Description Steps to repeat: Send request: GET /countries/US/main-divisions -> Unsorted list is returned, but should be sorted by name. Repro Steps Steps to repeat: Send request: GET /countries/US/main-divisions -> Unsorted list is returned, but should be sorted by name. Konsum (CM - Jena) Bug Commerce
IS-26739 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Problem: Some application servers report OutOfMemoryError after a certain amount of time depending on activity. The error is raised most time while get a database connection. [2019-04-09 10:10:17.672 +0000] ERROR standalone-vm ES1 appserver0 [] [] com.intershop.beehive.core.internal.job.JobExecutor
IS-26737 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Summary Send localized Category path for the product tracking data Description We have a problem which doesn’t seem to be connected with development dependencies, but rather an internal problem from Intershop version. Currently, the category path with IDs is sent instead of actual
IS-26740 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Steps to repeat: Create a customer in "inTRONICS Business" via import which has preferred addresses (or use an existing customer and set them somehow, e. g. directly in the database). Create a user for this customer which doesn't have any preferred addresses. Go to the storefront and login
IS-26733 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Steps to repeat: Go to inTRONICS Business Storefront. Login as "". Go to "My Account" > "My Organization" > "Addresses". -> Text is missing in select box, see attached screenshot. Repro Steps Steps to repeat: Go to inTRONICS Business Storefront. Login as "pmiller@test
IS-26731 • 28-Apr-2023 • Bug • ICM 11, Responsive Starter Store
Description Description: In general the intention of a dbmigrate preparer is that it can be executed several times without any side effects/errors. The AddTransportConfiguration dbmigrate preparer simply calls the PrepareTransportConfiguration dbinit preparer. If a transport configuration with the given
IS-26699 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Background: The ICM system supports two configuration properties intershop.jdbc.connectionInitStm intershop.jdbc.connectionCleanUpStmt to handle init and cleanup SQL statements for connections. Problem: This is currently only implemented for Oracle within the
IS-26698 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: If you created a basket in the storefront and the shopping cart lifetime is set to 0 afterwards in the backoffice, then the cart will be empty, which is correct so far. But if you now set the shopping cart lifetime back to a value >0 the basket will be recovered after reloading
IS-26696 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description inconsistent Adresscreation between storefront and backoffice Description: Creating a new Address in the Backoffice requires selection of a state for the country. Creating a new Address in the storefront doesn't require a state. This address is available normal from backoffice too. Steps
IS-26687 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: The customer migrates from 7.3.2 to 7.10. Customer has on own basket calculation rule set, based on GrossBasedLineItemCtnrCalculationResultView_V2 and for that a CalculationResultView implementation. Both are correctly wired into the basket calculation engine. And the new rule
IS-26685 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: The customer defined an own custom type "B2B" and is using standard budget approval process. They now want to use the following SMC jobs to reset user's budgets: ResetMonthlyBudgetsSpentJob ResetQuarterlyBudgetsSpentJob ResetWeeklyBudgetsSpentJob The jobs as such are configured
IS-26679 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: There is a known issue with the YUI Compressor breaking CSS: A fix for this issue was already committed (
IS-26670 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: If using usernames with more than 10 characters for the $IS_WA_USER, it is not possible to fully stop the ISH webadapter (IPC resources will not be released). The culprit seems to be line 70 inside the "eserverx-httpd" script: 0069 if [ $r = "0" ]; then 0070 ipcs -m | grep -F
IS-26669 • 30-May-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description When Business Customer ID is changed in Backoffice between twice xml import, DB error occurs, but import stated as completed. Description: The second import of customer.xml runs succesfully "import completed", but in the Log it states Contraint Violation. Steps to repeat: import customer
IS-26666 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: REST response on categories resource returns a response code 500 when Index doesn't include the CategoryUUIDLevelMulti filter Steps to repeat: 1. remove the "Category" (Filter Group / Filter Display Name), which uses attribute "CategoryUUIDLevelMulti" (Filter Group / Filter ID)
IS-26659 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: Once an account is deleted from the list of personal data requests, if the user refreshes the page, a second deletion attempt is made which fails. Steps to repeat: 1. In Storefront login as Patricia Miller: 2. Goto My Account / Profile Settings 3. Click
IS-26654 • 28-Apr-2023 • Bug • ICM 11, Responsive Starter Store
Description In anonymous chechkout: When entering only a single digit into the address form and the paying with credit card an error occurs and is not handled correctly. A hard error is displayed in the UI. ISH-CORE-2351: Exception occurred during request processing: com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.pipeline
PAYONE-427 • 07-Sep-2021 • Bug • PAYONE
Description Description: Customer found that for their special reporting about orders it is dangerous to delete promotions - because then some order data are no longer reported correctly. They use OrderProductLineItemBOAppliedRebateExtension. The method getappliedItemValue seems to look into the existing
IS-26655 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10, Responsive Starter Store
Description The procedure ddl$drop_table is intended to drop a table from a database. But in case of a staging system this call will fail in most cases because most table names are converted into a synonym. This will cause the following error: [2019-04-04 13:22:26.193 +0200] ERROR localhost.localdomain
IS-26650 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: Assume you have at least two currencies (USD and EUR) defined in your channels application (USD as default) If you now browse the storefront with currency EUR and register a new user the storefront will switch back to the default currency on login. I think it would be much more
IS-26623 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
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