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  • ICM 12
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Reference - Recurring Order Extension REST API 2.0.0

This REST API is only available if you consume the Recurring Order extension, which is compatible with ICM 12.1.0+.

This API specification is available for download as an Open API 3.0 YAML file: 


The following page lists available REST APIs for ICM 12 and their version dependencies:

API Specification

openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Recurring Order Extension description: |- The _Recurring Order Extension REST API_, available with the Recurring Order extension, provides endpoints for managing recurring orders. To make use of these endpoints, ensure that the Recurring Order extension is correctly installed and configured. Additionally, the Recurring Order feature must be enabled in the back office for the selected channel. ## Accept Header To use version 2.x of the Recurring Order REST API, append the accept header `application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json` to the request. ## Changelog - - - ### Version 2.0.0 * Support of reworked Recurring Order Service * Adapted response content structure of all GET requests * Added DELETE methods for recurring orders of B2B customers / users and private customers * Removed payment endpoints * Removed support of media type `text/xml` * Update of a recurring order (enable/disable) is now done via method PATCH instead of PUT * Adapted structure of the `RecurringOrder` resource object and subsequent objects contact: name: Intershop Communications AG url: version: 2.0.0 servers: - url: "/INTERSHOP/rest/{serverGroup}/{siteName}/{appUrl}" description: Intershop ICM Server variables: serverGroup: description: The server group enum: - BOS - JOB - WFS default: WFS siteName: description: The site name default: inSPIRED-inTRONICS_Business-Site appUrl: description: The application URL identifier enum: - rest - "-" default: rest paths: /customers/{CustomerKey}/recurringorders: get: tags: - General summary: Returns a list of recurring orders of all users of the given B2B customer (only for Account Admin) description: |- This operation returns a list of recurring orders of all users of the given B2B customer. **Note: This operation requires account administrator permissions for B2B.** operationId: getRecurringOrdersV2_B2BAccountAdmin parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring orders for the given customer were successfully retrieved. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderListResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The user does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer could not be found. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /customers/{CustomerKey}/recurringorders/{RecurringOrderV2Key}: get: tags: - General summary: Returns details about a B2B customer's recurring order (only for Account Admin) description: |- This operation returns details about the requested recurring order of a B2B customer. The recurrence interval is defined as Java Period Object that supports ISO 8601. It provides numerous ways to set the interval. The string always starts with a 'P' for period. The interval can contain a number of years (Y), months (M), weeks (W), or Days (D), or any combination of them. The number is placed in front of the unit. Weeks are transformed to days by multiplying by 7 -> (P4W \= P28D). **Note: This operation requires account administrator permissions for B2B.** operationId: getRecurringOrderV2_B2BAccountAdmin parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring order with the given ID was successfully retrieved. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderItemResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The user does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer and/or the recurring order could not be found. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: delete: tags: - General summary: Deletes a B2B customer's recurring order (only for Account Admin) description: |- This operation deletes a recurring order of a B2B customer. **Note: This operation requires account administrator permissions for B2B.** operationId: deleteRecurringOrderV2_B2BAccountAdmin parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: responses: "204": description: No content - The deletion of the recurring order was successful. "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring-orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: patch: tags: - General summary: Updates a B2B customer's recurring order (only for Account Admin) description: |- This operation updates the selected recurring order of a B2B customer. Only activation and deactivation are supported. Expired recurring orders cannot be set to active. **Note: This operation requires account administrator permissions for B2B.** operationId: updateRecurringOrderV2_B2BAccountAdmin parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateRecurringOrderRO" responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring order was successfully updated. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderItemResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The user does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer and/or the recurring order could not be found. "409": description: |- Conflict - The recurring order cannot be enabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.enable-not-possible "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring-orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /customers/{CustomerKey}/users/{CustomerItemUserKey}/recurringorders: get: tags: - General summary: Returns a list of recurring orders of the given B2B user description: This operation returns a list of recurring orders of the given B2B user. operationId: getRecurringOrdersV2_B2B parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: CustomerItemUserKey in: path description: The user ID required: true schema: type: string description: The user ID example: example: x-item-key: responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring orders for the given customer and user were successfully retrieved. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderListResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The user does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer and/or user could not be found. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /customers/{CustomerKey}/users/{CustomerItemUserKey}/recurringorders/{RecurringOrderV2Key}: get: tags: - General summary: Returns details about a B2B user's recurring order description: |- This operation returns details about the requested recurring order of a B2B user. The recurrence interval is defined as Java Period Object that supports ISO 8601. It provides numerous ways to set the interval. The string always starts with a 'P' for period. The interval can contain a number of years (Y), months (M), weeks (W), or Days (D), or any combination of them. The number is placed in front of the unit. Weeks are transformed to days by multiplying by 7 -> (P4W \= P28D). operationId: getRecurringOrderV2_B2B parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: CustomerItemUserKey in: path description: The user ID required: true schema: type: string description: The user ID example: example: x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring order with the given ID was successfully retrieved. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderItemResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The user does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer and/or user and/or the recurring order could not be found. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: delete: tags: - General summary: Deletes a B2B user's recurring order description: This operation deletes a recurring order of a B2B user. operationId: deleteRecurringOrderV2_B2B parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: CustomerItemUserKey in: path description: The user ID required: true schema: type: string description: The user ID example: example: x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: responses: "204": description: No content - The deletion of the recurring order was successful. "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring-orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: patch: tags: - General summary: Updates a B2B user's recurring order description: |- This operation updates the selected recurring order of a B2B user. Only activation and deactivation are supported. Expired recurring orders cannot be set to active. operationId: updateRecurringOrderV2_B2B parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: CustomerItemUserKey in: path description: The user ID required: true schema: type: string description: The user ID example: example: x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateRecurringOrderRO" responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring order was successfully updated. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderItemResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The user does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer and/or user and/or the recurring order could not be found. "409": description: |- Conflict - The recurring order cannot be enabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.enable-not-possible "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring-orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /privatecustomers/{CustomerKey}/recurringorders: get: tags: - General summary: Returns a list of recurring orders of the given private customer description: This operation returns a list of recurring orders of the given private customer. operationId: getRecurringOrdersV2_B2C parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring orders for the given customer were successfully retrieved. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderListResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The customer could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The customer does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer could not be found. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /privatecustomers/{CustomerKey}/recurringorders/{RecurringOrderV2Key}: get: tags: - General summary: Returns details about a private customer's recurring order description: |- This operation returns details about the requested recurring order of a private customer. The recurrence interval is defined as Java Period Object that supports ISO 8601. It provides numerous ways to set the interval. The string always starts with a 'P' for period. The interval can contain a number of years (Y), months (M), weeks (W), or Days (D), or any combination of them. The number is placed in front of the unit. Weeks are transformed to days by multiplying by 7 -> (P4W \= P28D). operationId: getRecurringOrderV2_B2C parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring order with the given ID was successfully retrieved. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderItemResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The customer could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The customer does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer and/or the recurring order could not be found. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: delete: tags: - General summary: Deletes a private customer's recurring order description: This operation deletes a recurring order of a private customer. operationId: deleteRecurringOrderV2_B2C parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: responses: "204": description: No content - The deletion of the recurring order was successful. "401": description: Unauthorized - The customer could not be authenticated. "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring-orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: patch: tags: - General summary: Updates a private customer's recurring order description: |- This operation updates the selected recurring order of a private customer. Only activation and deactivation are supported. Expired recurring orders cannot be set to active. operationId: updateRecurringOrderV2_B2C parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The customer ID required: true schema: type: string description: The customer ID example: OilCorp example: OilCorp x-item-key: - name: RecurringOrderV2Key in: path description: The recurring order ID required: true schema: title: RecurringOrderKey type: string description: The recurring order ID example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv example: 5Z.sEmZRpW0AAAF2Bi2CwBhv x-item-key: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateRecurringOrderRO" responses: "200": description: OK - The recurring order was successfully updated. content: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderItemResponse_v2" "401": description: Unauthorized - The customer could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The customer does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer and/or the recurring order could not be found. "409": description: |- Conflict - The recurring order cannot be enabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring_orders.enable-not-possible "501": description: |- Not implemented - The recurring order feature is disabled. Possible values for header value 'error-key': - error.recurring-orders.disabled "503": description: Service unavailable - The recurring order service is not available and/or cannot be discovered. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: components: schemas: FeedbackCauseRO_v1: title: FeedbackCauseRO_v1 required: - code - message type: object properties: code: type: string description: A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side) example: message: type: string description: A human readable message in the request's locale example: The product name must be specified. parameters: type: array description: A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message items: type: object additionalProperties: type: object paths: type: array description: "A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless\ \ otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity." example: - "\"$.name (position: 1)\"" externalDocs: url: items: type: string description: A representation for the common feedback information FeedbackRO_v1: title: FeedbackRO_v1 required: - code - message type: object properties: causes: type: array description: A collection of errors/warnings/infos that caused the feedback items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FeedbackCauseRO_v1" code: type: string description: A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side) example: message: type: string description: A human readable message in the request's locale example: The product name must be specified. parameters: type: array description: A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message items: type: object additionalProperties: type: object paths: type: array description: "A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless\ \ otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity." example: - "\"$.name (position: 1)\"" externalDocs: url: items: type: string level: type: string description: The level of the feedback example: ERROR enum: - INFO - WARN - ERROR status: type: string description: The HTTP status code that is applicable to this problem example: "422" description: An error or piece of information related to the current request readOnly: true ListInfoRO_v1: title: ListInfoRO_v1 type: object properties: hasMoreElements: type: boolean description: Flag that expresses if there are more entries available readOnly: true example: true limit: type: integer description: The limit of list entries to be shown format: int32 readOnly: true example: 20 offset: type: integer description: Excludes the first N items from the list format: int32 readOnly: true example: 10 total: type: integer description: The total amount of entries in the list format: int32 readOnly: true example: 30 description: The optional information about the response object. All values are also optional. readOnly: true MoneyRO_v1: title: MoneyRO_v1 type: object properties: currency: type: string description: Three-letter currency code (ISO 4217) of the monetary value example: USD value: type: number description: The monetary value example: 10.99 description: Describes a money object readOnly: true RecurringOrderListItemRO_v2: type: object properties: active: type: boolean description: Flag that determines whether the recurring order is active readOnly: true example: true buyer: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserInformationRO_v1" creationDate: type: string description: Date when the recurring order was created format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 endDate: type: string description: End date of the recurring order format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 expired: type: boolean description: Flag that determines whether the recurring order is expired readOnly: true example: true id: type: string description: The ID of the recurring order readOnly: true example: H3SsEwADrUkAAAGRVc4AFn9V interval: type: string description: The interval of the recurring order (in ISO-8601 period format) readOnly: true example: P2M itemCount: type: integer description: The number of line items included in the recurring order format: int32 readOnly: true example: 20 lastOrderDate: type: string description: Date on which the last order from the recurring order was placed format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 nextOrderDate: type: string description: Date on which the next order from the recurring order is to be placed format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 number: type: string description: The document number of the recurring order readOnly: true example: "0000227" repetitions: type: integer description: Number of repetitions of the recurring order