Description Replication process with replication group Labels may throw "Committing a transaction with a current nesting count" exception Steps to Repeat - setup 11.10.0 replication system - create a B2C or B2B replication process with group Labels - execute the replication - the below kind of exception
AWI-96708 • 19-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description The REST resource /INTERSHOP/rest/BOS/SMC/-/keys/<key> fails with 404. But the collection resource /INTERSHOP/rest/BOS/SMC/-/keys is working, correctly null Bug null Moved to state Removed Removed null Major AdoWorkItem 96654 Products Products 0 Fixed in Commit 96652 Parent icm-as/12.1.0(develop)
AWI-96654 • 22-May-2024 • Bug
Description After an upgrade to ICM the execution of custom code to invoke the order creation may throw an ORM Exception. Stack trace: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException: null at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy406.createOrderBO(Unknown Source) at
AWI-96567 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Version 11.0.8 Channel replication failed because a catalog issue in a different channel occur The customer tried a replication in one channel and could not complete it because an inconsistency issue in another channel: com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.staging.process.ReplicationException:
AWI-96556 • 10-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description Using a "productFilter" definitition on 2 REST API's. /-/products/ and /-/productfilters/ The result from the "products" API is fine, and filtered correctly, but the results from "productfilters" is not correct, it returns more data than expected. pac-man-review null Bug null Verified Closed
AWI-96494 • 11-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description JGroupsReceiver NPE about Illegal model class interface com.intershop.platform.extension.emf.extensionpoint.ExtensionPointModel. The reason was that the event is processed during the starting phase of the application server. [2024-04-04 12:51:17.525 +0200] ERROR app ES1 appserver0 [] [] com
AWI-96384 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description If you try to start any microservice, this leads to a "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError": Suppressed: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.createServlet(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljavax/servlet/Servlet; Steps to Repeat - deploy a new ICM - as minimal setup, adapt inside:
AWI-96374 • 10-Jun-2024 • Bug • Responsive Starter Store
Description Importing postal data (e.g. countries, states, locations) in REPLACE or DELETE mode may cause invalid information in the internal shipping cache. As a result, requests to the country REST API will fail, for example. null Bug null Verified Closed null Critical AdoWorkItem 96283 ICM Products
AWI-96283 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The message key 'smc.ProcessLastActivity' in file 'f_business/a_sldsystem/smc/staticfiles/cartridge/localizations/' contains invalid character: smc.ProcessLastActivity=Letzte Prozessaktivit<E4>t Fix_with_next_patch c3po_localization null Bug null Verified Closed null Minor
AWI-96273 • 10-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10, Responsive Starter Store
Description PWA requests about productprices REST resource is very slow for a large amount of price lists. The customer currently has about 39000 Price lists per channel (a price list for almost every customer) and plans also to rollout his shop to US market. He expects a lot more customers (concrete
AWI-96278 • 21-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Improve Sitemap xml generation by retrieving the PO object by UUID only once. The initial query for retrieving the products and categories to be processed, instantiates the PO objects by the UUIDs found. Only to extract the Product.SKU and Category.ID to be processed by the URL-Rewrite, wich
AWI-96277 • 27-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description ClassCastException in case of product price list import ElementValidatorPriceList class execution Steps to Repeat - ICM - import pricelists in B2C or B2B channel - the price list import file must describe/contain a shared product - in case of import the below impex pattern
AWI-96252 • 06-May-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description some staging processor using the info level for non "business achieved goal" messages. AnalyzeTablesDecorator RemoveUnapprovedProductsDecorator DatabaseStagingProcessor and more. null Bug null Verified Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 96146 Products Replication (Staging) Framework Products Infrastructure
AWI-96146 • 03-May-2024 • Bug
Description In ICM 11.10.0 Deletion of shared catalog in channel deletes original catalog in organization too The behavior seems to have changed between 11.9.0 and 11.10.0: ICM 11.9.0 ( Catalog at organization level is NOT deleted. ICM 11
AWI-96050 • 13-May-2024 • Bug
Description If you create a quote from a product detail page for a product using bulk prices (via price list) the prices will be wrong. If you do the same from basket you will get the correct prices. Steps to Repeat in the inTRONICs Business channel create a new price list or use an existing one pick
AWI-96052 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The import files are parsed by a SAXParser. This parser has the feature "" configured which forbits the usage of DOCTYPE declarations. But mostly all used BMECat imports are DTD-based files. As a consequence, these files cannot be imported
AWI-95910 • 06-May-2024 • Bug
Description After some time (some days - weeks) the WA reaches its memory limit. After the limit, the WA pod crashes and is not able to recover. The WA memory consumption is 700MB after around 2,5 days (from 2024/04/05T12:00pm to 2024/04/08T12:00am). WA at EDIT side uses stable 160MB. [internal link
AWI-95870 • 24-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description A basic catalog category navigation search/browse operation does generate URLs with escaped URL parameter characters - this is not fine for Google Analytics A4 processing ( GA4 ) Steps to Repeat - setup ICM - browse/search in the inSPIRED inTRONICS channel in the catalog category
AWI-95867 • 20-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Requests to create (POST) or change (PATCH) custom attributes that are sent while another change request is still being processed on the corresponding business object will raise an OCA exception. This is because there is no wait for a database lock on the corresponding persistence object
AWI-95851 • 22-May-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Adding an expanded value to SalesPriceCalculatorBeanDefDO will result in an exception and stop the further checks of the expanded enum values during the deployment, without stopping it though. background: the enum check does not cope with name differences between the java attributes and the
AWI-95834 • 11-Jun-2024 • Bug • Intershop Order Management
Showing 41-60 of 3278
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