Concept - Cartridge


A cartridge is a code container for implementation artifacts like templates, pipelines, Java code etc. that provide business logic or technical functionality to Intershop Commerce Management (ICM).

Cartridges are the building blocks and deployment containers of an ICM application. Cartridges can be installed (deployed) on an ICM application server to make the functionality implemented by the application units available on the server.

Thus, cartridges are the standard mechanism for packaging and deploying.

Any objects and entities defined at the different architectural layers (persistence layer, business object layer, presentation layer) are distributed over a set of cartridges.

The cartridge concept provides a uniform and easy-to-handle way of integrating new code components into ICM. All new applications to extend and/or customize ICM must abide by the organizational principles that the cartridge concept imposes, no matter whether the application is simple or complex.

Cartridge Structure

Directory Structure

The following files in <IS_SOURCE>/<cartridge_name> are deployed to <IS_SHARE>/system/cartridges/<cartridge_name>/release:

Source Project





Java code (such as business objects, persistent objects, provider classes, or pipelets)


  • cartridges/<cartridge_name>.properties
  • resources/<cartridge_name>/sites
  • resources/<cartridge_name>/objectgraph

Non-Java code (such as orm files, additional pipelet files, DBInit and DBMigrate properties files)

Cartridge properties can be located in the main/resources/cartridges folder

Site content must be located in the main/resources/resources folder

Java code (unit test cases)


Non-Java code (unit test cases)


The cartridge definition declaring, e.g., display name, version and build numbers, and dependencies. This will not be deployed.


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/edl
/lib/<cartridge_name>.jarEDL models
EMF Metamodels



JAXB XML schemas and configuration files used as a base to generate Java classes.


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/


Database initialization properties, see Concept - DBPrepare


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/
  • resources/<cartridge_name>/migration-*.properties


Migration steps executed by DBMigrate, see Concept - DBPrepare


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/config


Configuration files, see Concept - Configuration


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/components


Component definitions, see Concept - Component Framework


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/extensions


Extensions, see Concept - Extension Points 


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/impex


Default configurations for import and export processes, see Concept - Impex Framework


  • /resources/<cartridge_name>/logback/logback-<cartridge_name>.xml
/lib/<cartridge_name>.jarCartridge specific logback extension, see Cookbook - Logging


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/localizations


Localization bundles, see Concept - Localization


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/pagelets


Pagelets provided by this cartridge, see Concept - CMS - Overview


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/pipelines


Pipelines, see Overview - Pipelets and Pipelines


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/queries


Queries, see Reference - Query File Syntax



Static content like static HTML, images, and scripts (possibly locale-specific)



ISML templates (possibly locale-specific)


  • resources/<cartridge_name>/webforms


WebForms, see Concept - Webforms



Web Service Deployment Descriptors (wsdd)

Cartridge Meta Data

Meta data of a cartridges include the display name, version, build number and the dependency list.

plugins {
	id "java"
	id "com.intershop.gradle.cartridge-resourcelist"
	id 'com.intershop.icm.cartridge.product'

ext.displayName = "Adapter - Customization"

dependencies {
	cartridge ""
	implementation ""

Version Declaration

Versions can be defined at a central place (e.g. in a versions project) with the java-platform plugin.

  1.  include the versions sub-project to the customization project

2. declare versions as constraints. (inject constraints to other projects via code).

versions/build.gradle Expand source
plugins {
	id 'java-platform'

dependencies {
	constraints {
		api ""

def depConstraints = project.dependencies.constraints

rootProject.subprojects { subprj ->
    plugins.withType(com.intershop.gradle.icm.cartridge.CartridgePlugin) {
        depConstraints.add("api", subprj)
    plugins.withType(com.intershop.gradle.icm.cartridge.DevelopmentPlugin) {
        depConstraints.add("api", subprj)

tasks.withType(GenerateModuleMetadata) {
    enabled = false

publishing {
    publications {
        mvn(MavenPublication) {
            from components.javaPlatform

Cartridges at Runtime

Cartridge Engine

The cartridge engine is responsible for loading the meta data of cartridges listed in CARTRIDGE_LIST environment when Application Server is started:

helm value

Feature Cartridges

With ICM 11.0 each listed cartridge defines its dependencies (other cartridges and libraries). It is possible to reduce the number to a minimum by introducing feature (ft_) cartridges that depend on the "root" cartridges of your applications. This means if a new cartridge is created and this cartridge is listed in the dependencies of the "root" cartridges, no adaption of the deployment configuration is required.

The Order of Cartridges

In ICM 11.0 the are not longer used. Instead a short list of feature cartridges can be declared (system property is.cartridges) to define the root cartridges of the application server. The dependencies play an important role and are used to determine the order of the cartridges. In case two or more cartridges have the same "level or layer" then the cartridges are listed by name.

