Javascript controls can be included via
The ISML modules guarantees the functionality, also if the Javascript widget is no longer available (or supported).
Most controls are divided into two parts: the JavaScript part and the DOM part. The JavaScript part should be placed at the HTML-head tag. To solve this, especially for components and includes a webadapter placeholder is used.
If you have included the ISML-Templates webcontrols/Placeholder
and webcontrols/Modules
in the header of the web page, you can call the controls of the ISML Javascript library in the following way:
... <html> ... <head> ... <isinclude template="webcontrols/Placeholder"> ... </head> <body> ... <isinclude template="webcontrols/Modules"> ... <isCONTROLNAME id="controlSelector" ...attributes... /> ... </body> </html> ...
For the AssignmentList we use a JQuery modul "MultiSelect", further documentation and demos are available on the vendors page.
animated | When animated is specified, the AssignmentList UI will use transition effects between interactions. |
dividerlocation | Specify the portion of the selected (left side) area of the AssignmentList. |
droppable | Enable or disable basic drag and drop functionality between the selected list (left) and the available list (right). |
hide | Specify the hide animation function to use. |
id | The ID of the AssignmentList Div element. |
params | a map with parameters which can be used inside the UI Template |
remoteurl | Define the input search delay before a request is sent to the server. |
scripttemplate | the additional JavaScript code for the control |
searchable | Specify the show animation function to use. |
searchdelay | Enable or disable item sortable functionality through drag and drop for the selected list (left) and/or the available list (right). |
show | Specify some extra remote parameters to send with every remote search requests. |
sortable | If the AssignmentList is searchable, then setting this option will allow fetching new data from a remote script. |
defaultName | name of the radio-fields (e.g. if 2 assignmentlists are used in the same form) |
itemLabel | singular form of the itemname (e.g. "item") |
availableLabel | label of the available-list |
selectedLabel | label of the selected-list |
uitemplate | the HTML elements for the UI |
$("<isprint value="#selector#">").assignment("select", "Option 2");
<select id="<isprint value="#id#">" name="example" multiple="multiple"> <option value="1" selected="selected">Option 1</option> <option value="2">Option 2</option> <option value="3" selected="selected">Option 3</option> <option value="4">Option 4</option> <option value="5" selected="selected">Option 5</option> <option value="6">Option 6</option> </select>
<html> <head> <isinclude template="webcontrols/Placeholder"> </head> <body> <isinclude template="webcontrols/Modules"> <isAssignmentList id="AssignmentListDemo" uitemplate="webcontrols/AssignmentListDemoUITemplate.isml" scripttemplate="webcontrols/AssignmentListDemoScriptTemplate.isml"> </body> </html>
For the DropDown we use a JQuery modul "MultiSelect". Further documentation and demos are available at the vendors page.
autoopen | A boolean value denoting whether or not to automatically open the menu when the widget is initialized. |
checkalltext | The text of the "check all" link. |
classes | Additional class(es) to apply to BOTH the button and menu for further customization. |
height | Height of the checkbox container (scroll area) in pixels. |
hide | The name of the effect to use when the menu closes. |
id | The ID of the DropDown Div element. |
filter | Add a filter function to the DropDown box. Possible values are:
filterautoreset | Reset user changes on the "search" and "toggle" filter. |
filterlabel | Display name of the search function for "search" and "toggle" filter. |
filterplaceholder | The text inside the search box of the "search" filter. |
filteroncreate | The DropDown box starts with an enabled "toggle" filter. |
minwidth | Minimum width of the entire widget in pixels. |
multiple | If set to false, the widget will use radio buttons instead of checkboxes, forcing users to select only one option. |
noneselectedtext | The default text the select box when no options have been selected. |
params | A map with parameters which can be used inside the UI Template |
positionx | Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. Possible values are 'center', 'left', 'right' or an x coordinate. The default value is "center". |
positiony | Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. Possible values are 'center', 'top', 'bottom'. or an y coordinate. The default value is "center". |
scripttemplate | The additional JavaScript code for the control e.g.: |
selectedlist | A number greater than 0 denotes the maximum number of list items to display before switching over to the selectedText parameter. |
selectedtext | The text to display in the select box when options are selected (if selectedList is false). |
show | The name of the effect to use when the menu opens. |
uitemplate | The HTML elements for the UI e.g.: |
uncheckalltext | The text of the "uncheck all" link. |
$("<isprint value="#selector#">").dropdown("option", "position", { my: 'left bottom', at: 'left top' } );
<select id="<isprint value="#id#">" name="example" multiple="multiple"> <option class="red" value="1">Option 1</option> <option class="blue" value="2">Option 2</option> <option value="3">Option 3</option> <option value="4">Option 4</option> <option value="5">Option 5</option> <option value="6">Option 6</option> </select>
If you have included the ISML templates "webcontrols/Placeholder" and "webcontrols/Modules" in the header of the web page, you can call the DropDown in the following way:
<html> <head> <isinclude template="webcontrols/Placeholder"> </head> <body> <isinclude template="webcontrols/Modules"> <isDropDown id="DropDownDemo" uitemplate="webcontrols/DropDownDemoUITemplate.isml" scripttemplate="webcontrols/DropDownDemoScriptTemplate.isml"> </body> </html>
params | Map | Define isml variables needed in the data- / column- or script template here (see extra section). You can use ISCreateMap to create this parameter. |
id | String | Is the HTML id of the generated element. |
currentapplication | ApplicationBO | The current application is needed to resolve configuration parameters |
pageablename | String | The Name of the shown PageableIterator |
pageable | PageableIterator | Reference to the shown PageableIterator |
(optional) pagesizeprefix | String | Used to tell the server the requested pagesize (default: "PageSize_") |
(optional) pagenumberprefix | String | Used to tell the server the requested pagenumber (default: "PageNumber_") |
configuration | String (a-zA-Z camelCase) | The configuration-name of this specific grid instance. If no configuration-name is given, it will fall back to the default settings defined in ui_web_library/staticfiles/cartridge/config/ |
(optional) loadoninit | Boolean | Should the grid render its data on the initial load (default: true) |
(optional) rowcsstemplate | Isinclude path | Contains function to be called for each row to add additional css. |
columnstemplate | Isinclude path | Contains an array with column configuration objects for the grid. |
datatemplate | Isinclude path | Contains a JavaScript function to get the items for a given page and offset. This method is called for each data request (loading, sorting, pagination) and has to triggers the callback method with the received data. If you don't define this function the grid won't display any data. See the passed parameters in the JSDoc linked at JavaScript Controls - jquery.fn.grid under jquery.fn.grid.defaults.getData(). |
(optional) scripttemplate | Isinclude path | Additional JavaScript that manipulates this ISGrid instance |
# available options for "rows per page" intershop.template.isgrid.default.rowsperpage=15 50 # default "rows per page" on load intershop.template.isgrid.default.rowsperpage.default=25 # if there are less or an equal number of total rows, a "show all" option is available intershop.template.isgrid.default.showalllimit=200 # if there are less or an equal number of total rows, the user can jump to the first and last page intershop.template.isgrid.default.firstlastlimit=3000 # available since IS 7.6.0 # footer should be displayed by default intershop.template.isgrid.default.showfooter=true
# THIS SHOULD BE PLACED IN A MORE APP-SPECIFIC PROPERTY FILE # configuration for a specific isgrid # naming scheme for "UNIQUENAME": a-zA-Z camelCase intershop.template.isgrid.UNIQUENAME.rowsperpage=100 250 500 intershop.template.isgrid.UNIQUENAME.rowsperpage.default=50
If the configuration-parameter of the isgrid can't be resolved to existing intershop.template.isgrid.CONFIGURATION_VALUE. values, intershop.template.isgrid.default is used.
<ISCreateMap mapname="params" key0="Application" value0="#CurrentApplication#" key1="Products" value1="#Products#" key2="Clipboard" value2="#Clipboard#" key3="LookupHelper" value3="#LookupHelper#"> <ISGrid id="SelectedProducts" configuration="MasterCatalogProductExport" currentapplication="#CurrentApplication#" pageablename="Products" pageable="#Products#" columnstemplate="impex/ProductExportSelectProductsColumns.isml" datatemplate="impex/ProductExportSelectProductsData.isml" params="#params#">
Usage of "select" column
If you want to use the "select" column, make sure that you provide a "selected"-attribute in your delivered data, representing the selection-state of the entry.
