Description The lookup of pages, includes and view contexts can be resource consuming, when the request needs to determine the correct resourceset id. For this, the ICM needs to check for all cartridges associated with the current application type. based on cartridgle loading order, this might be inperformant
AWI-96807 • 04-Jul-2024 • Bug
Description Customer moved to ICM and run some imports and some of them failed but in the status he see 'Completed', instead of 'Completes with x error(s)'. The error log shows "Impex logger: message format for resource not found: core.impex.ExceptionWithCorrelation". Steps to Repeat Copied
AWI-96786 • 10-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description Customer moved to ICM and run some imports and some of them failed but in the status he see 'Completed', instead of 'Completes with x error(s)'. The error log shows "Impex logger: message format for resource not found: core.impex.ExceptionWithCorrelation". Business Impact Incorrect
AWI-96788 • 24-May-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The Apache Version 2.4.59 does not run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 systems: ./httpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory release-as11-merge-skipped null Bug null Verified Closed Hewlett Packard Inc. Major AdoWorkItem
AWI-96792 • 25-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description In case of errors during order submission, the error message is not kind of helpful. Logging only technical key UUID of order does not help much in production environments, where project members does not have access to database. Could you please change error message using natural keys such
AWI-96765 • 10-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description In rare cases orders may be created with a null ComputedItems field. When reviewing possibly involved handlers we found the `CalculationOrderCreationHandler` which is responsible for copying the `ComputedItems` field from the basket to the order and to update the line item UUIDs to the new
AWI-96737 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description During Initialization of the Solr configuration from ISH-Config.xml the application server checks the consistency of the Solr schema with the ISH-Config.xml. If the ISH-Config.xml is modified it leads to several Solr API calls and writes the ISH-Config.xml to the file system. During live
AWI-96731 • 14-Jun-2024 • Bug • Solr Cloud
Description Well defined Transfer Configuration throws sometimes a SFTPTransportJschImpl class JSchException: [2024-04-18 00:20:00.575 +0000] [JobExecutor1859732849] [Job:ExecuteTransport] [Req:DGMKoIGmY.wAAAGOZBVDnu6T] ERROR com.intershop.component.transport.internal.SFTPTransportJschImpl - Exception
AWI-96730 • 04-Jul-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description For shared products, when you make use of the "Last Order Date" and update e.g. only one custom attribute on channel level via XML import (without the Last Order Date attribute) in UPDATE mode, the "Last Order Date" cant be overwritten any longer from Master. If you import the same file in
AWI-96726 • 21-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description Replication process with replication group Labels may throw "Committing a transaction with a current nesting count" exception Steps to Repeat - setup 11.10.0 replication system - create a B2C or B2B replication process with group Labels - execute the replication - the below kind of exception
AWI-96708 • 19-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description The REST resource /INTERSHOP/rest/BOS/SMC/-/keys/<key> fails with 404. But the collection resource /INTERSHOP/rest/BOS/SMC/-/keys is working, correctly null Bug null Moved to state Removed Removed null Major AdoWorkItem 96654 Products Products 0 Fixed in Commit 96652 Parent icm-as/12.1.0(develop)
AWI-96654 • 22-May-2024 • Bug
Table of Contents Introduction What's New? Features References Fixed Defects Performance Improvements Documentation Breaking Changes Changes That Require More Recent ICM Versions Introduction Welcome to Intershop Progressive Web App 5.1. This public release note contains information about the latest
V31193 • 16-May-2024 • Release Notes • Intershop Progressive Web App
Description After an upgrade to ICM the execution of custom code to invoke the order creation may throw an ORM Exception. Stack trace: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException: null at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy406.createOrderBO(Unknown Source) at
AWI-96567 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Version 11.0.8 Channel replication failed because a catalog issue in a different channel occur The customer tried a replication in one channel and could not complete it because an inconsistency issue in another channel: com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.staging.process.ReplicationException:
AWI-96556 • 10-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description Using a "productFilter" definitition on 2 REST API's. /-/products/ and /-/productfilters/ The result from the "products" API is fine, and filtered correctly, but the results from "productfilters" is not correct, it returns more data than expected. pac-man-review null Bug null Verified Closed
AWI-96494 • 11-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description JGroupsReceiver NPE about Illegal model class interface com.intershop.platform.extension.emf.extensionpoint.ExtensionPointModel. The reason was that the event is processed during the starting phase of the application server. [2024-04-04 12:51:17.525 +0200] ERROR app ES1 appserver0 [] [] com
AWI-96384 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description If you try to start any microservice, this leads to a "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError": Suppressed: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.createServlet(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljavax/servlet/Servlet; Steps to Repeat - deploy a new ICM - as minimal setup, adapt inside:
AWI-96374 • 10-Jun-2024 • Bug • Responsive Starter Store
Description Importing postal data (e.g. countries, states, locations) in REPLACE or DELETE mode may cause invalid information in the internal shipping cache. As a result, requests to the country REST API will fail, for example. null Bug null Verified Closed null Critical AdoWorkItem 96283 ICM Products
AWI-96283 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The message key 'smc.ProcessLastActivity' in file 'f_business/a_sldsystem/smc/staticfiles/cartridge/localizations/' contains invalid character: smc.ProcessLastActivity=Letzte Prozessaktivit<E4>t Fix_with_next_patch c3po_localization null Bug null Verified Closed null Minor
AWI-96273 • 10-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10, Responsive Starter Store
Description PWA requests about productprices REST resource is very slow for a large amount of price lists. The customer currently has about 39000 Price lists per channel (a price list for almost every customer) and plans also to rollout his shop to US market. He expects a lot more customers (concrete
AWI-96278 • 21-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Showing 1881-1900 of 5429
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