Lifecycle of a Cartridge

During startup and shutdown of the application, cartridges are registered at lifecycle hooks.

A lifecycle class for the cartridge can be defined in the administrative properties (/src/main/resources/cartridges/<cartridge-name>.properties).

The property intershop.cartridges.<cartridge>.classname is used to define the Java class for the cartridge lifecycle. This class needs to implement com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.cartridge.Cartridge providing appropriate lifecycle methods.

HookAvailable ResourcesWhat can be DoneNotes

Object graph will be generated

onPreReadyHookServer Guice binding and configurationRegistering code to use in "dbprepare"-phase Available from 11.0, similar to old onDBInitHook()
onReadyHookDatabase with fully preparationPrefetching, establishing connectionsCode onPreReadyHook does not need to be executed again
onPreShutdownHookAll like during running serverStop jobs, get "offline" to avoid further requests
onShutdownHookSome resources can be closed and not available anymoreClosing connections, disable event processing
Life Cycle Hooks 11.0Life Cycle Hooks <= 7.10

Please reduce the functionality inside of the cartridge class. We will remove this mechanism in future releases. Your global instances should be registered and instantiated via Dependency Injections and Object Graphs.

Cartridge Development

Architectural Layers and Cartridge Types

An Intershop application consists of the following architectural layers with corresponding cartridge types:

Cartridges must be named according to the architectural level that they represent:


Cartridge Type


Typical Contents

Cartridge Naming

Java Package Naming


FeaturesFeature Cartridge

Contains only dependencies to requested cartridges

  • no code artifacts are allowed
Configuration LayerDemo CartridgeContains demo data for application, this data is optionalproduct xml files, images, demo content




Initialization Cartridge

Configures and initializes one or more applications in the database (like initial user accounts, organization structures, preferences etc.), this data is necessary to use the applications

import files, dbinit property files




Application Suite Cartridge

Configures and integrates multiple application types to form a complete business scenario

(warning)This type of cartridges can only be referenced by ft-cartridges or other as-cartridges when an application type needs to reference others.

(warning) In former versions, the application types were declared here, please use the "Application Cartridge", which introduces the application type for declaration now.

(warning) REST APIs must also be declared at application cartridges

app and instance component files



Application Layer

Adapter Cartridge

Provides an implementation for a business API, which integrates external systems, like external search engines, and allows to extend existing applications

(warning) It's not allowed to add an ac_ cartridge to multiple application types using an app-extension.component file in the ac_cartridge. These assignments should be done in an component file of an as_cartridge.

Java code, pipelines, ISML templates




Application Cartridge

Provides user interfaces for an application type.

Provides declaration of application type and cartridge list providers (component files) for this application type.

view pipelines, ISML templates, ...

(deprecated naming: sld*)



User Interface Cartridge

Provides a common user interface library which is used to develop application types based on the same technology

ISML templates, pipelines, JavaScript libraries, stylesheets, web forms, pagelets




Business Layer

Business Cartridge

Provides a business API and/or an implementation for shared reusable business components

Java code, business objects and extensions, pipelets, EDL models, persistent objects, database scripts, queries




Platform Layer

Platform Cartridge

Implements shared platform frameworks that are needed across all architectural layers

Java code, EDL models, pipelets

_(deprecated without prefix)

com.intershop.beehive.* (deprecated)


(none)Business Independent FunctionalityStandard gradle, maven project (Single Project)no prefixcom.intershop.common.*encryption


Development cartridges are introduced to give more insides into the existing data or processing. These cartridges are used for developers only and installed on development environment only.

For example explain data structure of basket calculation rule results; extended logging via lillith tool


_dev postfix or

dev_ prefix

The different cartridge types have well-defined allowed dependencies with each other. The cartridge type is reflected in the cartridge name.

Cartridge Dependency Rules

Cartridge Dependency Rules

  1. Each cartridge has to explicitly declare direct dependencies to other cartridges.
  2. Circular dependencies between cartridges are forbidden.
  3. Dependencies to cartridges of the same or lower architectural layer are allowed
  4. Cartridges must not depend on different kinds of application cartridges; this will include the code (pipelines and templates) to all (dependent) applications.

The dependencies can also be expressed in a matrix: the rows represent the using layer, the columns represent the used layer:

 Cartridge Type



Application Suite



User Interface



Common Library
Feature Cartridge(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(minus)
Development Cartridge(minus)(minus)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

Initialization Cartridge










Application Suite Cartridge










Adapter Cartridge










Application Cartridge










User Interface Cartridge










Business Cartridge










Platform Cartridge









Common Library(minus)(minus)(minus)(minus)(minus)(minus)(minus)(minus)(minus)(minus)

Common libraries must not depend on other common libraries. These components can use open source (MAVEN) available libraries. The platform is responsible for bringing these libraries together.