<!---isnoloc---> <iscontent type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" compact="true"> function getData(args) { var data = []; <isloop iterator="params:Products" alias="Product"> data.push({ selected: <isif condition="#Product:UUID EQ params:Clipboard:ObjectUUID(Product:UUID)#">true<iselse>false</isif>, uuid: "<isprint value="#Product:UUID#">", name: "<isprint value="#Product:Name#">", sku: "<isprint value="#params:LookupHelper:get(Product:UUID):ProductIdentifierMap(Product:Domain):SellerID:Value#">", supplier: "<isprint value="#params:LookupHelper:get(Product:UUID):ProductIdentifierMap:SupplierID:Owner#">", value: "<isProductPrice Product="#Product#">", typeCode: "<isinclude template="inc/ProductTypeCode">", isOnline: <isif condition="#Product:isOnline#">true<iselse>false</isif>, isAvailable: <isif condition="#Product:isAvailable#">true<iselse>false</isif>, isCategorized: <isif condition="#Product:DefaultCatalogCategory NE NULL#">true<iselse>false</isif>, isOffered: <isif condition="#Product:getOffersCount>0#">true<iselse>false</isif>, isShared: <isif condition="#Product:hasDerivedProducts#">true<iselse>false</isif> }); </isloop> args.callback({ offset: <isprint value="#pageable:PageStart - 1#" formatter="0">, total: <isprint value="#pageable:ElementCount#" formatter="0">, items: data }); } <!---/isnoloc--->
All column types are managed by the grid plugin, so all columns share a common set of attributes.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
id | String |
| Name of the column for storing the column order (planned for later releases). |
dataKey | String |
| The name of the property of the data object that contains the data for this column. For each cell this property of the row items is accessed. (See jQuery.fn.grid.getData() ) |
title | String |
| String or Function returning the title HTML. |
sortable | Boolean | false | Column is sortable if true. |
init | Function | Empty Function | The function to be executed each time before the grid is rendered. The grid is rendered when paged, sorted or when pageSize is changed. |
render | Function | Default Function | This function returns the HTML displayed in each table row |
minWidth | Integer | -1 | Min width of column. |
maxWidth | Integer | 100 | Max width of column. |
cssClass | String or Function |
| String or Function returning the CSS class that will be applied to each row of that column. |
These column types only support the common attributes.
Displays data unmodified.
Converts values into integer before displaying.
Converts values into float before displaying.
Displays data unmodified. Data has to be converted into right format by server.
Displays a progress bar. Progress based on float values from 0 ... 100.
Appends a % to the passed float.
Displays an image, original data is source path.
Displays an image based on a boolean value.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
items | Array |
| Array containing the Menu Item Configuration (see jQuery.fn.popupmenu). |
timeOut | Integer | 300 | Time in ms the menu should be visible after mouse was moved away (see jQuery.fn.popupmenu). |
menuThreshold | Integer | 3 | By default, items are displayed as buttons, but if there are more items than this threshold, these items are displayed within a menu. |
submitOnClick | Boolean |
| Defines if the form should be submitted when a button or menu item is clicked. |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
url | String |
| HTTP Link with placeholders.E.g. http://intershop/{category}/{product} The placeholders must match the property keys of the items returned by getData. |
params | Array |
| Name of the columns containing the values to insert into placeholders. |
The select column occupies 2 attributes of the row object defined in the datatemplate:
Attribute | Type | Description |
selected | Boolean | Whether the current row is selected |
disabled | Boolean | Whether the checkbox of the current row is disabled |
Column configuration attributes:
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
single | Boolean | false | If true, only one item can be selected. |
selectedItemsName | String | selected | Name for checkboxes for tracking selected elements. |
availableItemsName | String | available | Name for hidden input fields to track all displayed elements. |
selectAllFn | Function |
| Related to "really select all" (All records are selected, not only records on the current page). |
text.titleSingleSelection | String |
| The title of the column if single selection is enabled. |
text.selectAllMenuAll | String | Select all ({total}) | Text for Select all shown in the dropdown menu if selectAll is enabled. |
text.selectAllMenuNone | String | Select none | Text for Select none shown in the dropdown menu if selectAll is enabled. |
selectedItemsName | String | selected | The name of the checkbox elements. |
availableItemsName | String | available | The name of the hidden input fields used to track all displayed items. |
The following columns template will display all defined columns.
<!---isnoloc---> <iscontent type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" compact="true"> [ { id: 'uuid', type: 'select', dataKey: 'uuid', selectedItemsName: 'SelectedObjectUUID', availableItemsName: 'ObjectUUID' }, { id: 'link', type: 'link', dataKey: 'name', title: '<!---isloc--->Name<!---/isloc--->', url: '<isprint value="#URL(Action('ViewProduct-Edit')).'?ProductUUID={uuid}'#">', params: ['uuid'], sortable: true }, { id: 'name', type: 'text', dataKey: 'name', title: '<!---isloc--->Name<!---/isloc--->', sortable: false }, { id: 'sku', type: 'text', dataKey: 'sku', title: '<!---isloc--->ID<!---/isloc--->', width: 180, maxWidth: 180, sortable: false }, { id: 'supplier', type: 'text', dataKey: 'supplier', title: '<!---isloc--->Supplier<!---/isloc--->', sortable: false, width: 180, maxWidth: 180, sortable: false }, { id: 'listPrice', type: 'money', dataKey: 'value', title: '<!---isloc--->List Price (US Dollar)<!---/isloc--->', width: 170, maxWidth: 170, sortable: false }, { id: 'typeCode', type: 'text', dataKey: 'typeCode', title: '<!---isloc--->Type<!---/isloc--->', sortable: false, width: 200, maxWidth: 200 }, { id: 'status', type: 'status', dataKey: '', title: '<!---isloc--->Status<!---/isloc--->', sortable: false, width: 170, maxWidth: 170, render: function render(args) { var result = [], row = args.row; if (row.isOnline) { result.push('<img src="#WebRoot()#/images/status_online.gif" alt="<!---isloc--->Online<!---/isloc--->" title="<!---isloc--->Online<!---/isloc--->" border="0" /> '); } if (row.isAvailable) { result.push('<img src="#WebRoot()#/images/status_instock.gif" alt="<!---isloc--->In Stock<!---/isloc--->" title="<!---isloc--->In Stock<!---/isloc--->" border="0" /> '); } if (row.isCategorized) { result.push('<img src="#WebRoot()#/images/status_explicitly_bound.gif" alt="<!---isloc--->Categorized<!---/isloc--->" title="<!---isloc--->Categorized<!---/isloc--->" border="0"/> '); } if (row.isOffered) { result.push('<img src="#WebRoot()#/images/status_offers.gif" alt="<!---isloc--->Offered<!---/isloc--->" title="<!---isloc--->Offered<!---/isloc--->" border="0"/> '); } if (row.isShared) { result.push('<img src="#WebRoot()#/images/status_shared_product_to.gif" alt="<!---isloc--->Shared to others<!---/isloc--->" title="<!---isloc--->Shared to others<!---/isloc--->" border="0"/>'); } return result.join(''); } } ] <!---/isnoloc--->
The following template can be used for many ISGrids of the same type and provides configurable visible columns.
To define which columns to display, call the ISGrid with a configuration-parameter (to define the configuration-name) and add the following line to the of your cartridge:
intershop.template.isgrid.<CONFIGURATIONNAME>.columns=namelink id typecode
This will only show the 3 stated columns. Not providing this property or leaving it empty will show all columns.
The columns-template has to be modified too:
<!---isnoloc---> <iscontent type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" compact="true" templatemarker="false"> <!--- get visible columns from configuration ---> <isif condition="#isDefined(configuration) AND isDefined(currentapplication)#"> <!--- get column names for this grid ---> <isset scope="request" name="configColumns" value="#config.'.columns'#"> <isset scope="request" name="columns" value="#"'".replace(currentapplication:Configuration:String(configColumns), " ", "', '")."'"#"> <isif condition="#columns EQ '\'\''#"><isset scope="request" name="columns" value=""></isif> </isif> (function () { // all available columns var allColumns = { name: { type: 'text', dataKey: 'name', title: '<!---isloc--->Name<!---/isloc--->', sortable: true }, namelink: { type: 'link', dataKey: 'name', title: '<!---isloc--->Name<!---/isloc--->', url: '<isprint value="#URL(Action('ViewChannel-Edit')).'?RepositoryUUID={uuid}'#">', params: ['uuid'], sortable: true }, id: { type: 'text', dataKey: 'id', title: '<!---isloc--->ID<!---/isloc--->', sortable: true }, idlink: { type: 'link', dataKey: 'id', title: '<!---isloc--->ID<!---/isloc--->', url: '<isprint value="#URL(Action('ViewChannel-Edit')).'?RepositoryUUID={uuid}'#">', params: ['uuid'], sortable: true }, typecode: { type: 'text', dataKey: 'typeCode', title: '<!---isloc--->Type<!---/isloc--->', sortable: false, } }, names = [<isprint encoding="off" value="#columns#">], useAll = names.length === 0, columns = [], name, column; function indexOf(list, element) { if (list.indexOf) { return list.indexOf(element); } for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { if (list[i] === element) { return i; } } return -1; } for (name in allColumns) { if (!allColumns.hasOwnProperty(name)) continue; var column = allColumns[name]; = name; // check if column configuration is provided if (useAll) { // no column configuration columns.push(column); } else { // check if column is needed if (indexOf(names, name) !== -1) { columns.push(column); } } } return columns; })() <!---/isnoloc--->
This ISModule is deprecated since Intershop 7.5 and was replaced by Dialog concept. Do not use the ISLightBox for new code, instead have a look at the Cookbook - Dialog.
