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Reference - IOM REST API - Schedules 1.0

This API specification is available for download as an Open API 3.0 YAML file: 


Basic Authentication

Please configure your clients to use this authentication method to submit user name and password.

Bearer Token Authentication

To generate a valid JWT, just log into the OMT, inspect the browser cookies and use the value of the cookie called 'OMS_IDENTITY' as JWT. Within a UI-client (e.g., Postman) choose "Bearer Token" and just type in a valid Json Web Token (JWT).


The permission "View schedules" (group REST services) is required to use the GET endpoints and must be assigned at shop or supplier, that has a relation to the transmission.
The permission "Manage schedules" (group REST services) is required to use the POST endpoints and must be assigned at shop or supplier, that has a relation to the transmission.

API Specification

Open ReDoc-rendered Open API documentation in separate window.

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