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Reference - IOM REST API - Transmissions 2.0
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This API specification is available for download as an Open API 3.0 YAML file: 

API Specification

OpenAPI Version: 3.0.3
IOM Transmission REST API Version: 2.0

The transmission REST API supports tasks to view and manage transmissions of the IOM.

transmission API

Transmission related operations exposed by this service.

POST: Get transmissions by type + additional filter criteria.


Returns all transmissions for selected search criterias.
Note: This is a POST request (instead of GET with query params) in order to prevent hitting URL / header length restrictions in certain browsers / API clients.

Request Body

TransmissionSearchRequest application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

Request Parameters



200 - OK The response for a transmission collection request.

TransmissionCollectionContainer application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

400 - Bad Request - Generic or business logic validation error.

ErrorReport application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

401 - Unauthorized - Authentication information is missing or invalid.

Response HeaderDescription

403 - Forbidden - the user is not authorized to use this resource.

406 - Not Acceptable - A representation of the response in the media type that was requested in the ACCEPT header cannot be provided.

500 - Internal Server Error - An unexpected error occured.

GET: Get a list of TransmissionTypes supported by the API.


Get a list of TransmissionTypes supported by the API.

Request Body


Request Parameters



200 - OK TransmissionTypes supported by the API.

Schema "TransmissionTypeMapping" (array)

401 - Unauthorized - Authentication information is missing or invalid.

Response HeaderDescription

403 - Forbidden - the user is not authorized to use this resource.

406 - Not Acceptable - A representation of the response in the media type that was requested in the ACCEPT header cannot be provided.

500 - Internal Server Error - An unexpected error occured.

GET: Get a transmission by id.


Returns a transmission for the given id.

Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathtransmissionIdstringORDERTRANSMISSION-10000Required | The transmission identifier.


200 - OK The response for one transmission request.

Transmission application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

400 - Bad Request - Generic or business logic validation error.

ErrorReport application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

401 - Unauthorized - Authentication information is missing or invalid.

Response HeaderDescription

403 - Forbidden - the user is not authorized to use this resource.

404 - Not Found - the resource is not found.

406 - Not Acceptable - A representation of the response in the media type that was requested in the ACCEPT header cannot be provided.

500 - Internal Server Error - An unexpected error occured.

transmissionUpdate API
POST: Bulk create processes to update statuses of transmissions.


Bulk create processes to update statuses of transmissions.
A process will be created for each transmission, which will be processed asynchronously.

Request Body

TransmissionBulkUpdateRequest application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

Request Parameters



202 - Accepted The request has been accepted by the system. Updates will be processed in an asynchronous fashion.

400 - Bad Request - Generic or business logic validation error.

ErrorReport application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

401 - Unauthorized - Authentication information is missing or invalid.

Response HeaderDescription

403 - Forbidden - the user is not authorized to use this resource.

406 - Not Acceptable - A representation of the response in the media type that was requested in the ACCEPT header cannot be provided.

415 - Unsupported Media Type - The media type of the sent body is not supported.

POST: Bulk create processes to update statuses of transmissions.


Bulk create processes to update statuses of transmissions.
A process will be created for each transmission, which will be processed asynchronously.

Request Body

Array of TransmissionUpdateRequest application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

Request Parameters



207 - Multi-Status Contains multiple responses for different requests, that was done within one single request.

MultiStatusCollectionContainer application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

400 - Bad Request - Generic or business logic validation error.

ErrorReport application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json

401 - Unauthorized - Authentication information is missing or invalid.

Response HeaderDescription

403 - Forbidden - the user is not authorized to use this resource.

406 - Not Acceptable - A representation of the response in the media type that was requested in the ACCEPT header cannot be provided.

415 - Unsupported Media Type - The media type of the sent body is not supported.

