This document describes the procedure of creating a basket, preparing the checkout and creating an order by using the IS7 RESTful API. Therefore the following questions should be answered:
The difference between the web shop implementation and the RESTful API implementation is that the checkout does not have such a strict and dependent process sequence at the RESTful API implementation. This is due to the objective of each implementation technology. The web shop implementation of inSPIRED is focused on a UI application while the RESTful API is focused on a data application which is a base for a UI application (for instance a mobile web app). So, the basket and checkout process and handling of the RESTful API allow a higher flexibility of the process sequence and the order of each single process step and block.
For instance: At the web shop implementation, the completed shipping step is a mandatory precondition before the payment step can be started. In contrast to this, the payment step can be executed before the shipping information is added to the basket or before any line item is added to the basket. However, there are also some dependencies within the process steps of the RESTful API basket and checkout process. For example, editing the shipping options is only possible if some items have already been added to the basket.
As mentioned at the beginning, the process steps of the RESTful API are more or less independent of each other. However, there are some restrictions which are also valid for a checkout via the RESTful API:
Advanced payment method with a redirection before checkout flow
Arranged by a common checkout flow (as in the web shop)
Advanced payment method with a redirection after checkout (after submit order) flow
Arranged by a common checkout flow (as in the web shop)
Fore more details please have a look at our API documentation.
The following Postman collection features all requests introduced in this guide. Feel free to use the enclosed environment and adapt the host variable according to your system.
You can find both, collection and environment, in the following zip file: