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Reference - IOM Dispatch Business Process


This document is part of the IOM Business Processes and is aimed at project developers.

It explains in detail the IOM Dispatch Business Process and its included sub-processes.


The IOM Dispatch Business Process


The Dispatch Business Process captures dispatch notifications from 3rd party systems, e.g. fulfillment locations. It covers the complete capture and validation process and triggers dispatch notification according to the standard processes, mostly with derivatives from a fulfillment location or supplier. If necessary, an INITIAL order response notification to the order capture channel is created.


The Dispatch Process starts with a dispatch notification captured by the standard API and ends normally with an announced dispatch notification - if necessary - a submitted dispatch notification to the order capture channel.
The process ends by reaching the dispatch status CLOSED. Refer to IOM Dispatch Status Model.

Process Flow

  1. The Dispatch Capture, Validation and Announce Process captures a dispatch notification from a fulfillment location. After the dispatch is captured, missing fields are added and the dispatch is validated against predefined business rules to determine missing fields. After the dispatch is successfully validated, the dispatch is announced to the order.

  2. The Dispatch Notification Process processes the approved and announced dispatch notification and sends a response notification to the order capture channel if no INITIAL response has been sent by the fulfillment location before.

  3. The Finalize Submission Process initiates submission of created documents to a 3rd party system and finally sets the dispatch notification to CLOSED.

Dispatch Capture, Validation and Announce Process


The Dispatch Capture and Validation Process captures a dispatch notification from 3rd party systems, e.g. fulfillment locations. It validates the dispatch to ensure data integrity and announces it to the related order.


The Dispatch Capture and Validation Process starts with an INITIAL dispatch notification captured by the standard API and ends normally with a dispatch that is successfully validated.
The process ends by reaching one of the statuses CHECKED or NOT_CHECKED. Refer to IOM Dispatch Status Model.

Process Flow

  1. Receive and store dispatch notification. The fulfillment location passed a dispatch notification. The status of the dispatch notification is set to INITAL.

  2. Assign order to order dispatch notification links the order to the dispatch notification. The shop order number will be added if missing in the dispatch notification.

    1. OK: The matching is successful and the process continues.

    2. FAILED: No matching order is found for the dispatch notification. Initiate the escalation workflow to handle the error.

  3. Unprocessed dispatch notifications available? Checks for unprocessed dispatch notifications for the order.

    1. YES: The dispatch notification is set to a wait status until “older” dispatch notifications are processed.

    2. NO: There are no “older” dispatch notifications and the process continues.

  4. Prepare dispatch and add missing data completes missing data in dispatch using the related order. This involves:

    1. Adding missing IOM product ID to the dispatch notification.

    2. Adding missing the order position number to the dispatch notification. In case no position number can be determined, these positions will not be processed.

  5. Validate dispatch. The dispatch is validated according to the defined dispatch validation rules.

    1. OK: The dispatch has been successfully validated and the process continues. The status of the dispatch will be set to CHECKED.

    2. FAILED: The validation detects errors (e.g. required fields are missing). Initiate the escalation workflow to handle the error.

  6. Set dispatch NOT_CHECKED. The status of the dispatch notification is set to NOT_CHECKED to indicate an error. Dispatch notifications in status NOT_CHECKED will be ignored until the status is changed to CHECKED.

  7. Announce dispatch to order. The dispatch notification in status DO_PROCESS is announced to the order. Selected information of the dispatch notification (quantity and date) is copied to the corresponding order positions. The data supplierConfirmedPurchaseItemNet is only copied if no confirmed purchase price has been provided in the response notification because the fulfillment location has accepted the order with the prices provided in the order response notification. If the order position is partly dispatched, the order position status is set to one of the following statuses (source status → target status):



      If the order position is completely dispatched, the order position status is set to one of the following statuses (source status → target status):



      If the status change fails because the order position is not in one of the mentioned statuses, the announcement process fails and the order dispatch notification is set to status NOT_ANNOUNCED.

  8. Outstanding recalls or backlog requests available? Checks if there are outstanding order recall or order backlog requests.

    1. YES: There are outstanding order recall or backlog requests.

    2. NO: No open recall or backlog requests are available.

  9. Cancel recall and order backlog requests. Recall and backlog requests are canceled because the requested products have been already delivered by the fulfillment location.

  10. Open responses for dispatched positions available? Checks if open response notifications in status NOT_CHECKED, NOT_CHECKED_DO_APPROVE or IN_EXTERNAL_PROSSING are available.

    1. YES: There are open response notifications.

    2. NO: There are no open response notifications are available.

  11. Set open responses to FAILED

  12. Set dispatch DO_PROCESS


In case of exceptions, the processing stops and the errors must be solved. After the errors have been solved, the process is continued automatically by the control app.


Extension points

  • Queues: CheckDispatchQueue


Related processes

Dispatch Notification Process


The Dispatch Notification Process checks if a response notification should be created, or if one is already created. In some cases, the fulfillment location is not able to send or does not send an initial response, which is necessary. In this case, the process creates a response notification to the corresponding order capture channel. Information about the created response is derived from the order.


The Process Dispatch Notification Process starts with a validated dispatch notification in status DO_PROCESS and ends normally with a processed dispatch notification and, if necessary, a created response notification (INITIAL — refer to IOM Response Status Model). The process ends by reaching the dispatch status PROCESSED. Refer to IOM Response Status Model.

Process Flow

  1. Create response notification? Checks if a response notification of type INITIAL was created by the fulfillment location.

    1. YES: A response notification of type INITIAL was created by the fulfillment location.

    2. NO: No response notification was created by the fulfillment location.

  2. Create INITIAL response notification. A new response notification will be created using the dispatch notification.

  3. Initialize and process response submission initiates the Order Response Business Process to submit the response notification to the order capture channel.


In case of exceptions, the processing stops and the errors must be solved. After the errors have been solved, the process is continued automatically by the control app.


Extension points

  • Queues: ProcessDispatchQueue


Related processes

Finalize Dispatch Process


The Finalize Dispatch Process determines if documents should be created during the order dispatch processes and submits a dispatch message to a 3rd party system in order to inform about new dispatches.


The Finalize Submission Process starts when the dispatch is in status PROCESSED and ends, if configured, with created documents and/or sent dispatch notifications.
The process ends by reaching the dispatch status CLOSED. Refer to IOM Dispatch Status Model.

Process Flow

  1. Dispatch notification should be sent to the order capture channel? According to the configuration of the order capture channel, this processes determines if a dispatch notification should be sent to the order capture channel.

    1. YES: An dispatch notification should be sent to the order capture channel.

    2. NO: No dispatch notification should be sent to the order capture channel.

  2. Create dispatch transmission creates a dispatch transmission of type SEND_DISPATCH.

  3. Send dispatch notification. The dispatch notification will be sent to the order capture channel.

  4. Receive dispatch notification. The dispatch notification will be captured and processed by the order capture channel.

  5. Set dispatch CLOSED. Finally, the dispatch is set to the status CLOSED to indicate that the dispatch processes are finished.


In case of exceptions, the processing stops and the errors must be solved. After the errors have been solved, the process is continued automatically by the control app.


Extension points

  • Queues: PrepareDocumentDispatchQueue, DispatchTransmissionRequiredQueue, CloseDispatchQueue

  • Statuses: DO_PREPARE_DOCUMENT, PREPARED_DOCUMENT, DO_CLOSE, CLOSED (refer to IOM Dispatch Status Model)

Related processes

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