Description CMS Content (i.e. Configuration Parameters of a Pagelet) can be managed and requested for different locales. For the server rendered usage of the CMS there is a fallback logic implemented that will return the content of the default locale if no content was managed for the requested locale
IS-25943 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description In case of MS-SQL error logs are missing in case statements are throwing exceptions. Steps to Repeat In case of MS-SQL error logs are missing in case statements are throwing exceptions. Core (Tech. Features - Jena) Bug Technical Tools & Features Verified Closed null Major JiraWorkItem 46241
IS-25940 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description after migration we get differences regarding indexes only present in the migrated db-Schema | dbinit db-Schema for the mentioned cartridges we don't find logged information after the dbmigrate no migrate steps execute for this stuff and Foreign keys are not migrated the folder the dbmigrate-sql-zip
IS-25934 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: When entering more characters than allowed in the address field "ZIP/Postal Code", the error message comes from the Boostrap Validator and is not localized. Steps to repeat: 1) Open inTRONICS storefront in german locale 2) Add a product to the cart and start processing a checkout
IS-25927 • 28-Apr-2023 • Bug • Responsive Starter Store
Description Description: The query GetProductBOsByCategoryAndSubCategories.query in bc_product_orm is not ready for MSSQL. The closing bracket for mssql (near line 55) must be after the </template-if> otherwise the opening bracket from line 27 is not closed when the catalogCategory is not the root category
IS-25922 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: Encoding issue when importing synonyms on Windows Steps to repeat: OS: WINDOWS 1. Go to a search index and add synonyms containing special characters like German umlauts: Kübel - Eimer 2. Export the synonyms to CSV 3. Reimport the exported CSV --> There are encoding issues with
IS-25924 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: The customer often faces ConcurrentModificationExceptions during promotion import on the production system. The issue is not always reproducible. The errors thrown are the following B2X [2018-12-24 16:01:03.994 +0100] [BulkerThread-8] [impex.RAJA-AT.4] ERROR com.intershop
IS-25920 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description The first error is within GetCategoriesByParentWithFilters.query in bc_mvc near line 58. The Problem is, that mssql doesn’t support multiple columns in a single WHERE clause like (colA, colB) in ((valA1, valB1), (valA2, valB2)). This needs to be changed to an OR-chained expression. The lines
IS-25917 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: Hardcoded tablespace name IS_INDX in RecreateRatingCommentIndexes.sql causes exception during dbmigrate: Line 27: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE RATINGCOMMENT ADD PRIMARY KEY(UUID) USING INDEX TABLESPACE "IS_INDX" LOGGING ENABLE'; Error: [2019-01-14 19:43:22.102 +0100] Failure:
IS-25902 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Actual Behavior When creating a promotion with EURO as currency, the placeholder in the dynamic promotion message preview is shown in USD. This applies only for the preview, not for the storefront though. Expected Behavior The placeholder in the dynamic promotion message preview is shown
IS-25908 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Current Behaviour: Included inspired-assembly doesn't support ICM-microservices. Expected Behaviour: ICM-microservices are supported, when using both IOM-Connector and ICM-Microservices. Repro Steps Current Behaviour: Included inspired-assembly doesn't support ICM-microservices. Expected
IOM-8632 • 07-Sep-2021 • Bug • IOM Connector
Description Description: Rounding problems can almost double shipping costs if there are many item in the basket. Example: Shipping Costs per item: 1 / 200 = 0,005 InspectBasket: Steps to repeat: 1) Open inTRONICS Back Office and go to Preferences > Pricing 2) Set Price Type: Net Price Display for Individual
IS-25896 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: The command to create a new SSH key set ant ssh_keygen is unsuccessful and create an exception: [java] Caused by: Invalid secret key format” error occurred here. The Intershop and Java JDK jdk1.8.0_172-amd64 This is impacting the ability for the customer
IS-25891 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Description: Add to wishlist pop up doest open in one scenario if Product SKU has a dot in it for example SKU is 395728.8 Steps to repeat: 1. Open store as a guest user 2. Add a product to cart which has a dot in its SKU for example 395728.8 3. Click on add to wishlist button 4. You will
IS-25883 • 28-Apr-2023 • Bug • Responsive Starter Store
Description Description: Actual behavior: Cart and shipping calculation is invoked several several times over just re-browsing through the cart and checkout pages without a single change. Going from Cart -> Address (calculation is called 2 times), Address -> Shipping Page (2 times). Can chained pipeline
IS-25872 • 28-Apr-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11, Responsive Starter Store
Description The query GetCategoriesByParentWithFilters.query is not yet ready for MSSQL. Acceptance criteria The existing query test works successfully for Oracle and MSSQL. Steps to Repeat The query GetCategoriesByParentWithFilters.query is not yet ready for MSSQL. Acceptance criteria The existing query
IS-25865 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description The CaptchaAuthenticationProvider currently expects multiple key value pairs to be sent with a request with captcha authentication. That's because the old reCAPTCHA had two parameters you had to sent with the request (recaptcha_challenge_field, recaptcha_response_field). However, the new
IS-25866 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Description: The customer tries to update e.g. localized category names by importing changes with update mode in master. The data changes in master, but not in channels the catalog is shared to. The same works when one manually update the name in master - BO. Steps to repeat: 1. Import the
IS-25859 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description The stored procedure UUID$create_uuid is now an function. Statement CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[UUID$create_uuid]() will be rejected by the database because a stored procedure with this name already exists. Steps to Repeat The stored procedure UUID$create_uuid is now an function. Statement
IS-25855 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description The test RemoveLineItemFromBasketTest (bc_basket_test) needs a rework. This test is run as an embedded server test. However, it also uses lots of mock objects. This causes issues e. g. if a product mock is used in conjunction with a ProductMgr (which is not mocked and can therefore not be
IS-25854 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
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