring tools like NewRelic for product data import (focus product links) and replication, see Guide - Monitoring Metrics Reference.
Users with the Account Admin role can now switch between gross/net for all budgets on customer level in MyAccount in the storefront. A switch will cause all user budgets of that customer to be set to zero. Cost center budgets will not be set to zero since they are currently calculated on demand. See Concept - Customers and Users, Concept - B2B Order Approval Service | Components, and Reference - Customer REST API 1.5.0.
New metrics are available to provide the ability to create alerts in monitoring tools like NewRelic for product data import, see Guide - Monitoring Metrics Reference.
Due to fixed issue 100198, you can now limit the number of pages displayed in a product search result list in the ICM back office by configuration via properties. When dealing with a large number of result items, the results will be displayed faster with this approach. For details, see Guide - 12.3.0 - Query Configuration via Properties.
The Intershop Commerce Management, along with its customizations and associated Gradle plugin projects, has been updated to use Gradle Wrapper 8.10.2. For details, see Guide - 12.3.0 - Customization Gradle Project Configuration Updates.
The following REST APIs were updated:
Server Liveness tracking now updates only one database entry of the process table instead of all currently running processes. This can significantly reduce the probability of resource table locking issues.
Added replacement for the OPTIONS method in the OCI Punchout Resource, see Reference - Punchout REST API 2.5.0 (OCI).
The calculation result view Java API has been extended with service taxes per bucket per tax class.
Therefore, a new value in the basket calculation has been introduced that allows to get the taxes on shipping costs grouped by their tax rates per bucket. It can be accessed via LineItemCtnrCalculationResultView.getShippingBucketCostItemTaxesGroupedByTaxRate(ComputedShippingBucketItem)
or *ShippingBucketBO.getShippingCostTaxesGroupedByTaxRate()
The Transport Framework now supports Azure Blob Storage in addition to the previously supported Azure File Storage. This allows for greater flexibility when transferring data between ICM and other connected systems in cloud environments. This feature will be used by default for the data transfer from ICM to Sparque, see Guide - Transport Framework.
Payment service handling changes:
icm-as-libraries-api_service: A new accountIdentifier field has been added to the AuthorisationResult.
(The api_service serves as an interface and central location where, among other things, the common objects for the payment service implementations are stored.)
A new PaymentServiceInformation event type in the transaction history has been added to provide an easy way to transfer additional information from Payment Service Providers to user interfaces such as the PWA Storefront and the ICM back office.
cXML-related functionality provided by Punchout REST API 2.3.0 has been moved to a dedicated API specification, see Reference - Punchout cXML REST API 3.0.0. As a result, all cXML endpoints in the Punchout REST API 2.4.0 have been deprecated. Note that OCI functionality described in the Punchout REST API 2.3.0 and 2.4.0 remains fully operational.
Process chains of the jobs ProcessChain.InitIndexesProductAssignments and ProcessChain.RebuildIndexesProductAssignments were moved to SLDSystem site. This was necessary because the framework expects it to be in a site folder. See Job - ProcessChain.InitIndexesProductAssignments and Job - ProcessChain.RebuildIndexesProductAssignments.
With the new Order REST API 1.6.0, users with the account_admin role can view all orders of a customer and use a filter to restrict views to a specific user now, similar to the Responsive Starter Store functionality. For further compatible REST API updates, see Reference - Intershop Commerce Management 12 REST API.
A new Java API has been introduced, which allows for a registration of objects to be cleaned up to avoid usage of deprecated Object.finalize()