AWI-99548 • 08-Oct-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The result of GetAggregatedRating.query returns an average rating that has no precision when a MSSQL db is used I.e.: If you have ratings for a product that have an average of 2.9 the result of the query gives 3. This way customers e.g. cant display half star ratings. Steps to Repeat in the
3126A4 • 04-Dec-2024 • Release Notes • IOM 4.7, IOM 5.0, ICM 12, IOM 5.1
Table of Contents Introduction Dependency Version Information Glossary Delivery References Feature Overview Integration Channels and Shops Communication Order Export Order History Payment Statuses Inventory Service Setup Helm Declaration of Extension for Deployment Using Docker Compose to Start the
AWI-99510 • 15-Dec-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description After migrating to ICM, the REST API call of the product master returns an internal server error 500 and the following error message is entered in the log: [2024-08-21 13:51:49.139 +0000] ERROR ES1 appserver0 [b2b-Site] [-] com.intershop
AWI-99488 • 11-Nov-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Removing a product data feed (e.g. a sitemap_pwa) does not completely remove the generated sitemap files from the sites directory. Steps to Repeat 1) open inSPIRED in ICM 2) switch to the inTRONICS channel 3) go to Channel > Product Data Feeds 4) create a new product data feed for the pwa:
AWI-99456 • 08-Oct-2024 • Bug
Description The customer has an error when imports a XML file with custom xsd on ICM11. Detail of the error : [2024-08-12 08:37:18.661 +0000] Impex Error message: Error at source document line 8, column 73: cvc-elt.1.a: Cannot find the declaration of element 'enfinity'. By adding the XSD file into the
AWI-99423 • 08-Oct-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Possible NPE in BasketShippingMethodSelectionBucketBOImpl if BasketShippingMethodSelectionBucketBOImpl::getSelectedBasketShippingMethodBO() returns "null", BasketShippingMethodSelectionBucketBOImpl:getDeliveryTimeMax(BasketShippingMethodBO) will end in an NPE. null Bug null Verified Closed
AWI-99420 • 25-Sep-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description In ORMUserBOBasketExtensionImpl, the log message "Basket repository belongs to user with ID X and cannot access baskets of user with ID Y for security reasons" is logged in the error log, which is incorrect. The message clearly indicates that a security motivated code has successfully done
AWI-99410 • 20-Jan-2025 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Customers have reported significant performance issues when retrieving information from the "Access Privileges" tab for Organization - Channels. Specifically, the response time is excessively slow, taking up to 4 minutes, and frequently resulting in page timeouts. This issue occurs while
AWI-99363 • 08-Oct-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The GiftInfoProviderImpl sporadically throws a NPE: [2024-08-28 07:29:55.790 +0200] ERROR liveapp ES1 appserver0 [B2B-Site] [rest] [] [Unknown] [Ww.sGAVxmkAAAAGRdkJ8WJd2] [TxFHBmbOtdMBAAB_-0-00] "TxFHBmbOtdMBAAB_-0-00" Web
AWI-99362 • 04-Feb-2025 • Bug • ICM 12
Description Project tried to consume ICM12.1. Unfortunate dbPrepare is failing with: {"@timestamp":"2024-08-14T11:32:08.95Z","@version":"1","message":"Job configuration properties not found in path:","logger_name":"com.intershop.beehive.core
Showing 241-250 of more than 1000
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