For the LightBox we use JQuery Dialog, further documentation and demos are available on the vendors page.
autoopen | When autoOpen is true, the dialog will open automatically when dialog is called. If false, it will stay hidden until .dialog("open") is called on it. The default value is true. |
closeonescape | Specifies whether the dialog should close when it has focus and the user presses the escape (ESC) key. The default value is true. |
closetext | Specifies the text for the close button. Note that the close text is visibly hidden when using a standard theme. The default value is "close". |
dialogclass | The specified class name(s) will be added to the dialog, for additional theming. |
draggable | If set to true, the dialog will be draggable will be draggable by the title bar. The default value is true. |
height | The height of the dialog, in pixels. Specifying 'auto' is also supported to make the dialog adjust based on its content. |
hide | The effect to be used when the dialog is closed. |
id | The ID of the LightBox Div element. |
maxheight | The maximum height to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels. The default value is false. |
maxwidth | The maximum width to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels. The default value is false. |
minheight | The minimum height to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels. The default value is 150. |
minwidth | The minimum width to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels. The default value is 150. |
modal | If set to true, the dialog will have modal behavior; other items on the page will be disabled (i.e. cannot be interacted with). Modal dialogs create an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements. The default value is false. |
params | A map with parameters which can be used inside the UI Template. |
positionx | Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. Possible values are 'center', 'left', 'right' or an x coordinate. The default value is "center". |
positiony | Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. Possible values are 'center', 'top', 'bottom'. or an y coordinate. The default value is "center". |
resizable | If set to true, the dialog will be resizable. The default value is true. |
scripttemplate | The additional JavaScript code for the control. |
show | The effect to be used when the dialog is opened. |
stack | Specifies whether the dialog will stack on top of other dialogs. This will cause the dialog to move to the front of other dialogs when it gains focus. The default value is true. |
title | Specifies the title of the dialog. |
uitemplate | The HTML elements for the UI. |
width | The width of the dialog, in pixels. The default value is 300. |
zindex | The starting z-index for the dialog. The default value is 1000. |
<p>The LightBox window can be moved, resized or closed with the 'x' icon.</p>
<isplacement placeholderid="JSWebControls"> $( "<isprint value="#selector#">" ).dialog( "option", "buttons", [ { text: "Ok", click: function click() { // excecute some other functions for the OK button ... // close the LightBox $(this).dialog("close"); } }, { text: "Cancel", click: function click() { // excecute some other functions for the Cancel button ... // close the LightBox $(this).dialog("close"); } } ] ); </isplacement>
<html> <head> <isinclude template="webcontrols/Placeholder"> </head> <body> <isinclude template="webcontrols/Modules"> <isLightBox id="LightBoxDemo" uitemplate="webcontrols/LightBoxDemoUITemplate.isml" scripttemplate="webcontrols/LightBoxDemoScriptTemplate.isml"> </body> </html>
The ISPropertyEditor renders form-elements that represent a given PropertyGroup. The values of the PropertyGroup can be manipulated by the user.
Value Type | String |
@Secret support | yes |
Full qualified Name | |
Used Controls |
The default editor for properties of the type String. Normally rendered as a text input field. If the property is annotated as @Secret it is rendered as a password field and the value is not transfered to the client.
Value Type | String |
@Secret support | no |
Full qualified Name | ... in progress ... |
Used Controls | |
... in progress ...
Value Type | Enum<?> |
@Secret support | no |
Full qualified Name | |
Used Controls | |
The default editor for enum typed properties. The values shown to the user can be localized either specific for the property group or the enum data type. The lookup for the localized value is:
propertygroup.<property group ID>.properties.<property ID>.values.<>
owner | Object | The owner of the values which are stored using the PropertyGroup. |
propertydescriptor | PropertyGroupDescriptor | The PropertyGroupDescriptor of a PropertyGroup that shall be rendered (see Concept - Property Groups) |
validationresult | UIPropertyGroup | The validation results which are returned by the pipelet StorePropertyGroupValues |
hidetitle | String | Hide the title of the property group (e.g. when only 1 property group is rendered) (default: "false") |
formfieldname | String | The name of the hidden form-field that stores the JSON-serialized property group values (incl. user changes) for processing with the pipelet StorePropertyGroupValues (default: "PropertyGroupConfiguration") |
To add a new custom Editor which is used to render a specific Property, use the Extension Points by following these steps:
Create the server-side Editor implementation using the interface
public class CustomEditor implements Editor<String> { @Override public boolean isSupported(PropertyType propertyType) { return propertyType.getValueType().equals(String.class); } @Override public UIEditor getUIEditor(String value, PropertyType propertyType, Object owner) { if (propertyType.isSecret()) { String placeholder = value == null ? "" : "SECRET"; return new CustomUIEditor(placeholder); } else { return new CustomUIEditor(value); } } @Override public String getValue(UIEditor editor, PropertyType propertyType, Object owner) throws ConversionException { CustomUIEditor field = (CustomUIEditor)editor; String value = field.getValue(); return value; } }
Create the server-side UIEditor implementation using the interface
Those instances are subject for serialization and deserialization with the Jackson library.
public class CustomUIEditor extends AbstractUIEditor { private String value; private boolean invalid = false; public CustomUIEditor() { } public CustomUIEditor(String value) { this.setValue(value); } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(value); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } CustomUIEditor other = (CustomUIEditor)obj; if (!Objects.equals(value, other.value)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean isInvalid() { return invalid; } public void markAsInvalid() { invalid = true; } }
Create the client-side JavaScript UIEditor (example: p_business/ui_web_library/staticfiles/cartridge/static/default/js/propertygroups/editor/textinputfield.js)
Don't forget to change editor registration to match the full qualified name of your server-side UIEditor.