format: int32 readOnly: true example: 12 startDate: type: string description: Start date of the recurring order format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 totalGross: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" totalNet: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" description: A representation of a (reduced) recurring order list item RecurringOrderListResponse_v2: type: object properties: data: type: array description: The core data of the response object items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderListItemRO_v2" info: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ListInfoRO_v1" messages: type: array readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1" UserInformationRO_v1: type: object properties: accountID: type: string description: The login of a user companyName: type: string description: The company name example: BioTech companyName2: type: string description: The second company name customerNo: type: string description: A user's customer number example: "1234567" email: type: string description: The e-mail address of a user example: firstName: type: string description: The first name of a user example: Max lastName: type: string description: The last name of a user example: Miller secondLastName: type: string description: The second last name of a user example: Mayer secondName: type: string description: The second name of a user example: Paul title: type: string description: The title of a user example: Mr. userNo: type: string description: The user number example: 34567-23 description: Contains information about the user readOnly: true AddressRO_v1: type: object properties: addressLine1: type: string description: "The first address line, which usually contains street and\ \ house number" example: Berliner Str. 20 addressLine2: type: string description: The second address line addressLine3: type: string description: The third address line aristocraticTitle: type: string description: "The aristocratic title of the contact person, like 'Lord'\ \ or 'Lady'" attributes: type: array readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" city: type: string description: The name of the city example: Potsdam companyName1: type: string description: The company name in case it is a business address example: Intershop Communications AG companyName2: type: string description: The second company name country: type: string description: The localized display name of the country readOnly: true example: Germany countryCode: type: string description: The ISO 3166-1 country code example: DE customer: type: string eligibleInstallToAddress: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that the address can be used as install-to address example: false eligibleInvoiceToAddress: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that the address can be used as invoice-to address example: true eligibleServiceToAddress: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that the address can be used as service-to address example: false eligibleShipFromAddress: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that the address can be used as ship-from address example: false eligibleShipToAddress: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that the address can be used as ship-to address example: true email: type: string description: The e-mail address of the contact person example: externalId: type: string description: The ID uniquely identifying the address in an external system; required only for data objects that have already been synchronized with the external system example: "000123456" externalUrn: type: string description: The URN uniquely identifying the address in an external system; required only for data objects that have already been synchronized with the external system example: urn:address:MSDynamics365:MyCorp:000123456 fax: type: string description: The fax number firstName: type: string description: "The given name (also known as a personal name, first name,\ \ forename, or Christian name) of the contact person" example: Patricia honorific: type: string description: "The honorific title of the contact person that denotes the\ \ honored person's occupation, like 'Captain', 'Reverend', or the academic\ \ title, like 'PhD'" id: type: string description: The ID that identifies the address example: "0987654321" jobTitle: type: string description: The job title of the contact person lastName: type: string description: "The last name (also known as a family name, surname, or gentile\ \ name) of the contact person" example: Miller mainDivision: type: string description: The localized display name of the main division readOnly: true example: Alabama mainDivisionCode: type: string description: "The main division code of the country, e. g., a state or province" example: Al phoneBusiness: type: string description: The phone number of the contact person's company phoneBusinessDirect: type: string description: |- The business phone number of the contact person that allows an outside caller to connect directly to the contact person without any help of an attendant or operator phoneHome: type: string description: The phone number of the house or apartment where the contact person lives example: "049364112677" phoneMobile: type: string description: The number of the contact person's mobile phone postBox: type: string description: The post office box postalCode: type: string description: The postal code of the city example: "14482" secondLastName: type: string description: The second last name of the contact person secondName: type: string description: The second given name of the contact person subDivision: type: string description: The localized display name of the sub division readOnly: true example: City of Westminster subDivisionCode: type: string description: The sub division code example: "020" title: type: string description: The (personal) title of the contact person example: Ms. urn: type: string description: The URN representation of this address example: urn:address:customer:1234567890:0987654321 usage: type: object properties: empty: type: boolean description: "The usage information for the address. Every bit in the returned\ \ set marks a specific usage type: [invoice-to, ship-to, ship-from, service-to,\ \ install-to]. If a bit is set, the address may be used for the specific\ \ purpose mapped to this bit. By default, all values are set to true." description: The address readOnly: true ApprovalStatusRO: title: ApprovalStatusRO type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true status: type: string statusCode: type: string approvalDate: type: string format: date-time approver: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserRO" approvalComment: type: string systemRejected: type: boolean description: This resource holds information about the approval status. AttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' enum: - Boolean - Date - Decimal - Double - Integer - Long - Money - Quantity - String - Text - MultipleBoolean - MultipleDate - MultipleDecimal - MultipleDouble - MultipleInteger - MultipleLong - MultipleString value: type: object description: A representation of an attribute readOnly: true discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: Boolean: "#/components/schemas/BooleanAttributeRO_v1" Date: "#/components/schemas/DateAttributeRO_v1" Decimal: "#/components/schemas/DecimalAttributeRO_v1" Double: "#/components/schemas/DoubleAttributeRO_v1" Integer: "#/components/schemas/IntegerAttributeRO_v1" Long: "#/components/schemas/LongAttributeRO_v1" Money: "#/components/schemas/MoneyAttributeRO_v1" Quantity: "#/components/schemas/QuantityAttributeRO_v1" String: "#/components/schemas/StringAttributeRO_v1" Text: "#/components/schemas/TextAttributeRO_v1" MultipleBoolean: "#/components/schemas/MultipleBooleanAttributeRO_v1" MultipleDate: "#/components/schemas/MultipleDateAttributeRO_v1" MultipleDecimal: "#/components/schemas/MultipleDecimalAttributeRO_v1" MultipleDouble: "#/components/schemas/MultipleDoubleAttributeRO_v1" MultipleInteger: "#/components/schemas/MultipleIntegerAttributeRO_v1" MultipleLong: "#/components/schemas/MultipleLongAttributeRO_v1" MultipleString: "#/components/schemas/MultipleStringAttributeRO_v1" oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/BooleanAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/DateAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/DecimalAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/DoubleAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/IntegerAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/LongAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuantityAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/StringAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/TextAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultipleBooleanAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultipleDateAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultipleDecimalAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultipleDoubleAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultipleIntegerAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultipleLongAttributeRO_v1" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MultipleStringAttributeRO_v1" BasketLineItemPricingRO_v1: type: object properties: giftingTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" price: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" salesTaxTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" shippingRebatesTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" shippingTaxTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" singleBasePrice: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" undiscountedPrice: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" undiscountedShippingTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" undiscountedSingleBasePrice: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" valueRebatesTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" description: Total price values of a line item that has been added to a basket readOnly: true BasketLineItemRO_v1: required: - product - quantity type: object properties: attributes: type: array readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" basket: type: string description: The basket this line item belongs to readOnly: true example: yUQKAEsBeeoAAAFl9vhJwIZc calculated: type: boolean description: "The calculation state of the line item. By default, the line\ \ item will always be calculated after an update. By settings this to\ \ 'false', the line item will not be calculated. Note that the calculation\ \ results of a previous calculation will still be present in this case.\ \ Also note that by setting this to 'true', not only the line item, but\ \ the whole basket is calculated." customFields: type: array description: __BETA__ | List of custom field values items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomField_v1" customerProductID: type: string description: The customer product ID for the item example: OC5079747 desiredDelivery: type: string description: The desired delivery date for the item format: date example: 2001-07-04 discounts: type: array description: The IDs of the discounts applied to the item pricing readOnly: true items: type: string description: The IDs of the discounts applied to the item pricing readOnly: true freeGift: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that this product line item is a free gift and has been automatically placed in the line item container readOnly: true example: false giftMessage: type: string description: Additional gift message for the line item readOnly: true giftWrap: type: string description: Additional gift wrapping for the line item readOnly: true hiddenGift: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that this product line item is a free gift that will not be displayed in the line item container readOnly: true example: false id: type: string description: The line item's unique identifier readOnly: true partialOrderNo: type: string description: The partial order number for the item example: OC5079747 position: type: integer description: The position of the item in the basket format: int32 pricing: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasketLineItemPricingRO_v1" product: type: string description: The product represented as stock keeping unit (SKU) example: "5079747" quantity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuantityRO_v1" quantityFixed: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that this product line item quantity is not changeable example: true quote: type: string description: The quote this item was created from example: Qu0T3MgoyuMAx9Es2sx0Ue1 shipToAddress: type: string description: The ship-to address URN for this bucket example: urn:address:customer:As8BcSwoiuFEEEAd3pp1Oye:Xf7AqMgoyuMAAAEs2sx0Uei shippingMethod: type: string description: The shipping method ID for this bucket example: STD_5DAY surcharges: type: array description: Details about additional surcharges applied to the item readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasketSurchargeRO_v1" thumbnail: type: string description: The thumbnail URI of the product readOnly: true example: /INTERSHOP/static/WFS/inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site/-/inSPIRED/en_US/M/3957288-5427.jpg warranty: type: string description: A warranty assigned to the line item readOnly: true description: Describes a line item that has been added to a basket readOnly: true BasketShippingBucketRO_v1: type: object properties: basket: type: string description: The basket this shipping bucket belongs to readOnly: true example: yUQKAEsBeeoAAAFl9vhJwIZc calculated: type: boolean description: "The calculation state of the shipping bucket. By default,\ \ the shipping bucket will always be calculated after an update. By settings\ \ this to 'false', the shipping bucket will not be calculated. Note that\ \ the calculation results of a previous calculation will still be present\ \ in this case. Also note that by setting this to 'true', not only the\ \ shipping bucket, but the whole basket is calculated." deliveryTimeMax: type: string description: The maximum time the delivery will take based on the chosen shipping method (in ISO-8601 period format) format: duration readOnly: true example: P7D deliveryTimeMin: type: string description: The minimum time the delivery will take based on the chosen shipping method (in ISO-8601 period format) format: duration readOnly: true example: P3D discounts: type: array description: The IDs of the discounts applied to the bucket totals readOnly: true items: type: string description: The IDs of the discounts applied to the bucket totals readOnly: true id: type: string description: The ID of the bucket readOnly: true example: "54489489212" lineItems: type: array description: The IDs of all line items that are associated with this bucket readOnly: true items: type: string description: The IDs of all line items that are associated with this bucket readOnly: true shipToAddress: type: string description: The ship-to address URN for this bucket example: urn:address:customer:As8BcSwoiuFEEEAd3pp1Oye:Xf7AqMgoyuMAAAEs2sx0Uei shippingCosts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" shippingMethod: type: string description: The shipping method ID for this bucket example: STD_5DAY surcharges: type: array description: All extra charges arising from surcharges directly specified on the product or by shipping rules with action type 'bucket' readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasketSurchargeRO_v1" description: Describes a shipping bucket readOnly: true BasketShippingMethodRO_v1: type: object properties: attributes: type: array readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" deliveryTimeMax: type: string description: "The maximum time the delivery will take when selecting this\ \ shipping method (in ISO-8601 period format). Note that because the delivery\ \ time depends on the shipping bucket and its line items, it will only\ \ be returned if requested for the bucket. This value is not returned\ \ for the basket request because the individual values from the various\ \ buckets cannot be aggregated to a reliable overall value for the entire\ \ basket." format: duration readOnly: true example: P7D deliveryTimeMin: type: string description: "The minimum time the delivery will take when selecting this\ \ shipping method (in ISO-8601 period format). Note that because the delivery\ \ time depends on the shipping bucket and its line items, it will only\ \ be returned if requested for the bucket. This value is not returned\ \ for the basket request because the individual values from the various\ \ buckets cannot be aggregated to a reliable overall value for the entire\ \ basket." format: duration readOnly: true example: P3D description: type: string description: The shipping method's localized description readOnly: true example: Delivered to you 3-7 business days after we process your order. digitalDelivery: type: boolean description: "Indicates whether this shipping method is a digital delivery\ \ method (e. g., for e-mail delivery)" readOnly: true id: type: string description: The shipping method's unique identifier readOnly: true example: STD_GROUND name: type: string description: The name of an element readOnly: true example: Standard Ground shippingCosts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" shippingInstructionsSupported: type: boolean description: Indicates whether special shipping instructions can be added to the shipping bucket when selecting this shipping method readOnly: true shortName: type: string description: The shipping method's localized short name readOnly: true example: Int'l Express Delivery. description: "Describes a shipping method that can be selected as a delivery\ \ option. Note that because shipping costs and delivery times depend on the\ \ shipping bucket and its line items, they will only be returned if requested\ \ for the bucket. These values are not returned for the basket request because\ \ the individual values from the various