Welcome to the Intershop PayPal Service Connector. The service connector adds PayPal payment methods to your Intershop Commerce Management installation.
This release note provides important product information including version information and dependencies. It also outlines the basic setup and configuration steps.
This delivery and the accompanying documentation are valid for the following combinations of software versions:
Intershop CM | PWA | PayPal Service Connector | PayPal Core API | PayPal Merchant SDK |
12.0.0+ | 5.2.0+ (checkout with PayPal Express currently excluded) | 8.0.0+ | 1.7.2 | 2.15.122 |
PayPal Connector version 8.0.0 provides the same functionality as PayPal Connector 7.0.1 for the supported payment methods to facilitate the migration from ICM 11 to 12.
The table below provides information about the cartridges included in the package. Not all of these cartridges are required.
Cartridge | Description | Required |
ac_payment_paypal | Includes all basic functionality and business logic which is used in both the storefront and the Commerce Management application. It enables the PayPal payment connector for the following application type:
This enables you to try out the PayPal standard payment method via REST using the PWA. To try the PayPal Express payment method, you would need your own client implementation since the PWA does not yet support it. |
The image is available in the respective Docker repository intershophub/icm-as-customization-paypal-standard
The PayPal Service Connector can be used for the following application types:
Application Type | Application Type ID | Compatible | Description |
Progressive Web App |
| B2C/B2B via REST |
The customization image for the PayPal Connector is available in Intershop's public repository.
Add customization to helm values:
Declaration customization image
Add feature cartridge ft_paypal to cartridge list (See Concept - Customization - Deployment - ICM 11+)
icm-as: customizations: paypal_standard: repository: intershophub/icm-as-customization-paypal-standard:<TAG> ... environment: CARTRIDGE_LIST: "ft_icm_as ft_paypal"
Before starting ICM with the PayPal extension, ensure that all required services, the MSSQL database, and the web server are running.
Modify the compose file to specify which cartridges the ICM should load. This is done by setting the CARTRIDGE_LIST
environment variable on the application server:
version: "3.8" services: customize-paypal-standard: image: icm-as-customization-paypal-standard:<TAG> volumes: - customizations:/customizations ... appserver: depends_on: - customize-paypal-standard ... environment: # ... more environment variables ... # Example cartridge list. Please adapt to your requirements. CARTRIDGE_LIST: "ft_icm_as ft_paypal" ...
When the application server is started, a DBPreparation process will run to configure the PayPal payment services. Once this process is complete, you can log in to the back office. Under Services, the PayPal payment services should be available for use.
To use the PayPal payment services, configure the PayPal payment service with the required credentials, PSP communication URLs, and other configuration parameters.
To customize the PayPal Connector, it is necessary to create a customization project for the payment connector.
To add the customization image for the PayPal Connector to your project, add it to the dependencies of your customization. To achieve this, perform the following steps:
Register the customization image in your main build.gradle.kts:
val icmDockerRegistry = "docker.tools.intershop.com/icm/intershophub" // specified in gradle.properties val paypalConnectorVersion: String by project intershop { projectConfig { modules { // ... other modules ... register("paypal-standard") { dependency.set("com.intershop.services.payment_paypal:paypal-standard:${paypalConnectorVersion}") image.set("${icmDockerRegistry}/icm-as-customization-paypal-standard:${paypalConnectorVersion}") testImage.set("${icmDockerRegistry}/icm-as-customization-paypal-standard:${paypalConnectorVersion}") } } } } subprojects { // ... other settings ... plugins.withType<JavaPlugin> { dependencies { // ... other dependencies ... cartridge(platform("com.intershop.services.payment_paypal:versions:${paypalConnectorVersion}")) implementation(platform("com.intershop.services.payment_paypal:versions:${paypalConnectorVersion}")) } } }
Add dependencies to the PayPal feature to your project's feature definition (e.g., ft_myproject/build.gradle.kts)
dependencies { // base on ICM AS cartridgeRuntime ("com.intershop.icm:ft_icm_as") // ... more dependencies ... // PayPal Connector cartridgeRuntime ("com.intershop.services.payment_paypal:ft_paypal") }
To include the PayPal feature, add your project's feature definition cartridge to your development configuration within your main build.gradle.kts
. If you need additional feature cartridges for local development, you can add them here as well.
intershop_docker { // ... other configuration ... developmentConfig { appserverAsContainer = true cartridgeList.set(setOf("ft_myproject")) testCartridgeList.set(setOf("ft_mytest")) } }
Define paypalConnectorVersion in your gradle.properties:
... paypalConnectorVersion = <TAG> ...