/*global jQuery:true, intershop:true */ 'use strict'; !function (global, utils, $) { var ui = utils.namespace('intershop.propertygroups.ui'), editor = utils.namespace('intershop.propertygroups.ui.editor'), template = '' + '<div class="propertygroup-editor propertygroup-editor-custom">' + '<input type="text" class="propertygroup-editor-value" />' + '</div>'; /** * Create a new CustomField editor. * @param {Object} json configuration as JSON * @param {String} name name of the editor */ var CustomField = function CustomField(json, name) { this.$el = $($.parseHTML(template)); this.$el.children('.propertygroup-editor-value').attr('name', name); Object.defineProperty(this, 'value', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function () { return this.$el.children('.propertygroup-editor-value').val(); }, set: function (v) { this.$el.children('.propertygroup-editor-value').val(v); } }); this.fromJSON(json); this.bindEvents(); }; /** * Bind events to the DOM element. * @private */ CustomField.prototype.bindEvents = function bindEvents() { var _this = this; this.$el.find('.propertygroup-editor-value') .on('input.propertygroup', function onInput() { _this.modified = true; }); }; /** * Load configuration from JSON. * @param {Object} originJSON configuration as JSON * @private */ CustomField.prototype.fromJSON = function fromJSON(originJSON) { var json = $.extend(true, {}, originJSON); this.modified = json.modified || false; this.value = json.value || ''; }; /** * Create configuration as JSON. * @param {Object} originJSON old configuration as JSON * @return {Object} updated configuration as JSON */ CustomField.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(originJSON) { var json = $.extend(true, {}, originJSON); json.modified = this.modified; if (this.modified) { json.value = this.value; } return json; }; /** * Get the jQuery DOM element. * @return {jQuery} jQuery DOM elements */ CustomField.prototype.render = function render() { return this.$el; }; editor.CustomField = editor.CustomField || CustomField; ui.Controller.registerEditor('', CustomField); }(window, intershop.propertygroups.utils, jQuery);
Create the CSS file to style your editor (example: p_business/ui_web_library/staticfiles/cartridge/static/default/css/propertygroups/editor/textinputfield.css)
.propertygroup-editor-custom { background-color: red; }
Create a template which loads the JavaScript implementation and the CSS file (example: p_business/ui_web_library/staticfiles/cartridge/templates/default/webcontrols/propertygroups/editor/TextInputFieldEditor.isml)
<iscontent type="text/html" charset="UTF-8" compact="true"> <isplacement placeholderid="JSWebLibraries">propertygroups/editor/customfield.js</isplacement> <isplacement placeholderid="CSSWebLibraries">propertygroups/editor/customfield.css</isplacement>
Register your Editor at the existing ExtensionPoints (example: p_business/ui_web_library/staticfiles/cartridge/extensions/PropertyEditorTextInputFieldEditor.extension)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <extensionpoint:ExtensionPointModel xmlns:extensionpoint="" name="CustomEditor"> <extensionBindings type="java" extensionPoint="" extension=""/> <extensionBindings type="isml" extensionPoint="webcontrols/propertygroups/PropertyEditor-Editors" extension="template/path/to/your/isml/CustomEditor"/> </extensionpoint:ExtensionPointModel>
Map the Property of a PropertyGroup to your Editor (example: a_backoffice/app_bo_dashboard/staticfiles/cartridge/components/instances.component)
This is only necessary if multiple editors for the same Java are registered and this certain property needs to used the editor with lower priority.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <components xmlns=""> <instance name="MyCustomMappingUsingMyCustomEditor" with="PropertyEditorConfiguration"> <fulfill requirement="propertyGroupMapping"> <instance with="PropertyEditorConfiguration.PropertyGroupMapping"> <fulfill requirement="propertyGroup" value=""/> <fulfill requirement="propertyMapping"> <instance with="PropertyEditorConfiguration.PropertyMapping"> <fulfill requirement="property" value="nameOfMyProperty"/> <fulfill requirement="editor" value=""/> </instance> </fulfill> </instance> </fulfill> </instance> </components>
selector | (optional) | jQuery selector of the table (e.g. "#producttable", "table.product"), falls back to "table.stickyheader" if not used |
The ISStickyTableHeader module is a wrapper of the stickyheader jQuery plugin which will make sure that the table header (thead) is always visible when the user scrolls trough the table.
The plugin detaches the thead and sets a fixed-position in the page, if the user starts scrolling.
<ISStickyTableHeaders> <!--- this table will use it by default ---> <table class="stickyheader"> </table> <!--- this table won't use it ---> <table> </table> <!--- this table explicitly uses it ---> <ISStickyTableHeaders selector="#'#'#mytable"> <table id="mytable"> </table>
The table header (which includes buttons) is visible during scrolling.
params | Map | Define ISML variables needed in the data- / config- or script template here. You can use ISCreateMap to create this parameter. |
id | String | Is the HTML id of the generated element. |
configuration | String (a-zA-Z camelCase) | The configuration-name of this specific tree instance. |
configtemplate | Isinclude path | Contains a JavaScript object containing the configuration of the tree. |
datatemplate | Isinclude path | Contains a JavaScript object with the hierarchical data of the tree. |
(optional) scripttemplate | Isinclude path | Additional JavaScript that manipulates this ISTree instance |
<ISCreateMap mapname="params" key0="Application" value0="#CurrentApplication#" key1="Catalogs" value1="#Catalogs#" key2="Clipboard" value2="#selectedCategoriesMap#" key3="LookupHelper" value3="#LookupHelper#" key4="CurrentChannelPermissionMap" value4="#CurrentChannelPermissionMap#"> <ISTree id="#'catalogTree_'.CurrentChannel:Id#" configtemplate="TreeConfig.isml" datatemplate="TreeData.isml" params="#params#">
<!---isnoloc---> <iscontent type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" compact="true" templatemarker="false"> { plugins: ['themes', 'json', 'ui', 'hotkeys', 'checkbox'] } <!---/isnoloc--->
<!---isnoloc---> <iscontent type="text/json" charset="UTF-8" compact="true" templatemarker="false"> <isset scope="request" name="printComma" value="false"> [ <isloop iterator="params:Catalogs" alias="Catalog"> { title: "<isprint encoding="javascript" value="#Catalog:DisplayName#"/>", liAttr: { id: "<isprint encoding="javascript" value="#Catalog:UUID#"/>" }, data: { checkbox: { <!--- if you add a placeholder you don't have to care about the following commas ---> _placeholder: undefined <isif condition="#params:Clipboard:get(Catalog:UUID)#"> ,checked: true </isif> <isif condition="#NOT isDefined(params:CurrentChannelPermissionMap:SLD_MANAGE_SEARCH_INDEXES)#"> ,disabled: true </isif> } } <isif condition="#hasElements(Catalog:Root:SubCategories)#"> <!--- TODO: export to separate ismodule ---> <isset scope="request" name="printChildComma" value="false"> , children: [ <isloop iterator="Catalog:Root:SubCategories" alias="Category"> { title: "<isprint encoding="javascript" value="#Category:DisplayName#"/>", liAttr: { id: "<isprint encoding="javascript" value="#Category:UUID#"/>" }, data: { checkbox: { _placeholder: undefined <isif condition="#params:Clipboard:get(Category:UUID)#"> ,checked: true </isif> <isif condition="#NOT isDefined(params:CurrentChannelPermissionMap:SLD_MANAGE_SEARCH_INDEXES)#"> ,disabled: true </isif> } } } <isif condition="#hasNext(Category)#">,</isif> </isloop> ] <!--- /TODO: export to separate ismodule ---> </isif> } <isif condition="#hasNext(Catalog)#">,</isif> </isloop> ] <!---/isnoloc--->
See JavaScript Controls - jquery.fn.tree for more information on the data structure.
public abstract Widget
The options of a UI Widget can be set inside the constructor
Type | Short Description |
Boolean | disabled = false |
Short Description |
widget( String name, Object base, Object prototype ) |
The public methods of a UI Widget must be executed via the corresponding constructor:
Return Value | Short Description |
protected Boolean | _trigger ( String type, JQueryEvent event, Object data ) |
void | destroy ( ) |
void | disable ( ) |
void | enable ( ) |
Object | option ( String optionName ) |
void | option ( String optionName , Object value ) |
void | option ( Object[] options ) |
widget ( ) |
Supply a callback function to handle the create event as an init option.
$( ".aElement" ).aWidget( { aEvent: function aEvent(event, ui) { ... } } );
Bind to the create event by type:
var aEventType = widgetName + aEvent; $( ".aElement" ).bind( aEventType, function aEvent(event, ui) { ... } );
Type | Short Description |
create |
The options of a UI Widget can be set inside the constructor
$( ".aElement" ).aWidget({ aOption: "aValue" });
or with the set method.
$( ".aElement" ).aWidget( "option", "aOption", "aValue" );
Get the value of the option via the get method:
var aValue = $( ".aElement" ).aWidget( "option", "aOption" );
public Boolean disabled = false
Disables (true) or enables (false) the widget. Can be set when initialising (first creating) the widget.
public widget ( String name, Object base, Object prototype )
Constructs a new UI Widget.
The public methods of a UI Widget must be executed via the corresponding constructor:
$( ".aElement" ).aWidget(methodName, param0, param1, ... , paramN);
The protected methods can be called directly from the extending class e.g.:
protected Boolean _trigger ( String type, JQueryEvent event, Object data )
Triggers the given Event.
public void destroy ( )
Remove the widget functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.
public void disable ( )
Disable the widget.
public void enable ( )
Enable the widget.
public Object option ( String optionName )
Get a widget option.
public void option ( String optionName, Object value )
Set a widget option.
public void option ( Object[ ] options )
Set multiple widget options at once by providing an options object.
public Widget widget ( )
Supply a callback function to handle the create event as an init option.
$( ".aElement" ).aWidget( { aEvent: function aEvent(event, ui) { ... } } );
Bind to the create event by type:
var aEventType = widgetName + aEvent; $( ".aElement" ).bind( aEventType, function aEvent(event, ui) { ... } );
public JQueryEvent create
This event is triggered when dialog is created.