buckets cannot be aggregated to reliable\ \ overall values for the entire basket." readOnly: true BasketSurchargeRO_v1: type: object properties: amount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" name: type: string description: The name of an element readOnly: true example: Fridge Box description: type: string description: The surcharge's localized description readOnly: true example: Needs a fridge box for shipping. taxes: type: array description: The taxes applied to the surcharge readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxItemRO_v1" description: Describes a single surcharge incurred to a shipping bucket readOnly: true BasketTotalsRO_v1: type: object properties: grandTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" paymentCostsTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" undiscountedItemTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" undiscountedShippingTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" basketShippingDiscountsTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" basketValueDiscountsTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" bucketShippingDiscountsTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" discountTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" giftingTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" itemShippingDiscountsTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" itemTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" itemValueDiscountsTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" salesTaxTotalsByTaxRate: type: array description: "All sales taxes applied to the basket, accumulated by their\ \ tax rates" readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxItemRO_v1" shippingDiscountsTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" shippingTaxTotalsByTaxRate: type: array description: "All shipping taxes applied to the basket, accumulated by their\ \ tax rates" readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxItemRO_v1" shippingTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" surchargeTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" taxTotalsByTaxRate: type: array description: "All taxes applied to the basket, accumulated by their tax\ \ rates (includes taxes levied to sales, prices, shipping and surcharges" readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxItemRO_v1" valueDiscountsTotal: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" description: Total price values for a basket readOnly: true BooleanAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a boolean attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: boolean description: The boolean attribute value BooleanFieldRO: required: - name - type type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomField_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: boolean description: The boolean value ConstraintRO_v1: required: - message type: object properties: message: type: string description: The message text of the constraint readOnly: true description: A constraint of a parameter CustomField_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element value: type: object description: The value of the custom field. Must match the type of the custom field definition and cannot be changed afterwards type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' enum: - String - Date - Integer - Boolean description: __BETA__ | A representation of a custom field value discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: String: "#/components/schemas/StringAttributeRO_v1" Date: "#/components/schemas/DateFieldRO" Integer: "#/components/schemas/IntegerFieldRO" Boolean: "#/components/schemas/BooleanFieldRO" oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/StringFieldRO" DateAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a date/time attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: string description: The date/time attribute value format: date-time example: 2020-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 DateFieldRO: required: - name - type type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomField_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: string description: The date/time value format: date-time example: 2020-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 DecimalAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a decimal attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: number description: The decimal attribute value DoubleAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a double attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: number description: The double attribute value format: double IntegerAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of an integer attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: integer description: The integer attribute value format: int32 IntegerFieldRO: required: - name - type type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomField_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: integer description: The integer value format: int32 JurisdictionRO_v1: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The jurisdiction ID example: CANADA level: type: string description: The level of the jurisdiction for which the tax is applied example: COUNTRY enum: - APO - BOROUGH - CITY - COUNTRY - COUNTY - DISTRICT - FPO - LOCAL_IMPROVEMENT_DISTRICT - PARISH - PROVINCE - SPECIAL_PURPOSE_DISTRICT - STATE - TERRITORY - TOWNSHIP - TRADE_BLOCK - TRANSIT_DISTRICT description: "Describes the jurisdiction, an area subject to its own distinct\ \ tax regulations,such as a municipality, city, county, or country" readOnly: true LongAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a long attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: integer description: The long attribute value format: int64 MoneyAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a money attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" MultipleBooleanAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple boolean attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple boolean attribute value items: type: boolean description: The multiple boolean attribute value MultipleDateAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple date/time attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple date/time attribute value items: type: string description: The multiple date/time attribute value format: date-time MultipleDecimalAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple decimal attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple decimal attribute value items: type: number description: The multiple decimal attribute value MultipleDoubleAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple double attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple double attribute value items: type: number description: The multiple double attribute value format: double MultipleIntegerAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple integer attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple integer attribute value items: type: integer description: The multiple integer attribute value format: int32 MultipleLongAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple long attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple long attribute value items: type: integer description: The multiple long attribute value format: int64 MultipleStringAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple string attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple string attribute value items: type: string description: The multiple string attribute value OptionRO_v1: type: object properties: displayName: type: string description: The localized display name of the parameter option example: American Express id: type: string description: The ID of the parameter option example: amx description: A representation of a parameter option ParameterDefinitionRO_v1: required: - name - type type: object properties: constraints: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConstraintRO_v1" description: A map of parameter constraints. The key is the constraint type. description: type: string description: The localized parameter description readOnly: true displayName: type: string description: The localized display name of the parameter readOnly: true example: Expiration Date hidden: type: boolean description: A flag indicating a hidden parameter that is not visible in the UI readOnly: true name: type: string description: The name of an element readOnly: true example: expiryDate options: type: array description: A list of allowable values to choose from for this parameter items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OptionRO_v1" placeholder: type: string description: A placeholder string for the parameter readOnly: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' readOnly: true example: String updatable: type: boolean description: A flag indicating that a parameter value is updatable via REST readOnly: true description: A representation