Start your application server in development mode:
Use Gradle to manage the server instance by using the command gradlew startAS
Run gradlew tasks
to see available tasks or check for further options.
For details on managing the artifacts, see:
The subsequent redirects to PayPal (those after the initial redirect) occur after significant cart changes. What is significant in a cart is defined by the class:
@Named("PayPal_BasketHashCodeGenerator") public class BasketHashCodeGenerator implements Function<BasketBO, String>
It gets the current BasketBO and creates a hash based on what it considers to be significant.
At some stages of the checkout process (payment and review pages), another hash is generated, and if there is a mismatch with the initial hash, the customer will be redirected to PayPal again.
To change the definition of what is significant in a cart:
Create your own class YourCustomBasketHashCodeGenerator
implementing Function<BasketBO, String>
that generates a hash based on what you consider significant.
Bind the new class in your customization Guice module.
bind(new TypeLiteral<Function<BasketBO, String>>() { }).annotatedWith(BasketHashCodeGenerator.class.getAnnotation(Named.class)) .to(YourCustomBasketHashCodeGenerator.class).in(Singleton.class);
This section outlines the required post-deployment configuration steps, including:
The PayPal Service Connector requires some post-deployment configurations in Organization Management application and Commerce Management application.
For details about enabling a payment service, see Cookbook - Payment | Recipe: Enable a Payment Service.
The table below lists PayPal-specific settings you can enter at the payment service.
Name | Description |
User Name | Your PayPal seller account's username. |
Password | Your PayPal seller account's password. |
Signature | Your PayPal seller account's signature. |
Environment | Switch between test and live system. Options: live, sandbox, and beta-sandbox. |
Logo URL | The URL of the logo that will be displayed on the PayPal page after redirect. |
Branding ID | The heading that will be displayed on the PayPal page after redirect. Overrides the logo parameter. |
Page Layout | The identifier of the preconfigured page style that will be used for the PayPal page after redirect. Overrides the logo parameter. |
Auto Capture | If enabled, the amounts will be automatically captured with the authorization. |
Allow PayPal address update | If enabled, the customer can update the shipping address via the PayPal page. This does not apply to orders which contain multiple shipping buckets. For those, the address update is always disabled. |
Allow shipping buckets | Enable PayPal for orders being dispatched to multiple addresses or in multiple shipments. |
Digital goods | If enabled, the customer can buy Digital Gift Certificate. |
PayPal Logo URL | URL of the PayPal logo, which is shown under PayPal payment methods. |
Transfer Order Details | Specifies the way to transfer order details to PayPal. Order details include items (prices and quantities), discounts, taxes, handling fees, etc. |
PayPal confirmation button type | Modifies the text value of the PayPal confirmation button. |
The PayPal Service Connector provides English and German localization for payment-specific input field labels, error messages, etc.
You can find the existing localization files here: <IS_SHARE>/system/cartridges/ac_payment_paypal/release/localizations
For details about localization, see:
The PayPal Service Connector adds the following payment methods to your Intershop Commerce Management system:
Name | Description | Payment Management Options |
PayPal Standard | Payment via a PayPal account performing the complete authorization/capturing process | Capture, Cancel, Reduce, Refund |
PayPal Express | Payment via a PayPal account using the express checkout button and performing the complete authorization/capturing process Note The express checkout feature is not available for the Intershop PWA. | Capture, Cancel, Reduce, Refund |
Operation | Description |
Capture | Request for settling the payment, can be submitted via the Intershop Commerce Management or via the PayPal Web interface |
Cancel | Request for abandoning (PayPal: voiding) a payment settlement, can be submitted via the Intershop Commerce Management or via the PayPal Web interface |
Reduce | Option to lower the capture amount |
Refund | Option to return (parts of) the capture amount |
Capture and Cancel operations performed directly in the PayPal Web interface are not synchronized with Intershop Commerce Management. This leads to errors when trying to capture or to cancel those payments in the Intershop Commerce Management.