Request and Response Object Schemata
ErrorReport application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json{
  • "status":
    The HTTP status code. | Format: int32 | Example: 400
  • "errors":
    An array of Error objects.
    • "code":
      Required | Exception / Error code | Example: VALIDATION_EXCEPTION
    • "message":
      Required | Exception / Error message | Example: Attribute XYZ is mandatory
MultiStatusCollectionContainer application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json{
  • "meta":
    A MultiStatusCollectionMetaData object. The meta data of a multi-status collection.
    • "successCount":
      The number of successful operations. | Format: int64 | Example: 100
    • "failureCount":
      The number of failed operations. | Format: int64 | Example: 5
  • "data":
    An array of MultiStatus objects. The core data of the multi-status collection.
    MultiStatus: Contains multiple responses `MultiStatusResponse` for different requests, that was done within one single request.
    • "link":
      Required | A Link object.
      • "href":
        The link to the resource.
      • "rel":
        The relation of the link to the resource, i.e. self.
    • "status":
      Required | The HTTP status code. | Format: int32 | Example: 400
    • "errors":
      An array of Error objects.
      • "code":
        Required | Exception / Error code | Example: VALIDATION_EXCEPTION
      • "message":
        Required | Exception / Error message | Example: Attribute XYZ is mandatory
Transmission application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json{
  • "links":
    An array of Link objects.
    • "href":
      The link to the resource.
    • "rel":
      The relation of the link to the resource, i.e. self.
  • "id":
    The transmission identifier. | Example: ORDERTRANSMISSION-10000
  • "transmissionTypeGroup":
    The type of the transmission.

    NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
    API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
    (minor) versions.

    | type | description |
    | --- | --- |
    | ORDERTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for order processing messages, e.g. to announce an order entry. |
    | DISPATCHTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for dispatch messages, e.g. a delivery that was made. |
    | MAILTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for emails, e.g. to send a delivery email to the customer. |
    | PAYMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for payment notification messages, e.g. a received payment. |
    | RETURNTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for return messages, e.g. a received return. |
    | RESPONSETRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for response messages, e.g. to respond to a delivery request. |
    | INVOICETRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for invoice processing messages. |
    | DOCUMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for document processing messages. |
    | RETURNANNOUNCEMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for return announcements messages. | | Example: ORDERTRANSMISSION
  • "transmissionType":
    Name of the TransmissionType. Internally translates to TransmissionTypeDefDOEnumInterface::getFieldName | Example: SEND_ANNOUNCE_ORDER
  • "status":
    The processing status of the transmission.

    NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
    API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
    (minor) versions.

    | status | description |
    | ------ | ----------- |
    | INITIAL | Transmission is initially stored. |
    | DO_PULL | Transmission will be pulled. |
    | PULLED | Transmission was received (pulled) from the sender. |
    | DO_PUSH | Transmission can be sent (pushed) to the receiver. |
    | PUSHED | Transmission was sent (pushed) to the receiver. |
    | DO_MANUAL_CHECK | The processing of transmission was canceled because of errors. The transmission has to be checked manually. |
    | CHECKED | Transmission was checked manually and is ready to process. |
    | DO_CANCEL | Transmission will be canceled. |
    | CANCELED | Transmission can be canceled because processing is not required any longer. |
    | TRANSMISSIONED | Transmission was submitted. |
    | CONFIRMED | Transmission was confirmed from the receiver. | | Example: CONFIRMED
  • "responseStatus":
    The status of the response of the transmission.

    NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
    API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
    (minor) versions.

    | responseStatus | description |
    | ------ | ----------- |
    | OK | The transmission was successfully received. |
    | INVALID | An error occurred during validation check at the receiver. |
    | REJECTED | The operation was rejected by the receiver. |
    | EXTERNAL_ERROR | An unexpected error occurred at the receiver. |
    | INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal unexpected error has occurred. |
    | NOT_AVAILABLE | The response status is not set. | | Example: REJECTED
  • "creationDate":
    The date when the transmission was created. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-02-27T07:15:37.562Z
  • "modificationDate":
    The date when the transmission was modified. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-02-27T07:15:40.562Z
  • "orderReferences":
    An array of ObjectReference objects. The orders connected to this transmission. Multiple orders might me linked, e.g. for aggregated invoices.
    • "referenceName":
      frontend facing identifier, e.g. order number, invoice number | Example: X93019345
    • "id":
      internal id of the object | Format: int64 | Example: 10013
  • "shopId":
    The id of the shop. | Format: int64 | Example: 1000
  • "shopName":
    The name of the shop. | Example: Test Shop US DE
  • "supplierId":
    The id of the supplier. | Format: int64 | Example: 1000
  • "supplierName":
    The name of the supplier. | Example: Test Supplier US DE
  • "receiverType":
    The type of the receiver of a transmission.

    NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
    API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
    (minor) versions.

    | type | description |
    | ------ | ----------- |
    | OMS | The OMS-application itself. |
    | SHOP | The shop is the receiver of the transmission. |
    | SUPPLIER | The supplier is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. of a delivery request. |
    | CUSTOMER | The customer is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. an email to confirm an order. |
    | PAYMENTPROVIDER | A payment provider is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. to note a received payment to. |
    | FINANCECONTROLLER | A finance contoller is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. a debitor management system that receives open amounts. | | Example: SHOP
  • "retryCount":
    Number of sending attempts. | Example: 2
  • "retryDate":
    The date of the last attempt to send the transmission. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-02-28T07:15:40.562Z
  • "nextRetryDate":
    The next date to send the transmission. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-02-28T07:45:40.562Z
  • "errorText":
    The error text, if the transmission failed. | Example: Timeout - no response within 30s
  • "invoiceReference":
    A ObjectReference object.
    • "referenceName":
      frontend facing identifier, e.g. order number, invoice number | Example: X93019345
    • "id":
      internal id of the object | Format: int64 | Example: 10013
TransmissionBulkUpdateRequest application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json{
  • "updateType":
    Required | The type of process to create on a transmission, e.g. to resend a transmission.

    | type | description |
    | --- | --- |
    | RESEND | Resend the transmission. |
    | CANCEL | Cancel the transmission. |
    | SENT | Set the transmission as already sent. | | Example: RESEND | Possible Values: RESENDCANCELSENT
  • "transmissionFilter":
    Required | A TransmissionFilter object.
    • "creationDateFrom":
      The earliest creation date of a transmission. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-12-31T22:00:00.500Z
    • "creationDateTo":
      The latest creation date of a transmission. | Format: date-time | Example: 2019-01-31T21:59:59.999Z
    • "transmissionTypeGroup":
      Required | The type of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | type | description |
      | --- | --- |
      | ORDERTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for order processing messages, e.g. to announce an order entry. |
      | DISPATCHTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for dispatch messages, e.g. a delivery that was made. |
      | MAILTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for emails, e.g. to send a delivery email to the customer. |
      | PAYMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for payment notification messages, e.g. a received payment. |
      | RETURNTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for return messages, e.g. a received return. |
      | RESPONSETRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for response messages, e.g. to respond to a delivery request. |
      | INVOICETRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for invoice processing messages. |
      | DOCUMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for document processing messages. |
      | RETURNANNOUNCEMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for return announcements messages. | | Example: ORDERTRANSMISSION
    • "transmissionTypeNames":
      Name of the TransmissionType. Internally translates to TransmissionTypeDefDOEnumInterface::getFieldName | Example: SEND_ANNOUNCE_ORDER
    • "transmissionStatuses":
      The processing status of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | status | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | INITIAL | Transmission is initially stored. |
      | DO_PULL | Transmission will be pulled. |
      | PULLED | Transmission was received (pulled) from the sender. |
      | DO_PUSH | Transmission can be sent (pushed) to the receiver. |
      | PUSHED | Transmission was sent (pushed) to the receiver. |
      | DO_MANUAL_CHECK | The processing of transmission was canceled because of errors. The transmission has to be checked manually. |
      | CHECKED | Transmission was checked manually and is ready to process. |
      | DO_CANCEL | Transmission will be canceled. |
      | CANCELED | Transmission can be canceled because processing is not required any longer. |
      | TRANSMISSIONED | Transmission was submitted. |
      | CONFIRMED | Transmission was confirmed from the receiver. | | Example: CONFIRMED
    • "transmissionResponseStatuses":
      The status of the response of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | responseStatus | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | OK | The transmission was successfully received. |
      | INVALID | An error occurred during validation check at the receiver. |
      | REJECTED | The operation was rejected by the receiver. |
      | EXTERNAL_ERROR | An unexpected error occurred at the receiver. |
      | INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal unexpected error has occurred. |
      | NOT_AVAILABLE | The response status is not set. | | Example: REJECTED
    • "receiverTypes":