of a parameter definition readOnly: true ParameterRO_v1: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element example: expiryDate value: type: object description: The value of the parameter example: 12/30 description: A representation of a parameter value PaymentMethodRO_v1: type: object properties: capabilities: type: array description: List of supported payment service capabilities readOnly: true example: RedirectAfterCheckout items: type: string description: List of supported payment service capabilities readOnly: true example: RedirectAfterCheckout default: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the payment method is the default payment method of the channel readOnly: true description: type: string description: A more detailed description of the payment method readOnly: true example: Simulate a payment with the Intershop demo method displayName: type: string description: The display name of the payment method readOnly: true example: ISH Demo Payment hostedPaymentPageParameters: type: array description: List of content parameters for Hosted Payment Pages readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ParameterRO_v1" id: type: string description: The ID of the payment method. Internally this is the ID of the payment method configuration in the back office readOnly: true example: ISH_INVOICE maxOrderAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" minOrderAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" parameterDefinitions: type: array description: "List of parameters (e.g., credit card 3DS token or IBAN) for\ \ this payment" readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ParameterDefinitionRO_v1" paymentCosts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" paymentCostsThreshold: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" paymentInstruments: type: array description: The IDs of all payment instruments stored for this payment method in the current context readOnly: true items: type: string description: The IDs of all payment instruments stored for this payment method in the current context readOnly: true restricted: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the payment method can be used in the current context readOnly: true restrictions: type: array description: The restrictions which prevent the payment method from being applicable readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentRestrictionRO_v1" saveAllowed: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the entered payment data can be saved for later reuse readOnly: true example: false serviceID: type: string description: The ID of the payment service readOnly: true example: SomePaymentProvider_CreditCard description: A configured payment method readOnly: true PaymentRO_v1: required: - paymentInstrument type: object properties: baseAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" id: type: string description: The ID of the payment readOnly: true example: AAFjXFq2QKAEsBiyQABB6G14 openTender: type: boolean description: Indicates whether or not the payment is an 'open-tender' payment readOnly: true paymentCosts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceRO_v1" paymentInstrument: type: string description: The reference to the payment instrument that was selected for this payment example: c2UKAEsBar8AAAFmxYVBTOiI paymentMethod: type: string description: The reference to the payment method that was used for this payment readOnly: true example: ISH_INVOICE redirect: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentRedirectRO_v1" redirectRequired: type: boolean description: Indicates whether or not a redirect is required to finish the payment. The type of redirect (before or after the checkout process) can be determined via the capabilities of the payment method. readOnly: true status: type: string description: The localized display name of the payment status readOnly: true example: Partially captured totalAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" description: A payment assigned to the basket/order to pay the bill with readOnly: true PaymentRedirectRO_v1: required: - cancelUrl - failureUrl - successUrl type: object properties: cancelUrl: type: string description: "The URL to be called when the user cancelled payment and the\ \ PSP redirects the user back to the shop. Placeholders can be used in\ \ this URL that get replaced by their real values during order creation.\ \ Per default, the placeholders \\*orderID\\* and \\*paymentID\\* are\ \ available." format: uri example: https://shop.server/cancel?paymentID=*paymentID* failureUrl: type: string description: "The URL to be called when the payment failed and the PSP redirects\ \ the user back to the shop. Placeholders can be used in this URL that\ \ get replaced by their real values during order creation. Per default,\ \ the placeholders \\*orderID\\* and \\*paymentID\\* are available." format: uri example: https://shop.server/failure parameters: type: array description: List of parameters returned in the redirect response from the PSP items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ParameterRO_v1" redirectUrl: type: string description: The URL to be called when redirecting the user to the payment providers page format: uri readOnly: true example: https://psp-server/pay status: type: string description: The final status of the redirect returned to the shop example: SUCCESS enum: - SUCCESS - CANCEL - FAILURE successUrl: type: string description: "The URL to be called on successful payment redirect back to\ \ the shop. Placeholders can be used in this URL that get replaced by\ \ their real values during order creation. Per default, the placeholders\ \ \\*orderID\\* and \\*paymentID\\* are available." format: uri example: https://shop.server/success?orderID=*orderID* description: Describes a payment redirect PaymentRestrictionRO_v1: required: - code - message type: object properties: code: type: string description: A unique identifier for this restriction readOnly: true example: payment.restriction.MultipleBuckets message: type: string description: A human readable message in the request's locale describing the restriction readOnly: true example: Not available for orders being dispatched to multiple addresses or in multiple shipments. parameters: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: A map of additional parameters to be used in the description readOnly: true description: A map of additional parameters to be used in the description readOnly: true description: A restriction which limits the use of a payment method readOnly: true PriceRO_v1: type: object properties: gross: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" net: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" priceQuantity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuantityRO_v1" tax: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" description: "Describes a price. A price has a monetary net, gross, and tax\ \ value and a quantity the price refers to (optional)." readOnly: true QuantityAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a quantity attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QuantityRO_v1" QuantityRO_v1: required: - value type: object properties: unit: type: string description: The unit of the quantity example: kg value: type: number description: The quantity's value example: 10 description: The quantity of a business entity RecurringOrderInfoRO: type: object readOnly: true RecurringOrderItemResponse_v2: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The ID of the response object data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderRO_v2" info: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderInfoRO" messages: type: array readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1" RecurringOrderOrderInfoItemRO: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The ID of the recurring order readOnly: true example: H3SsEwADrUkAAAGRVc4AFn9V documentNumber: type: string description: The document number of the recurring order readOnly: true example: "0000227" creationDate: type: string description: The creation date of the order format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2019-06-30T13:23:45+02:00 description: The list of last orders of the recurring order readOnly: true RecurringOrderRO_v2: type: object properties: active: type: boolean description: Flag that determines whether the recurring order is active readOnly: true example: true addresses: type: array description: The list of addresses used by the recurring order readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AddressRO_v1" approvalStatuses: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ApprovalStatusRO" buyer: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserInformationRO_v1" commonShipToAddress: type: string description: The common shipping address' URN of the recurring order readOnly: true commonShippingMethod: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasketShippingMethodRO_v1" costCenterID: type: string description: The cost center ID of the recurring order