Concept - API


This concept is addressed to developers who want to make use of Intershop's APIs.

Definition of API Types

There are two main types of API:

  • Service API - to connect to external systems
  • Customization/Extension API - to make changes within the system

Service API

This type of API is used to connect to external systems. This can be the integration of an external system, such as a payment service, or it can be the provisioning of services, such as the ICM REST API used to connect to the Rest-based Storefront (PWA).

The main subtypes of Service API are:

  • Front-end REST API for service provisioning
  • Backend (Managed) Service API for service integration
  • Import and export formats

A reference of the ICM REST API can be found here:

The creation of new REST resources is described here:

Information about existing backend service interfaces can be found here:

The creation of new service interfaces for a (Managed) Service and implementation is described here: Concept - Managed Service Framework.

Customization/Extension API

This type of API can be used to extend and customize the functionality within the Intershop application server, like modification of existing features or adding of new features.

Internally Commerce Management comprises 3 layers:

  • Application Layer
  • Business Layer
  • Platform Layer

Components in each layer can provide a certain set of Java API that can be used for customization and extension. All public API is contained in a Java package named capi or in subpackages of it. All other Java types are internal and must not be used.

The application layer provides additional pipeline extension points and template extension points. They are also treated as public API.

Currently, Commerce Management supports the overloading mechanism for Intershop software artifact types. Overloading may seem convenient at first, but it causes major migration problems in the long run.

Therefore, Intershop does not recommend using the overload mechanism. Instead, use extension points or, if not applicable, copy complete application cartridges to replace the original ones. Also see Overview - Application Framework.

API Rules

API Life Cycle

Since ICM 11, this API follows the rules of semantic versioning. The API can be changed in a compatible way in a minor version. Deprecations (annotated with "forRemoval") will be removed in the next major release.
These artifacts have their own lifecycle or version definition. Deprecated versions can only be removed in major product releases.

Kinds of API

Service API (to connect to External Systems)Customization/Extension API

Service Consumer (integrate other services)Service Provider

(Managed) Service APIXML Import/ExportProduct Data FeedsREST APIPlatform APIBusiness APIApplication API
API Life Cycle Rules
Cartridge Typesbc_*bc_*bc_*app_*pf_*bc_*app_*
API ArtifactsService interfaces (Java interfaces) meant to be used by the managed service framework XML schemas used for import and exportProduct data feed file formats All REST resources in capi packages incl. HTTP verbs, response formats, etc.
 Java Types in capi packages
Java Extension Points
 Java Types in capi packages
Java Extension Points
 Java Extension Points
Pipeline Extension Points
 Template Extension Points
Application specific extension/customization mechanisms
Confluence/ Knowledge Base for list of deleted artifacts.
Confluence/ Knowledge BaseConfluence/ Knowledge BaseConfluence/ Knowledge BaseJavadoc
Extension Point Doc
Confluence/ Knowledge Base for list of deleted artifacts
Intershop Studio
Business Object Extension Doc
Extension Point Doc
Confluence/ Knowledge Base for list of deleted artifacts
Intershop Studio
Extension Point Doc
Confluence/ Knowledge Base for list of deleted artifacts
Intershop Studio
Migration ToolsIntershop StudioETL

Intershop StudioIntershop StudioIntershop Studio
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