<div id="productgrid"></div>
// grid initialization $('#productgrid').grid({ getData: function getData(request) { // request.pageSize is the request number of rows // get requested data var data = ... var total = ...; // total of rows // return data to the grid request.callback({ orderColumnId: request.orderColumnId, orderTerm: request.orderterm, order: request.order, offset: request.offset, total: total, items: data }); }, // localization text: { status: '<strong>{0}</strong> - <strong>{1}</strong> von <strong>{2}</strong>' }, rowsPerPage: [25, 10, 50, 100, 250], // columns configuration columns: [ // selectable rows { id: 'select', type: 'select', dataKey: 'sku', selectedItemsName: 'SelectedObjectUUID', availableItemsName: 'ObjectUUID' }, // sku as bold text { id: 'sku', type: 'text', dataKey: 'sku', title: 'SKU', minWidth: 100, render: function render(params) { return '<strong>' + params.cell + '</strong>'; } }, // displayname as link { id: 'displayName', type: 'link', dataKey: 'displayName', title: 'Name', url: 'http://enfinity.local/products/{0}/detail', params: ['sku'] }, // price aligned to the right { id: 'price', type: 'money', dataKey: 'price', title: 'Price', cssClass: 'right' }, // offline/online status as image { id: 'status', type: 'status', dataKey: 'online', title: 'Online/Offline', render: function render(params) { var src = !!params.cell ? 'online.gif' : 'offline.gif'; return '<img src="' + src + '" />'; } }, // actions, 2 visible, the others in a dropdown menu { id: 'action', type: 'action', dataKey: 'sku', menuThreshold: 2, items: [ { cssClass: 'edit', render: 'Edit', click: function click(params) { alert('Edit ' + params.cell); } }, { type: 'separator' }, { cssClass: 'delete', render: function render() { return 'Delete'; }, click: function click(params) { alert('Delete ' + params.cell); } }, { cssClass: 'online', render: 'Online', click: function click(params) { alert('Online ' + params.cell); } }, { type: 'separator' }, { cssClass: 'export', render: 'Export', click: function click(params) { alert('Export ' + params.cell); } } ] } ], // every 5th row receives the "fiver" css class rowCss: function rowCss(params) { return ((params.rowIndex + 1) % 5 === 0) ? 'fiver' : ''; } });
Attribute | Default value | Description |
getData | function() {} | this function is called for each data request (loading, sorting, pagination) and triggers the callback function with the received data, e.g. function getData(request) { // request.pageSize is the number of requested rows // get requested data var data = ...; var total = ...; // return data to the grid request.callback({ orderterm: request.orderterm, order: request.order, offset: request.offset, total: total, items: data }); } |
loadOnInit | true | Trigger loading of grid data after initialization. |
text | text: { /** * pagination status * params: from, to, total */ status: '<strong>{from}</strong> - <strong>{to}</strong> of <strong>{total}</strong>', /** items per page */ items: 'items per page', /** e.g. rows 1-25 of 5010 */ of: 'of', /** show all */ showAll: 'show all', titleSingleSelection: '', /** params: total */ selectAllMenuAll: 'Select all ({total})', /** params: total */ selectAllMenuNone: 'Select none' } | All localizable strings are listed in this object, use the placeholders ({first}, {last}, ...) where needed |
rowsPerPage | 25, 10 | rows-per-page options, listed in the selectbox on the bottom, first value is default value |
columns | [] | array of column-configurations |
rowCss | function() {} | function is called for each row and can return a css class as string (or an empty string), e.g. function rowCss(params) { return ((params.rowIndex + 1) % 5 === 0) ? 'fiver' : ''; } |
showAllLimit | 200 | Hide "show all" for more rows |
paginationLimit | 5000 | A simple pagination bar is used when this limit is reached. For large data sets some features of the pagignation bar are disabled e.g jump to first/last page. |
beforeDataRequest |
| Executed before getData method. getData method is not executed if this returns false |
name | parameters | description |
getBase | boolean detach, boolean clear | Creates the table inside the parent element and returns a reference. If it already exists, no new table will be created. Call with detach=true to detach the table from the DOM for faster mass-data operations, but do not forget to append the table manually again to the parent element. Calling with clear=true will empty the complete table. |
getColumnData | DOMNode element | By giving this function a reference to any DOM element inside the table (e.g. the th or an element inside a td) it will return the configuration of the parent column. |
getRowData | DOMNode element | By giving this function a reference to any DOM element inside the tbody (e.g. an element inside a td or the tr itself) it will return the data-object of the owning row. |
<div id="toolbar"> <input type="submit" name="new" value="New" /> <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete" /> <input type="submit" name="more" value="More" /> </div>
$('#toolbar').children('input[name="more"]').popupmenu({ items: [ { cssClass: 'online', render: function render() { var rows = $('#element').grid('getSelectedRows'); return 'Set Online (' + rows.length + ' items)'; }, click: function click() { alert('Online '); } }, { type: 'separator' }, { cssClass: 'export', render: function render() { var rows = $('#element').grid('getSelectedRows'); return 'Export (' + rows.length + ' items)'; }, click: function click() { alert('Export '); } } ] });
Attribute | Default Value | Description |
items | [ ] | An array containing menu item configuration objects. |
timeOut | 300 | Time in ms until the menu will be hidden, after the mouse coursor was moved away from menu. |
attachTo | null | Attach menu to this element and show when this element is clicked. |
attachMode | after | Can be 'after' or 'insert'. How the menu should be placed. After the given element or into it. |
alignTo | null | Menu is aligned to this element instead of the element it was attached to. |
manualShow | false | By default, the menu is shown after clicking on the element it was attached to. |
Attribute | Default Value | Description |
type | text | can be text or seperator |
render | Empty Function | {String or Function} How the menu item is displayed. |
click | Empty Function | The method that will be attached to the click event. Parameters can be passed to this method by passing them to the show method. |
cssClass |
| {String or Function} The css class applied to that item |
A web browser on its own only uses the "title" attribute of DOM elements to present a tooltip to the user, but this is limited to plain text. If a tooltip should also contain HTML markup then this can only be achieved via JavaScript. For this PowerTip (a jquery plugin) is provided with the Intershop solution.
Running example usages: ui_web_library\staticfiles\cartridge\static\default\js\jquery\powertip\demo\examples.html
The basic use case to let "title" tooltips to be rendered with PowerTip.
<a href="/some/link" title="This will be the tooltip text.">Some Link</a>
Create tooltips with structured content. Note that the tooltip content should be simply renderable with ISML. This is an Intershop specific extension of the original PowerTip plugin.
<a href="/some/link">Some Link</a> <div class="tooltip" style="display:none"> This will be the tooltip <br /> <table> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td>A name</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ID:</td> <td>An identifier</td> </tr> </table> </div>
$('.tooltip').powerTip({applyThisOnPrevious:true, mouseOnToPopup:true, smartPlacement:true});
Name | Default | Type | Description |
followMouse | false | Boolean | If set to true the tooltip will follow the users mouse cursor. |
mouseOnToPopup | false | Boolean | Allow the mouse to hover on the tooltip. This lets users interact with the content in the tooltip. Only works if followMouse is set to false . |
placement | 'n' | String | Placement location of the tooltip relative to the element it is open for. Values can be n , e , s , w , nw , ne , sw , se , nw-alt , ne-alt , sw-alt , or se-alt (as in north, east, south, and west). This only matters if followMouse is set to false . |
smartPlacement | false | Boolean | When enabled the plugin will try to keep tips inside the browser view port. If a tooltip would extend outside of the view port then its placement will be changed to an orientation that would be entirely within the current view port. Only applies if followMouse is set to false . |
popupId | 'powerTip' | String | HTML id attribute for the tooltip div. |
offset | 10 | Number | Pixel offset of the tooltip. This will be the offset from the element the tooltip is open for, or from from mouse cursor if followMouse is true . |
fadeInTime | 200 | Number | Tooltip fade-in time in milliseconds. |
fadeOutTime | 100 | Number | Tooltip fade-out time in milliseconds. |
closeDelay | 100 | Number | Time in milliseconds to wait after mouse cursor leaves the element before closing the tooltip. This serves two purposes: first, it is the mechanism that lets the mouse cursor reach the tooltip (cross the gap between the element and the tooltip div) for mouseOnToPopup tooltips. And, second, it lets the cursor briefly leave the element and return without causing the whole fade-out, intent test, and fade-in cycle to happen. |
intentPollInterval | 100 | Number | Hover intent polling interval in milliseconds. |
intentSensitivity | 7 | Number | Hover intent sensitivity. The tooltip will not open unless the number of pixels the mouse has moved within the intentPollInterval is less than this value. These default values mean that if the mouse cursor has moved 7 or more pixels in 100 milliseconds the tooltip will not open. |
manual | false | Boolean | If set to true then PowerTip will not hook up its event handlers, letting you create your own event handlers to control when tooltips are shown (using the API to open and close tooltips). |
applyThisOnPrevious | false | Boolean | If set to true then PowerTip will use the DOM element where is applied to and takes it as the tooltip content for the immediately preceding sibling element. This is an Intershop specific extension of the PowerTip plugin. |
For further documentation or examples it is helpful to check the underlying jsTree jquery plugin.