Adapter cartridges should not depend on other adapter cartridges, only if these are kind of abstract and do not have any references to application cartridges. To register the ac_ cartridge at multiple applications, make usage of as_ cartridges to avoid a dependency to multiple applications.

Application cartridges should only depend on other application cartridges to extend their capabilities. (warning) Do not extend (and require) different kind of applications with one application cartridge.

Naming Conventions

Initialization Cartridges

Initialization cartridges are different from normal implementation cartridges because they are usually only used at initialization time of the system (e.g., DBInit). After all content has been prepared and is available in the database/file system, they are no longer needed. The name of an initialization cartridge should reflect the content that is initialized by the cartridge.


  • init_operations (initializes the Operations organization and the root users)
  • init_smc (initializes the SMC user account, the SMC roles and permissions in the database)

Hierarchical Names

Cartridges on the same architectural level may form hierarchical structures, where some base functionality that is defined in one cartridge can be refined in additional sub-cartridges. The hierarchy is expressed in the naming of the project.


  • pf_objectgraph (contains the base functionality for object graphs)
  • pf_objectgraph_guice (contains the implementation of the object graph API based on Google's Guice)

The hierarchy in the cartridge name is also reflected in the Java package names of the cartridge. Each additional fragment in the cartridge name is translated to an equivalent level in the Java package name.


  • com.intershop.platform.objectgraph.*
  • com.intershop.platform.objectgraph.guice*

Naming of Pure Tests Cartridges

There are cartridges containing integration API tests that test a specific cartridge. The naming of these cartridges should follow the rule: <cartridge>_test, e.g.:

  • bc_product and bc_product_test
  • ac_ruleengine_drools and ac_ruleengine_drools_test

Naming of Customer Project Cartridges

Cartridges in customer projects should follow the same principles as Intershop cartridges.

However, to facilitate differentiation, it is recommended to prefix the cartridge name with an identifier for the vendor, e.g. (customer "XYZ"):

  • xyz_bc_product
  • xyz_as_sales_organization
  • xyz_init_webshop

API vs. Implementation Cartridges

Any cartridge may define an API (for example, using the common CAPI package convention) and / or provide an implementation (that must be located in internal packages, as usual). There may be cartridges that only consist of API and other cartridges that only consist of implementation code, and some cartridges may contain both. There is no special naming for pure API cartridges, as every cartridge is considered to be "equal". If the purpose of an implementation cartridge is to provide the implementation for a certain technology, this should be reflected in the cartridge name.


  • bc_customer (defines the business API for Customers)
  • bc_customer_orm (implements the business API for customers and maps it to the ORM persistent objects)

Package Examples:

  • com.intershop.component.customer (bc_customer)
    • (business object api)
    • (static tooling)
    • c.i.c.customer.capi.entities (persistence entities api)
    • c.i.c.customer.capi.service (service api)
    • c.i.c.customer.internal.modules (guice modules - binding implementation to api)
    • c.i.c.customer.pipelet (pipelet descriptors and classes)
  • com.intershop.component.customer.orm (bc_customer_orm)
    • c.i.c.customer.orm.internal.orm (PO persistent objects)
    • c.i.c.customer.orm.internal.impex (import, export via persistence)
    • (business layer for ORM implementation)
    • c.i.c.customer.orm.internal.modules (guice modules - binding implementation to api)
    • (dbinit data)
    • c.i.c.customer.orm.pipelet (pipelet descriptors and classes)

Common package name build pattern for cartridges:

  1. Use the cartridge name and replace bc_ with com.intershop.component.
  2. Replace all underscores with a dot, e.g., the package for bc_product_configuration will be com.intershop.component.product.configuration.

This way you can avoid conflicts with other cartridges if these cartridges use the same pattern and preferred sub-packages (capi, internal, dbinit, pipelet).

Abstractions and Reusability

When developing a new application, a developer could start on the application layer. It is perfectly okay to put all the implementation code into this application cartridge, including application definitions, templates, pipelines, business objects, persistent objects and so on.

When developing another application, this application could also be completely "self-contained". However, this approach is not very useful, since everything would have to be implemented again and again. Instead, we want to benefit from a maximum reuse of code and existing concepts. Therefore, the common approach is to create "abstractions" or "generalizations" of concepts and move them to the lower architectural layers. This also means that such abstractions must be designed for reuse in multiple different contexts.


  • sld_ch_base (defines common functionality of all channel back office applications)
  • sld_ch_partner_plugin, sld_ch_consumer_plugin (defines the specific functionality of a particular channel)
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