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AWI-69584 • 29-Feb-2024 • Feature • Intershop Order Management
Description Until now, database tables are extended at startup when a new java enum value is detected. (in enums annotated with @PersistedEnumerationTable) This is too late as migration or project sql scripts may refer to such new values and hence fail or even silently skip some tasks, when those enum
AWI-77453 • 29-Feb-2024 • Feature • IOM 4.2
Description We use the EDL file to define persistent objects. There are two different code generators to generate the particular files: ISTUDIO generates: indexes constraints XPand and XTend: orm files ... The problem is, that developers forget to execute the code generation
IS-204 • 07-Sep-2021 • Feature
Description As mentioned in ENFINITY-17049 Dependency Injection can be used at: Pipelets DBInit/DBMigrate preparer Component instances like BusinessObjectExtensionFactory Guice instances Manager Provider All these artifacts should use @Inject Mgr instead of NamingMgr.getManager, NamingMgr.lookupManager
IS-7946 • 09-Feb-2024 • Feature
Description In our CAAS environment we see some critical issues with backoffice request and storefront load. In a first step we want identify these issues in our load test environment. Later, in a second step, we want add these scripts, this scenario to our regularly and continuously executed tests
ISTOOLS-6881 • 27-Nov-2023 • Feature
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