<div id="tree"></div>
// tree data var data = [ { title: 'Node 0', liAttr: { id: 'node0' }, children: [ { title: 'Node 0-0', liAttr: { id: 'node00' }, data: { checkbox: { checked: true } } children: [ { title: 'Node 0-0-0', liAttr: { id: 'node000' } } ] }, { title: 'Node 0-1', liAttr: { id: 'node01' } }, { title: 'Node 0-2', liAttr: { id: 'node02' } } ] }, { title: 'Node 1', liAttr: { id: 'node1' }, data: { core: { disabled: true, disabledText: 'This is a disabled node' } } } ]; // tree initialization $('#tree').tree({ plugins: ['themes', 'json', 'ui', 'hotkeys', 'checkbox', 'menu'], core: { animation: 100 }, json: { data: data, progressiveRender: true }, checkbox: { single: false }, menu: { menuThreshold: 1, items: [ { cssClass: 'Exclude', render: 'Exclude', click: function clickAction1(args) { var instance =, node =; instance.excludeNode(node); } }, { cssClass: 'Include', render: 'Include', click: function clickAction1(args) { var instance =, node =; instance.includeNode(node); } } ] } });
Attribute | Default value | Description |
plugins | [] | list of plugins that should be initialized |
Each plugin has its own configuration object with plugin-specific settings. For a full API documentation (including the configuration parameters) run ant jsdoc in the ui_web_library/build folder.
public AssignmentList extends Widget
The AssignmentList extends the standard input element SELECT. This widget provides two lists:
The user can "select" and "deselect" the options via drag and drop or displayed icons (+/-). The option moves from one side to the other on select/deselect.
Demo | Example |
Html DOM element for dialog | ... <div id="YOUR_HTML_ELEMENT" name="letter"> </div> ... |
Creates a new Assignment List with the standard Settings | $( "#assignment" ).assignment(); |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>jQuery UI AssignmentList - Demo for the standard Constructor</title> <!-- required CSS Libraries --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.core.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.theme.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../css/jqueryui/assignment/jquery.assignment.css"> <!-- required JavaScript Libraries --> <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.2.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.core.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.mouse.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.draggable.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.position.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.resizable.js"></script> <script src="../../../jquery/tmpl-1.1.1/jquery.tmpl.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui/assignment/jquery.assignment.js"></script> <script> // .. the JQuery Script for the Dialog </script> </head> <body> <!-- The Html part for the AssignmentList - BEGIN --> <select id="assignment" name="example assignment list" multiple="multiple"> <option value="1">Option 1</option> <option value="2">Option 2</option> <option value="3">Option 3</option> <option value="4">Option 4</option> <option value="5">Option 5</option> </select> <!-- The Html part for the AssignmentList - END --> </body> </html>
The options of an AssignmentList can be set inside the constructor
Type | Option = Default Value |
String | animated = "fast" |
Function | dataParser = defaultDataParser |
Number | dividerLocation = 0.6 |
String | droppable = "both" |
String | hide = "slideUp" |
Function | nodeComparator = defaultNodeComparator |
Function | nodeInserted = null |
Object | remoteParams = {} |
String | remoteUrl = null |
Boolean | searchable = true |
Integer | searchDelay = 400 |
show | aOption = slideDown |
String | sortable = "left" |
Options inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
disabled |
These public methods can be used to create an assignment list widget:
Method ( parameter ) |
assignment( ) |
assignment( Object initialSettings ) |
The public methods of an AssignmentList must be executed via the corresponding constructor:
Return Value | Method ( parameter ) |
void | deselect( Boolean state, String msg ) |
void | enabled( String item ) |
Boolean | isBusy( ) |
Boolean | isSelected( String item ) |
void | search( String query ) |
void | select( String item ) |
void | selectAll( ) |
String[] | selectedValues( ) |
void | aMethod( ) |
Methods inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
_trigger, destroy, disable, enable, option, option, option, widget |
Supply a callback function to handle the create event as an init option.
Type | Event |
deselected | |
messages | |
selected |
Events inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
The options of an AssignmentList can be set inside the constructor
$( "aElement" ).assignment({ aOption: "aValue" });
or with the set method.
$( "aElement" ).assignment( "option", "aOption", "aValue" );
Get the value of the option via the get method:
var aValue = $( "aElement" ).assignment( "option", "aOption" );
public String animated = "fast"
When animated is specified, the AssignmentList UI will use transition effects between interactions. The possible values are 'fast', 'slow' and null (no animation).
public Function dataParser = defaultDataParser
Used with remote search, this function is called to parse the data received and return the data in the expected format.
The function takes the raw received data from the request and should return a JSON object corresponding to the new available options to add. The returned object should have the following structure :
{ "key1": { selected: boolean, value: string }[, "key2": { selected: boolean, value: string }[, ...]] }
If the data should be discarded, the function may return false or null.
public Number dividerLocation = 0.6
Specify the portion of the selected (left side) area of the AssignmentList. To have an even split AssignmentList, set dividerLocation to 0.5. The value should be between 0 and 1.
public String droppable = "both"
Enable or disable basic drag and drop functionality between the selected list (left) and the available list (right). The possible values are 'both', 'left', 'right', 'none'. And set drop support in both lists, the selected list, the available list, or no drag and drop respectively.
This setting is readonly at run-time. Trying to set this property after initialization will trigger a messages event.
public String hide = "slideUp"
Specify the hide animation function to use. If animated is null, the value will be overriden to 'hide'. The possible values are any available function effects name. The default value for animated hide effect is 'slideUp'.
public Function nodeComparator = defaultNodeComparator
Comparator function used in ordering the list's elements during transfer. The function takes two arguments, a and b, and should return a numeric value less than 0 if a < b, 0 if a == b, or greater than 0 if a > b respectively.
The function is only called when the list is not sortable. By default, items are sorted by content value ascending. To completely disable automatic list ordering, set nodeComparator to null.
public Function nodeInserted = null
Callback function fired for each newly inserted items. The function takes the inserted item as a JQuery object and does not expect any return value.
Internally, items are cached as a best effort basis, therefore some items may be inserted, removed and re-inserted during manipulations.
public Object remoteParams = {}
Specify some extra remote parameters to send with every remote search requests. Note that the 'q' argument is reserved by AssignmentList and if remoteParams contains a key called 'q', it will be overriden with the search query.
public String remoteUrl = null
If the AssignmentList is searchable, then setting this option will allow fetching new data from a remote script. The returned data may vary if a custom dataParser is set.
The default parser expects to receive the data as plain text, one option per line, in the format of :
public Boolean searchable = true
Enable or disable search capabilities for this instance of the AssignmentList.
public Integer searchDelay = 400
Define the input search delay before a request is sent to the server. The default value is 400 milliseconds.
public String show = "slideDown"
Specify the show animation function to use. If animated is null, the value will be overriden to 'show'. The possible values are any available function effects name. The default value for animated hide effect is 'slideDown'.
public String sortable = "left"
Enable or disable item sortable functionality through drag and drop for the selected list (left) and/or the available list (right). The possible values are 'both', 'left', 'right', 'none'. And set sortable support in both lists, the selected list only, the available list only, or none sortable respectively.
This setting overrides droppable for the specified list. This setting is readonly at run-time (like droppable).
An AssignmentList can be created with these constructors, one with and one without options.
$( "aElement" ).assignment({ aOption: "aValue" }); $( "aElement" ).assignment();
public assignment( )
Constructs an AssignmentList with the standard settings.
public assignment( Object initialSettings )
Constructs a AssignmentList with the given settings.
The public methods of an AssignmentList must be executed via the corresponding constructor:
$( ".aElement" ).assignment("methodName", param0, param1, ... , paramN);
The protected methods can be called directly from the extending class e.g.:
public void deselect( Boolean state, String msg )
Get or set the state of the enabled AssignmentList. If no state is specified, will act as a getter. If state is set to false, the msg argument will display the specified string as custom disabled message inside the AssignmentList.
public void enabled( String item )
Deselect the specified item. The value should be the text of the option to verify (not case sensitive).
If only the option key is known, the option may be specified using the following command:
$('aElement').assignment('isSelected', $('aElement').find('option[value=key]').text() );
public Boolean isBusy( )
Return the busy state of the AssignmentList. The method will return true if the AssignmentList is processing item selection, search, etc.
public Boolean isSelected( String item )
Return true if and only if item is selected. The value should be the text of the option to verify (not case sensitive).