      The type of the receiver of a transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | type | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | OMS | The OMS-application itself. |
      | SHOP | The shop is the receiver of the transmission. |
      | SUPPLIER | The supplier is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. of a delivery request. |
      | CUSTOMER | The customer is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. an email to confirm an order. |
      | PAYMENTPROVIDER | A payment provider is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. to note a received payment to. |
      | FINANCECONTROLLER | A finance contoller is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. a debitor management system that receives open amounts. | | Example: SHOP
    • "shopIds":
      An array of integer literals. The id(s) of the shop(s).
    • "supplierIds":
      An array of integer literals. The id(s) of the supplier(s).
    • "shopOrderNumbers":
      An array of string literals. Using this filter will only return transmissions connected to the provided shopOrderNumbers.
    • "invoiceNumbers":
      An array of string literals. Using this filter will only return transmissions connected to the provided invoiceNumbers. | Example: ["X1939148","X1939149"]
TransmissionCollectionContainer application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json{
  • "meta":
    A CollectionMetaData object. The meta data of the collection.
    • "totalCount":
      The total number of objects in the collection (without offset and limit). | Format: int64 | Example: 10000
  • "data":
    An array of Transmission objects. The core data of the transmission collection.
    • "links":
      An array of Link objects.
      • "href":
        The link to the resource.
      • "rel":
        The relation of the link to the resource, i.e. self.
    • "id":
      The transmission identifier. | Example: ORDERTRANSMISSION-10000
    • "transmissionTypeGroup":
      The type of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | type | description |
      | --- | --- |
      | ORDERTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for order processing messages, e.g. to announce an order entry. |
      | DISPATCHTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for dispatch messages, e.g. a delivery that was made. |
      | MAILTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for emails, e.g. to send a delivery email to the customer. |
      | PAYMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for payment notification messages, e.g. a received payment. |
      | RETURNTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for return messages, e.g. a received return. |
      | RESPONSETRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for response messages, e.g. to respond to a delivery request. |
      | INVOICETRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for invoice processing messages. |
      | DOCUMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for document processing messages. |
      | RETURNANNOUNCEMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for return announcements messages. | | Example: ORDERTRANSMISSION
    • "transmissionType":
      Name of the TransmissionType. Internally translates to TransmissionTypeDefDOEnumInterface::getFieldName | Example: SEND_ANNOUNCE_ORDER
    • "status":
      The processing status of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | status | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | INITIAL | Transmission is initially stored. |
      | DO_PULL | Transmission will be pulled. |
      | PULLED | Transmission was received (pulled) from the sender. |
      | DO_PUSH | Transmission can be sent (pushed) to the receiver. |
      | PUSHED | Transmission was sent (pushed) to the receiver. |
      | DO_MANUAL_CHECK | The processing of transmission was canceled because of errors. The transmission has to be checked manually. |
      | CHECKED | Transmission was checked manually and is ready to process. |
      | DO_CANCEL | Transmission will be canceled. |
      | CANCELED | Transmission can be canceled because processing is not required any longer. |
      | TRANSMISSIONED | Transmission was submitted. |
      | CONFIRMED | Transmission was confirmed from the receiver. | | Example: CONFIRMED
    • "responseStatus":
      The status of the response of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | responseStatus | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | OK | The transmission was successfully received. |
      | INVALID | An error occurred during validation check at the receiver. |
      | REJECTED | The operation was rejected by the receiver. |
      | EXTERNAL_ERROR | An unexpected error occurred at the receiver. |
      | INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal unexpected error has occurred. |
      | NOT_AVAILABLE | The response status is not set. | | Example: REJECTED
    • "creationDate":
      The date when the transmission was created. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-02-27T07:15:37.562Z
    • "modificationDate":
      The date when the transmission was modified. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-02-27T07:15:40.562Z
    • "orderReferences":
      An array of ObjectReference objects. The orders connected to this transmission. Multiple orders might me linked, e.g. for aggregated invoices.
      • "referenceName":
        frontend facing identifier, e.g. order number, invoice number | Example: X93019345
      • "id":