The PayPal Connector supports different options transmitting order details to PayPal. To avoid rounding errors, it might make sense to adapt this setting within a project to make it possible to use PayPal for all use cases.
Rounding errors are related to basket transmission to a payment service provider (PSP). If a PSP provides an API to send the different basket totals with 2-digit values (e.g. shipping, taxes, discounts, etc.), there is a possibility that the sum of everything with 5-digit values will produce a different result than the total amount for authorization. The difference might be as small as a cent, but still enough for the PSP to reject the payment. The reason for rounding issues is price calculation which includes percentage values. For example:
Converting net prices into gross prices. This may happen when prices in the back office are handled as net and displayed in the storefront as gross
Percentage based discounts
Since version 4.1 of the PayPal Connector, the shop manager has three options for submitting order details (basket transmission) to PayPal.
Back Office Option | Possible Rounding Issues | Explanation | Result at PayPal |
No Details | no | No details besides the order total appear at PayPal. | |
All Details as Subtotal | no | The connector uses parts of the PayPal API. Order details appear at PayPal as part of the item list. | |
Details Separated | yes | The connector uses most of the PayPal API. Order details appear at PayPal at dedicated places. |
Once the customer is redirected back from PayPal, the contents of the basket are stored as a hash. If significant changes are detected before the order is completed, the customer will be redirected back to PayPal to confirm the payment. Such redirects may occur at the payment and review pages of the checkout process.
Significant changes are:
Product quantity change
Adding a product
Removing a product
Changing the whole or parts of the shipping address:
Postal code
Address Line 1
Significant changes are not:
Shipping method change
Invoice address change
Tax Changes
It is possible (although very rarely) that the customer is redirected for a second time to PayPal, not influenced by the customer's actions. This may be observed, for example, when a tax is applied to a product in the ICM storefront, but the tax is later changed due to an address change when redirecting back from PayPal. This causes a change of the total amount of the basket, which is considered a significant change, and the customer will be redirected again to PayPal to confirm the payment.
The following table describes the data transmitted by the PayPal Service Connector from ICM to PayPal during the payment process:
Description | PayPal Payment Methods | ||
PayPal Standard | PayPal Express | ||
Amount | The amount of the transaction | ||
Currency | Currency code, e.g., EUR/USD | ||
Customer details | Customer e-mail, customer first name, last name, country, city, postal code, mobile number | ||
Shipping Details | Shipping amount, shipping discount | ||
Reference (order id) | Order reference generated by merchant | ||
Address details (street, zip, city, country) | Invoice and shipping address details provided by the user | ||
Description of the items | Product description (optional and configurable in the Intershop Commerce Management) |
Symbol | Description |
Transmitted | |
Not Transmitted | |
Optional |
Please be aware that the PayPal payment cartridge requires a matching price display and tax calculation. That is, the price type and the price display must either both be set to "gross" or both be set to "net", and a corresponding taxation service must be enabled.
A customer being logged in will be redirected to the payment page (not the review page) after confirming payment at PayPal.
However, this does not affect the functionality of the cartridge.
The payment methods are available for B2C shops and for those B2B shops in which the order approval is disabled.
The express checkout feature is not available for the PWA storefront. The option for express checkout using PayPal will not be available to the user in that case.
It is possible to enable both "Allow PayPal address update" and "Allow shipping buckets" at the same time. However, if multiple shipping addresses are used for some line items of a basket, it will not be possible to distinguish between those addresses at PayPal. Only one address is set on the PayPal redirect page, which would lead to the different shipping addresses being overwritten with this single address when returning from the PayPal redirect. Therefore, in case of orders with multiple shipping buckets, the address update setting will be disabled at runtime, regardless of the configuration.
The IP zones feature requires an IPv4 address on the customer's side. In case the customer has an IPv6 address, the payment method Credit Card will not be displayed on the payment page.
Migrated the connector to an ICM 12 customization (JDK 21, jakarta packaging)
Fixed issue that prevented using multiple configurations for the same service at the same level