If only the option key is known, the option may be specified using the following command:
$('aElement').assignment('isSelected', $('aElement').find('option[value=key]').text() );
public void search( String query )
Perform a search of all the available elements, and filter out (hide) any unmatched item. This method controls the search input fields, if the AssignmentList is not searchable, or is busy, or not enabled, the method does nothing.
public void select( String item )
Select the specified item. The value should the text of the option to select (not case sensitive).
If only the option key is known, the option may be specified using the following command:
$('aElement').assignment('isSelected', $('aElement').find('option[value=key]').text() );
public void selectAll( )
Select all of the available items.
public String[] selectedValues( )
Return an array of the keys of all the currently selected values.
public void selectNone( )
Deselect all the selected items (equivalent to "Remove all").
Supply a callback function to handle the create event as an init option.
$( "aElement" ).assignment( { aEvent: function aEvent(event, ui) { ... } } );
Bind to the create event by type:
var aEventType = "assignment" + aEvent; $( "aElement" ).bind( aEventType, function aEvent(event, ui) { ... } );
public JQueryEvent deselected
This event is triggered whenever the an option has been deselected. The event deselected is triggered for every option deselected.
public JQueryEvent messages
This event is triggered whenever the widget needs to send some feedback to the user.
public JQueryEvent selected
This event is triggered whenever the an option has been selected. The event selected is triggered for every option selected.
public Dialog extends Widget
A dialog is a floating window that contains a title bar and a content area. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the 'x' icon by default.
If the content length exceeds the maximum height, a scrollbar will automatically appear.
A bottom button bar and semi-transparent modal overlay layer are common options that can be added.
A call to
will initialize a dialog instance and will auto-open the dialog by default. If you want to reuse a dialog, the easiest way is to disable the "auto-open" option with:
$(foo).dialog({ autoOpen: false })
Open it with:
To close it, use:
Demo | Example |
Html DOM element for dialog | ... <div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog"> <p>The dialog window can be moved, resized or closed with the 'x' icon.</p> </div> <button id="opener">Open Dialog</button> ... |
Creates a new Dialog with the standard Settings | $( "#dialog" ).dialog(); |
Creates a new Dialog with some initial Settings | $( "#dialog" ).dialog( { closeOnEscape: false, draggable: false }); |
Open the Dialog manually | $( "#dialog" ).dialog( { autoOpen: false }); $( "#opener" ).click(function click() { $("#dialog").dialog( "open" ); return false; }); |
Dialog with two Buttons as Object | $( "#dialog" ).dialog(); // For the demo we set the buttons via the "option" method. // But it is possible to set the buttons with the constructor (see: Dialog with two Buttons as Array). $( "#dialog" ).dialog( "option", "buttons", { "Ok": function Ok() { // execute functions for OK Button ... $(this).dialog("close"); }, "Cancel": function Cancel() { // execute functions for Cancel Button ... $(this).dialog("close"); } }); |
Dialog with two Buttons as Array | // For the demo we set the buttons with constructor. // But it is possible to set the buttons with the "option" method (see: Dialog with two Buttons as Object). $( "#dialog" ).dialog( { buttons: [{ text: "Ok", click: function Ok() { // execute functions for OK Button ... $(this).dialog("close"); } },{ text: "Cancel", click: function click() { // execute functions for Cancel Button ... $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); |
Disable and Enable ESC button for a Dialog | $( "#dialog" ).dialog( { closeOnEscape: false, buttons: [{ text: "enable ESC", click: function click() { $(this).dialog("option", "closeOnEscape", true); } }] }); |
Close the Dialog | $( "#dialog" ).dialog( { buttons: { "Close": function Close() { // execute functions for OK Button ... $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); |
Listen to Resize Events | $( "#dialog" ).dialog( { resize: function resize(event) { $( "#demo-output" ).html("W: " + + "; H: " +; return true; } }); |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>jQuery UI Dialog - Demo for the "autoOpen" option</title> <!-- required CSS Libraries --> <link href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.core.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.resizable.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.theme.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.dialog.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.theme.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="../../../../css/jqueryui/lightbox/jquery.dialog.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <!-- required JavaScript Libraries --> <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.2.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.core.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.mouse.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.draggable.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.position.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.resizable.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.dialog.js"></script> <script> // .. the JQuery Script for the Dialog </script> </head> <body> <!-- The Html part for the Dialog - BEGIN --> <div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog"> <p>The dialog window can be moved, resized or closed with the 'x' icon.</p> </div> <!-- The Html part for the Dialog - END --> </body> </html>
The options of a Dialog can be set inside the constructor:
Type | Option = Default Value |
Boolean | autoOpen = true |
Object | buttons = {} |
Object[ ] | buttons = [] |
Boolean | closeOnEscape = true |
String | closeText = "close" |
String | dialogClass = "" |
Boolean | draggable = true |
Number | height = "auto" |
String | hide = null |
Object | hide = null |
Number | maxHeight = false |
Number | maxWidth = false |
Number | minHeight = 150 |
Number | minWidth = 150 |
Boolean | modal = false |
String | position = "center" |
String[ ] | position = ["center"] |
Boolean | resizable = true |
String | show = null |
Object | show = null |
Boolean | stack = true |
String | title = "" |
Number | width = 300 |
Integer | zIndex = 1000 |
Options inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
These public methods can be used to create an assignment list widget:
Method ( parameter ) |
dialog( ) |
dialog( Object initialSettings ) |
The public methods of a Dialog must be executed via the corresponding constructor:
Return Value | Method ( parameter ) |
void | close( ) |
Boolean | isOpen( ) |
void | moveToTop( ) |
void | open( ) |
Methods inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
_trigger, destroy, disable, enable, option, option, option, widget |
Supply a callback function to handle the create event as an init option:
Type | Event |
beforeClose | |
open | |
focus | |
dragStart | |
drag | |
dragStop | |
resizeStart | |
resize | |
resizeStop | |
close |
Events inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
The options of a Dialog can be set inside the constructor
$( ".aElement" ).dialog({ aOption: "aValue" });
or with the set method.
$( ".aElement" ).dialog( "option", "aOption", "aValue" );
Get the value of the option via the get method:
var aValue = $( ".aElement" ).dialog( "option", "aOption" );
public Boolean autoOpen = true
When autoOpen is true the dialog will open automatically when dialog is called. If false it will stay hidden until .dialog("open") is called on it.
public Object buttons = {}
Specifies which buttons should be displayed on the dialog. The property key is the text of the button. The value is the callback function for when the button is clicked. The context of the callback is the dialog element; if you need access to the button, it is available as the target of the event object.
public Object[ ]
Specifies which buttons should be displayed on the dialog. Each element of the array must be an Object defining the properties to set on the button.
public Boolean closeOnEscape = true
Specifies whether the dialog should close when it has focus and the user presses the esacpe (ESC) key.
public String closeText = "close"
Specifies the text for the close button. Note that the close text is visibly hidden when using a standard theme.
public String dialogClass = ""
The specified class name(s) will be added to the dialog, for additional theming.
public Boolean draggable = true
If set to true, the dialog will be draggable will be draggable by the titlebar.
public Number height = "auto"
The height of the dialog, in pixels. Specifying 'auto' is also supported to make the dialog adjust based on its content.
public String hide = null
The effect to be used when the dialog is closed.
public Object hide = null
The effect to be used when the dialog is closed.
public Number maxHeight = false
The maximum height to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels.
public Number maxWidth = false
The maximum width to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels.
public Number minHeight = 150
The minimum height to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels.
public Number minWidth = 150
The minimum width to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels.
public Boolean modal = false
If set to true, the dialog will have modal behavior; other items on the page will be disabled (i.e. cannot be interacted with). Modal dialogs create an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements.
public String position = "center"
Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. Possible values:
public String[ ] position = ["center"]
Specifies where the dialog should be displayed.
public Boolean resizable = true
If set to true, the dialog will be resizable.
public String show = null
The effect to be used when the dialog is opened.
public Object show = null
The effect to be used when the dialog is opened.
public Boolean stack = true
Specifies whether the dialog will stack on top of other dialogs. This will cause the dialog to move to the front of other dialogs when it gains focus.
public String title = ""
Specifies the title of the dialog. Any valid HTML may be set as the title. The title can also be specified by the title attribute on the dialog source element.
public Number width = 300
The width of the dialog, in pixels.
public Integer zIndex = 1000
The starting z-index for the dialog.
The constructor of a Dialog can be executed in the following way:
$( ".aElement" ).dialog(param0, param1, ... , paramN);
public dialog( )
Constructs a dialog with the standard settings.
public dialog( Object initialSettings )
Constructs a dialog with the given settings.