readOnly: true example: "511288" costCenterName: type: string description: The cost center name of the recurring order readOnly: true example: Marketing 1 creationDate: type: string description: Date when the recurring order was created format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 endDate: type: string description: End date of the recurring order format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 error: type: boolean description: Flag that determines whether the recurring order has been deactivated due to an error readOnly: true example: false errorCode: type: string description: Detailed error code in case an order for the recurring order could not be placed readOnly: true executeMissedOrders: type: boolean description: Flag that determines whether or not missed orders are to be executed readOnly: true example: false expired: type: boolean description: Flag that determines whether the recurring order is expired readOnly: true example: true id: type: string description: The ID of the recurring order readOnly: true example: H3SsEwADrUkAAAGRVc4AFn9V interval: type: string description: The interval of the recurring order (in ISO-8601 period format) readOnly: true example: P2M invoiceToAddress: type: string description: The invoice address' URN of the recurring order readOnly: true example: urn:address:customer:As8BcSwoiuFEEEAd3pp1Oye:Xf7AqMgoyuMAAAEs2sx0Uei itemCount: type: integer description: The number of line items included in the recurring order format: int32 readOnly: true example: 20 lastOrderDate: type: string description: Date on which the last order from the recurring order was placed format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 lastOrders: type: array description: The list of last orders of the recurring order readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RecurringOrderOrderInfoItemRO" lineItems: type: array description: Line items of the recurring order readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasketLineItemRO_v1" modifiedDate: type: string description: Date when the recurring order was last modified format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 nextOrderDate: type: string description: Date on which the next order from the recurring order is to be placed format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 number: type: string description: The document number of the recurring order readOnly: true example: "0000227" orderCount: type: integer description: The number of already placed orders for the recurring order format: int32 readOnly: true example: 5 paymentMethods: type: array description: Payment methods of the recurring order readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentMethodRO_v1" payments: type: array description: Payments of the recurring order readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentRO_v1" repetitions: type: integer description: Number of repetitions of the recurring order format: int32 readOnly: true example: 12 shippingBuckets: type: array description: Shipping buckets of the recurring order readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasketShippingBucketRO_v1" shippingMethods: type: array description: The list of shipping methods used by the recurring order readOnly: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasketShippingMethodRO_v1" startDate: type: string description: Start date of the recurring order format: date-time readOnly: true example: 2024-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 totals: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasketTotalsRO_v1" description: A representation of a recurring order StringAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a string attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: string description: The string attribute value StringFieldRO: required: - name - type type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomField_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: string description: The string value TaxItemRO_v1: required: - calculatedTax - effectiveTaxRate type: object properties: calculatedTax: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" effectiveTaxRate: type: number description: The effective rate used to calculate the tax jurisdiction: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JurisdictionRO_v1" nonTaxableAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" situs: type: string description: The situs/place of taxation readOnly: true example: DESTINATION enum: - "NULL" - ADMINISTRATIVE_DESTINATION - ADMINISTRATIVE_ORIGIN - DESTINATION - ORIGIN taxableAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1" description: Represents a single tax item readOnly: true TextAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a text attribute allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1" - type: object properties: value: type: string description: The text attribute value UserRO: title: UserRO type: object properties: customer: type: string email: type: string firstName: type: string lastName: type: string login: type: string title: type: string description: This resource represents a user. UpdateRecurringOrderRO: title: UpdateRecurringOrder required: - active type: object properties: active: type: boolean description: Determines whether the recurring order is active example: true description: This resource holds information for updating the status of a recurring order. responses: "200": description: OK "201": description: Created "202": description: Accepted "204": description: No Content "205": description: Reset Content "206": description: Partial Content "300": description: Multiple Choices "301": description: Moved Permanently "302": description: Found "303": description: See Other "304": description: Not Modified "305": description: Use Proxy "307": description: Temporary Redirect "308": description: Permanent Redirect "400": description: Bad Request "401": description: Unauthorized "402": description: Payment Required "403": description: Forbidden "404": description: Not Found "405": description: Method Not Allowed "406": description: Not Acceptable "407": description: Proxy Authentication Required "408": description: Request Timeout "409": description: Conflict "410": description: Gone "411": description: Length Required "412": description: Precondition Failed "413": description: Request Entity Too Large "414": description: Request-URI Too Long "415": description: Unsupported Media Type "416": description: Requested Range Not Satisfiable "417": description: Expectation Failed "428": description: Precondition Required "429": description: Too Many Requests "431": description: Request Header Fields Too Large "451": description: Unavailable For Legal Reasons "500": description: Internal Server Error "501": description: Not Implemented "502": description: Bad Gateway "503": description: Service Unavailable "504": description: Gateway Timeout "505": description: HTTP Version Not Supported "511": description: Network Authentication Required parameters: loc: name: loc in: path description: "The locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;loc=```).\ \ If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter,\ \ user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend\ \ on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA\ \ language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using an\ \ underscore, e.g., ```en_US```." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;loc=```).\ \ If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter,\ \ user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend\ \ on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA\ \ language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using\ \ an underscore, e.g., ```en_US```." default: en_US examples: en_US: description: English (United States) value: en_US fr_FR: description: French (France) value: fr_FR de_DE: description: German (Germany) value: de_DE x-matrixParamPath: / cur: name: cur in: path description: "The currency code (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;cur=```).\ \ If omitted, the site's or user's default currency is used." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The currency code (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;cur=```).