        internal id of the object | Format: int64 | Example: 10013
    • "shopId":
      The id of the shop. | Format: int64 | Example: 1000
    • "shopName":
      The name of the shop. | Example: Test Shop US DE
    • "supplierId":
      The id of the supplier. | Format: int64 | Example: 1000
    • "supplierName":
      The name of the supplier. | Example: Test Supplier US DE
    • "receiverType":
      The type of the receiver of a transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | type | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | OMS | The OMS-application itself. |
      | SHOP | The shop is the receiver of the transmission. |
      | SUPPLIER | The supplier is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. of a delivery request. |
      | CUSTOMER | The customer is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. an email to confirm an order. |
      | PAYMENTPROVIDER | A payment provider is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. to note a received payment to. |
      | FINANCECONTROLLER | A finance contoller is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. a debitor management system that receives open amounts. | | Example: SHOP
    • "retryCount":
      Number of sending attempts. | Example: 2
    • "retryDate":
      The date of the last attempt to send the transmission. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-02-28T07:15:40.562Z
    • "nextRetryDate":
      The next date to send the transmission. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-02-28T07:45:40.562Z
    • "errorText":
      The error text, if the transmission failed. | Example: Timeout - no response within 30s
    • "invoiceReference":
      A ObjectReference object.
      • "referenceName":
        frontend facing identifier, e.g. order number, invoice number | Example: X93019345
      • "id":
        internal id of the object | Format: int64 | Example: 10013
TransmissionSearchRequest application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json{
  • "transmissionFilter":
    Required | A TransmissionFilter object.
    • "creationDateFrom":
      The earliest creation date of a transmission. | Format: date-time | Example: 2018-12-31T22:00:00.500Z
    • "creationDateTo":
      The latest creation date of a transmission. | Format: date-time | Example: 2019-01-31T21:59:59.999Z
    • "transmissionTypeGroup":
      Required | The type of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | type | description |
      | --- | --- |
      | ORDERTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for order processing messages, e.g. to announce an order entry. |
      | DISPATCHTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for dispatch messages, e.g. a delivery that was made. |
      | MAILTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for emails, e.g. to send a delivery email to the customer. |
      | PAYMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for payment notification messages, e.g. a received payment. |
      | RETURNTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for return messages, e.g. a received return. |
      | RESPONSETRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for response messages, e.g. to respond to a delivery request. |
      | INVOICETRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for invoice processing messages. |
      | DOCUMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for document processing messages. |
      | RETURNANNOUNCEMENTTRANSMISSION | Transmissions that are used for return announcements messages. | | Example: ORDERTRANSMISSION
    • "transmissionTypeNames":
      Name of the TransmissionType. Internally translates to TransmissionTypeDefDOEnumInterface::getFieldName | Example: SEND_ANNOUNCE_ORDER
    • "transmissionStatuses":
      The processing status of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | status | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | INITIAL | Transmission is initially stored. |
      | DO_PULL | Transmission will be pulled. |
      | PULLED | Transmission was received (pulled) from the sender. |
      | DO_PUSH | Transmission can be sent (pushed) to the receiver. |
      | PUSHED | Transmission was sent (pushed) to the receiver. |
      | DO_MANUAL_CHECK | The processing of transmission was canceled because of errors. The transmission has to be checked manually. |
      | CHECKED | Transmission was checked manually and is ready to process. |
      | DO_CANCEL | Transmission will be canceled. |
      | CANCELED | Transmission can be canceled because processing is not required any longer. |
      | TRANSMISSIONED | Transmission was submitted. |
      | CONFIRMED | Transmission was confirmed from the receiver. | | Example: CONFIRMED
    • "transmissionResponseStatuses":
      The status of the response of the transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | responseStatus | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | OK | The transmission was successfully received. |
      | INVALID | An error occurred during validation check at the receiver. |
      | REJECTED | The operation was rejected by the receiver. |
      | EXTERNAL_ERROR | An unexpected error occurred at the receiver. |
      | INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal unexpected error has occurred. |
      | NOT_AVAILABLE | The response status is not set. | | Example: REJECTED
    • "receiverTypes":
      The type of the receiver of a transmission.

      NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
      API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
      (minor) versions.

      | type | description |
      | ------ | ----------- |
      | OMS | The OMS-application itself. |
      | SHOP | The shop is the receiver of the transmission. |
      | SUPPLIER | The supplier is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. of a delivery request. |
      | CUSTOMER | The customer is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. an email to confirm an order. |
      | PAYMENTPROVIDER | A payment provider is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. to note a received payment to. |
      | FINANCECONTROLLER | A finance contoller is the receiver of the transmission, e.g. a debitor management system that receives open amounts. | | Example: SHOP
    • "shopIds":
      An array of integer literals. The id(s) of the shop(s).
    • "supplierIds":
      An array of integer literals. The id(s) of the supplier(s).
    • "shopOrderNumbers":
      An array of string literals. Using this filter will only return transmissions connected to the provided shopOrderNumbers.
    • "invoiceNumbers":
      An array of string literals. Using this filter will only return transmissions connected to the provided invoiceNumbers. | Example: ["X1939148","X1939149"]
  • "limit":
    The number of items to return.
    If not set the limit is 1000. | Example: 50
  • "offset":
    The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set. | Example: 0
  • "sortBy":
    The attribute to sort by.

    NOTE: The following values are valid examples for this specific API version.
    API consumers must be able to handle other/unknown values in future
    (minor) versions.

    | type | description |
    | ------ | ----------- |
    | id | Sorts by the ID in scope of it's type |
    | transmissionType | Sorts by the TransmissionType |
    | status | Sorts by the processing status |
    | responseStatus | Sorts by the response status |
    | creationDate | Sorts by the creation date |
    | modificationDate | Sorts by the modification date |
    | shopId | Sorts by the ID of the shop |
    | shopName | Sorts by the name of the shop |
    | supplierId | Sorts by the ID of the supplier |
    | supplierName | Sorts by the name of the supplier |
    | receiverType | Sorts by the receiver type of the transmission |
    | retryCount | Sorts by the number of sending attempts |
    | retryDate | Sorts by the date of the last attempt to send |
    | nextRetryDate | Sorts by the next date to send |
    | invoiceNumber | Sorts by the invoice number | | Example: creationDate
  • "sortDirection":
    The direction used to sort the attributes:

    ASC - Ascending sorting
    DESC - Descending sorting by attribute | Example: ASC | Possible Values: ASCDESC
TransmissionUpdateRequest application/vnd.intershop.transmission.v2+json[
TransmissionUpdateRequest: A transmission id and the process that should be done on this transmission.
  • "id":
    Required | The transmission identifier. | Example: ORDERTRANSMISSION-10000
  • "updateType":
    Required | The type of process to create on a transmission, e.g. to resend a transmission.

    | type | description |
    | --- | --- |
    | RESEND | Resend the transmission. |
    | CANCEL | Cancel the transmission. |
    | SENT | Set the transmission as already sent. | | Example: RESEND | Possible Values: RESENDCANCELSENT
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