The public methods of a Dialog must be executed via the corresponding constructor:
$( ".aElement" ).dialog("methodName", param0, param1, ... , paramN);
The protected methods can be called directly from the extending class e.g.:
public void close( )
Close the dialog.
public Boolean isOpen( )
Returns true if the dialog is currently open.
public void moveToTop( )
Move the dialog to the top of the dialogs stack.
public void open( )
Open the dialog.
Supply a callback function to handle the create event as an init option.
$( ".aElement" ).dialog( { aEvent: function(event, ui) { ... } } );
Bind to the create event by type:
var aEventType = "dialog" + aEvent; $( ".aElement" ).bind( aEventType, function(event, ui) { ... } );
public JQueryEvent beforeClose
This event is triggered when a dialog attempts to close. If the beforeClose event handler (callback function) returns false, the close will be prevented.
public JQueryEvent open
This event is triggered when dialog is opened.
public JQueryEvent focus
This event is triggered when the dialog gains focus.
public JQueryEvent dragStart
This event is triggered at the beginning of the dialog being dragged.
public JQueryEvent drag
This event is triggered when the dialog is dragged.
public JQueryEvent dragStop
This event is triggered after the dialog has been dragged.
public JQueryEvent resizeStart
This event is triggered at the beginning of the dialog being resized.
public JQueryEvent resize
This event is triggered when the dialog is resized.
public JQueryEvent resizeStop
This event is triggered after the dialog has been resized.
public JQueryEvent close
This event is triggered when the dialog is closed.
public DropDown extends Widget
DropDown turns an ordinary HTML select control into an elegant drop down box of checkboxes with themeroller support.
Demo | Example |
HTML DOM element for dialog | ... <select id="dropdown" name="example dropdown box" multiple="multiple"> <option value="1">Option 1</option> <option value="2">Option 2</option> <option value="3">Option 3</option> <option value="4">Option 4</option> <option value="5">Option 5</option> </select> ... |
Creates a new DropDown box with the standard Settings | $( "#dropdown" ).dropdown(); |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>jQuery UI DropDown - Demo for the standard Constructor</title> <!-- required CSS Libraries --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.core.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../css/jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.theme.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../css/jqueryui/dropdown/jquery.dropdown.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../css/jqueryui/dropdown/jquery.dropdown.filter.css"> <!-- required JavaScript Libraries --> <script src="../../../jquery-1.7.2.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.core.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui-1.8.19/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui/dropdown/jquery.dropdown.js"></script> <script src="../../../jqueryui/dropdown/jquery.dropdown.filter.js"></script> <script> // .. the JQuery Script for the DropDown </script> </head> <body> <!-- The Html part for the DropDown - BEGIN --> <select id="dropdown" name="example dropdown box" multiple="multiple"> <option value="1">Option 1</option> <option value="2">Option 2</option> <option value="3">Option 3</option> <option value="4">Option 4</option> <option value="5">Option 5</option> </select> <!-- The Html part for the DropDown - END --> </body> </html>
The options of a DropDown:
Type | Option = Default Value |
Boolean | autoOpen = false |
String | checkAllText = "Check all" |
String | classes = "" |
Boolean | header = true |
String | header = true |
Number | height = 175 |
String | hide = "" |
Number | minWidth = 225 |
Boolean | multiple = true |
String | noneSelectedText = "Select options" |
Object | position = {} |
Number | selectedList = 0 |
String | selectedText = "# selected" |
String | show = "" |
String | uncheckAllText = "Uncheck All" |
Options inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
These public methods can be used to create an assignment list widget:
Method ( parameter ) |
dropdown( ) |
dropdown( Object initialSettings ) |
The public methods of a DropDown must be executed via the corresponding constructor:
Return Value | Method ( parameter ) |
void | checkAll( ) |
void | close( ) |
Object[] | getChecked( ) |
Boolean | isOpen( ) |
void | open( ) |
void | refresh( ) |
void | uncheckAll( ) |
Methods inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
_trigger, destroy, disable, enable, option, option, option, widget |
Supply a callback function to handle the create event as an init option.
Type | Event |
beforeclose | |
beforeopen | |
checkall | |
click | |
close | |
open | |
optgrouptoggle | |
uncheckall |
Events inherited from jquery.ui.widgets.Widget |
The options of a DropDown can be set inside the constructor
$( "aElement" ).dropdown({ aOption: "aValue" });
or with the set method.
$( "aElement" ).dropdown( "option", "aOption", "aValue" );
Get the value of the option via the get method:
var aValue = $( "aElement" ).dropdown( "option", "aOption" );
public Boolean autoOpen = false
A boolean value denoting whether or not to automatically open the menu when the widget is initialized.
public String checkAllText = "Check all"
The text of the "check all" link.
public String classes = ""
Additional class(es) to apply to BOTH the button and menu for further customization. Separate multiple classes with a space.
public Boolean header = true
A boolean value denoting whether or not to display the header.
public String header = true
A string value, which replaces the text of the "check all", "uncheck all" and "close" links.
public Number height = 175
Height of the checkbox container (scroll area) in pixels. If set to "auto", the height will calculate based on the number of checkboxes in the menu.
public String hide = ""
The name of the effect to use when the menu closes. To control the speed as well, pass in an array: 'explode', 500
public Number minWidth = 225
Minimum width of the entire widget in pixels. Setting to "auto" will disable.
public Boolean multiple = true
If set to false, the widget will use radio buttons instead of checkboxes, forcing users to select only one option.
public String noneSelectedText = "Select options"
The default text of the select box when no options have been selected.
public String position = {}
This option allows you to position the menu anywhere you like relative to the button; centered, above, below (default), etc. Also provides collision detection to flip the menu above the button when near the bottom of the window. If you do not set this option or if the position utility has not been included, the menu will open below the button.
public Number selectedList = 0
A numeric (or boolean to disable) value denoting whether or not to display the checked opens in a list, and how many. A number greater than 0 denotes the maximum number of list items to display before switching over to the selectedText parameter. A value of 0 or false is disabled.
public String selectedText = "# selected"
The text to display in the select box when options are selected (if selectedList is false). A pound sign (#) will automatically replaced by the number of checkboxes selected. If two pound signs are present in this parameter, the second will be replaced by the total number of checkboxes available. Example: "# of # checked".
This parameter also accepts an anonymous function with three arguments: the number of checkboxes checked, the total number of checkboxes, and an array of the checked checkbox DOM elements. See examples for usage.
public String show = ""
The name of the effect to use when the menu opens. To control the speed as well, pass in an array: 'slide', 500
public String uncheckAllText = "Uncheck all"
The text of the "uncheck all" link.
public dropdown( )
Constructs a DropDown box with the standard settings.
public dropdown( Object initialSettings )
Constructs a DropDown box with the given settings.
The public methods of a DropDown box must be executed via the corresponding constructor:
$( ".aElement" ).dropdown("methodName", param0, param1, ... , paramN);
The protected methods can be called directly from the extending class e.g.:
public void checkAll( )
Check all checkboxes.
public void close( )
Closes the menu.
public Object[] getChecked( )
Returns an array of all the checked checkboxes.
public Boolean isOpen( )
Returns a boolean denoting if the widget is currently open or not.
public void open( )
Opens the menu.
public void refresh( )
Reloads the checkbox menu. If you’re dynamically adding/removing option tags on the original select via AJAX or DOM manipulation methods, call refresh to reflect the changes in the widget.
public void uncheckAll( )
Uncheck all checkboxes.
Supply a callback function to handle the create event as an init option.
$( ".aElement" ).dropdown( { aEvent: function aEvent(event, ui) { ... } } );
Bind to the create event by type:
var aEventType = "dropdown" + aEvent; $( ".aElement" ).bind( aEventType, function aEvent(event, ui) { ... } );
public JQueryEvent beforeclose
Fires right before the menu closes. Prevent the menu from closing by returning false in the handler.
public JQueryEvent beforeopen
Fires right before the menu opens. Prevent the menu from opening by returning false in the handler.
public JQueryEvent checkall
Fires when all the options are checked by either clicking the "check all" link in the header, or when the "checkall" method is programatically called (see next section).
public JQueryEvent click
Fires when a checkbox is checked or unchecked.
public JQueryEvent close
Fires after the widget closes.
public JQueryEvent open
Fires after the widget opens.
public JQueryEvent optgrouptoggle
Fires when an optgroup label is clicked on. This event receives the original event object as the first argument, and a hash of values as the second argument.
public JQueryEvent uncheckall
Fires when all the options are all unchecked by either clicking the “uncheck all” link in the header, or when the “uncheckall” method is programatically called (see next section).