\ \ If omitted, the site's or user's default currency is used." default: USD examples: FJD: description: Fiji Dollar value: FJD MXN: description: Mexican Peso value: MXN STD: description: São Tomé / Príncipe Dobra value: STD LVL: description: Latvian Lats value: LVL SCR: description: Seychelles Rupee value: SCR CDF: description: Congolese Franc value: CDF BBD: description: Barbados Dollar value: BBD GTQ: description: Guatemalan Quetzal value: GTQ CLP: description: Chilean Peso value: CLP HNL: description: Honduran Lempira value: HNL UGX: description: Ugandan Shilling value: UGX ZAR: description: South African Rand value: ZAR TND: description: Tunisian Dinar value: TND BSD: description: Bahamian Dollar value: BSD SLL: description: Sierra Leonean Leone value: SLL SDG: description: Sudanese Pound value: SDG IQD: description: Iraqi Dinar value: IQD CUP: description: Cuban Peso value: CUP GMD: description: Gambian Dalasi value: GMD TWD: description: New Taiwan Dollar value: TWD RSD: description: Serbian Dinar value: RSD ZRZ: description: Zaire value: ZRZ DOP: description: Dominican Peso value: DOP KMF: description: Comoro Franc value: KMF MYR: description: Malaysian Ringgit value: MYR FKP: description: Falkland Islands Pound value: FKP XOF: description: CFA Franc BCEAO value: XOF GEL: description: Lari value: GEL UYU: description: Uruguayan Peso value: UYU MAD: description: Moroccan Dirham value: MAD CVE: description: Cape Verde Escudo value: CVE TOP: description: Tongan Pa'anga value: TOP AZN: description: Azerbaijanian Manat value: AZN OMR: description: Omani Rial value: OMR PGK: description: Papua New Guinean Kina value: PGK KES: description: Kenyan Shilling value: KES SEK: description: Swedish Krona value: SEK BTN: description: Ngultrum value: BTN UAH: description: Ukrainian Hryvnia value: UAH GNF: description: Guinea Franc value: GNF ERN: description: Nakfa value: ERN MZN: description: Mozambican Metical value: MZN SVC: description: Salvadoran Colón value: SVC ARS: description: Argentine Peso value: ARS QAR: description: Qatari Riyal value: QAR IRR: description: Iranian Rial value: IRR NLG: description: Dutch Guilder value: NLG MRO: description: Mauritanian Ouguiya value: MRO CNY: description: Yuan Renminbi value: CNY THB: description: Thai Baht value: THB UZS: description: Uzbekistani Som value: UZS XPF: description: CFP Franc value: XPF BDT: description: Bangladeshi Taka value: BDT LYD: description: Libyan Dinar value: LYD BMD: description: Bermudian Dollar value: BMD KWD: description: Kuwaiti Dinar value: KWD PHP: description: Philippine Peso value: PHP RUB: description: Russian Ruble value: RUB PYG: description: Paraguayan Guarani value: PYG ISK: description: Iceland Krona value: ISK JMD: description: Jamaican Dollar value: JMD GWP: description: Guinea Peso value: GWP BEF: description: Belgian Franc value: BEF ESP: description: Spanish Peseta value: ESP COP: description: Colombian Peso value: COP MKD: description: Denar value: MKD USD: description: US Dollar value: USD DZD: description: Algerian Dinar value: DZD PAB: description: Panamanian Balboa value: PAB SGD: description: Singapore Dollar value: SGD ETB: description: Ethiopian Birr value: ETB KGS: description: Som value: KGS SOS: description: Somali Shilling value: SOS VEF: description: Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte value: VEF VUV: description: Vanuatu Vatu value: VUV LAK: description: Lao Kip value: LAK BND: description: Brunei Dollar value: BND ZMK: description: Zambian Kwacha value: ZMK XAF: description: CFA Franc BEAC value: XAF LRD: description: Liberian Dollar value: LRD ATS: description: Austrian Schilling value: ATS CHF: description: Swiss Franc value: CHF HRK: description: Croatian Kuna value: HRK ITL: description: Italian Lira value: ITL ALL: description: Albanian Lek value: ALL DJF: description: Djibouti Franc value: DJF MTL: description: Maltese Lira value: MTL TZS: description: Tanzanian Shilling value: TZS VND: description: Vietnamese Dong value: VND AUD: description: Australian Dollar value: AUD ILS: description: New Israeli Sheqel value: ILS GHS: description: Ghanaian Cedi value: GHS GYD: description: Guyanese Dollar value: GYD KPW: description: North Korean Won value: KPW BOB: description: Boliviano value: BOB KHR: description: Cambodian Riel value: KHR MDL: description: Moldovan Leu value: MDL IDR: description: Indonesian Rupiah value: IDR KYD: description: Cayman Islands Dollar value: KYD AMD: description: Armenian Dram value: AMD BWP: description: Botswana Pula value: BWP SHP: description: Saint Helena Pound value: SHP TRY: description: Turkish Lira value: TRY CYP: description: Cyprus Pound value: CYP LBP: description: Lebanese Pound value: LBP TJS: description: Tajikistani Somoni value: TJS JOD: description: Jordanian Dinar value: JOD AED: description: United Arab Emirates Dirham value: AED HKD: description: Hong Kong Dollar value: HKD RWF: description: Rwanda Franc value: RWF EUR: description: Euro value: EUR LSL: description: Lesotho Loti value: LSL DKK: description: Danish Krone value: DKK CAD: description: Canadian Dollar value: CAD BGN: description: Bulgarian Lev value: BGN EEK: description: Estonian Kroon value: EEK MMK: description: Kyat value: MMK MUR: description: Mauritian Rupee value: MUR NOK: description: Norwegian Krone value: NOK SYP: description: Syrian Pound value: SYP ZWL: description: Zimbabwean Dollar value: ZWL GIP: description: Gibraltar Pound value: GIP RON: description: Romanian New Leu value: RON LKR: description: Sri Lankan Rupee value: LKR NGN: description: Nigerian Naira value: NGN CRC: description: Costa Rican Colon value: CRC CZK: description: Czech Koruna value: CZK IEP: description: Irish Pound value: IEP PKR: description: Pakistani Rupee value: PKR GRD: description: Greek Drachma value: GRD XCD: description: East Carribean Dollar value: XCD ANG: description: Netherlands Antillian Guilder value: ANG HTG: description: Haitian Gourde value: HTG BHD: description: Bahraini Dinar value: BHD SIT: description: Slovenian Tolar value: SIT PTE: description: Portuguese Escudo value: PTE BPP: description: Bonus Point Price value: BPP KZT: description: Kazakhstani Tenge value: KZT SRD: description: Surinam Dollar value: SRD SZL: description: Swazi Lilangeni value: SZL LTL: description: Lithuanian Litas value: LTL SAR: description: Saudi Riyal value: SAR TTD: description: Trinidad and Tobago Dollar value: TTD YER: description: Yemeni Rial value: YER MVR: description: Maldivian Rufiyaa value: MVR AFN: description: Afghani value: AFN BPV: description: Bonus Point Value value: BPV INR: description: Indian Rupee value: INR AWG: description: Aruban Florin value: AWG KRW: description: South Korean Won value: KRW NPR: description: Nepalese Rupee value: NPR JPY: description: Japanese Yen value: JPY MNT: description: Mongolian Tugrik value: MNT AOA: description: Angolan Kwanza value: AOA PLN: description: Polish Złoty value: PLN GBP: description: Pound Sterling value: GBP SBD: description: Solomon Islands Dollar value: SBD HUF: description: Hungarian Forint value: HUF BYR: description: Belarussian Ruble value: BYR LUF: description: Luxembourgian Franc value: LUF BIF: description: Burundi Franc value: BIF MWK: description: Malawian Kwacha value: MWK MGA: description: Malagasy Ariary value: MGA FIM: description: Finnish Mark value: FIM BZD: description: Belize Dollar value: BZD DEM: description: Deutsche Mark value: DEM BAM: description: Convertible Marks value: BAM EGP: description: Egyptian Pound value: EGP MOP: description: Macanese Pataca value: MOP NAD: description: Namibian Dollar value: NAD SKK: description: Slovakian Krona value: SKK NIO: description: Cordoba Oro value: NIO PEN: description: Peruvian Nuevo Sol value: PEN NZD: description: New Zealand Dollar value: NZD WST: description: Samoan Tala value: WST TMT: description: Turkmenistani Manat value: TMT FRF: description: French Franc value: FRF BRL: description: Brazilian Real value: BRL x-matrixParamPath: / regionals: name: regionals in: path required: false style: matrix schema: type: object properties: loc: type: string description: The locale ID example: en_US cur: type: string description: The currency code example: EUR x-matrixParamPath: / pgid: name: pgid in: path description: "The personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix parameter\ \ ```;pgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix parameter\ \ ```;pgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 spgid: name: spgid in: path description: "The secure personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix\ \ parameter ```;spgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The secure personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix\ \ parameter ```;spgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 securitySchemes: basicAuth: type: http description: "Basic access authentication. In basic authentication, a request\ \ contains a header field in the form of authorization: ```Basic ```,\ \ where credentials is the Base64 encoding of ID and password joined by a\ \ single colon :." scheme: basic authToken: type: apiKey description: User authentication token to authenticate the request. The token is a string generated by the ICM server in the same header in every response of an REST endpoint. name: authentication-token in: header bearerAuth: type: http description: "Bearer token authentication. A request contains a header field\ \ in the form of authorization: ```Bearer ```, where is a string\ \ generated by an authentication service in response to a login request." scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT x-apiID: recurring-order_v2 x-apiMediaType: application/vnd.intershop.recurringorder.v2+json x-strict-apiMediaType: "true" x-origin-class: ",,,"

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