Description If one of the most recently viewed categories is no longer available, a NPE is thrown in pipelet GetRecentlyViewedItems and the recently viewed item section is no longer displayed in the storefront. Stacktrace: [2023-08-16 12:26:04.063 +0200] ERROR ES2 appserver0 [inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site]
AWI-88855 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description costumer wants to send email data to an external service provider (middleware, clang). Clang renders the email and sends it to the customer. If clang is unable to send the email to the customer (e.g. email bounced at MTA), it reports back to IOM (asynchronous communication, custom interface)
AWI-88771 • 01-Feb-2024 • Bug • IOM 5.0
Description Use HTTP/1.1 as default until HTTP/2 is working in the Solr Dev/Prod clusters If the default HTTP/2 is not working #88440 or not working stable enough as we see in #88440-->87894 Many SOLr exceptions during the load test against ICM11.3.0-SNAPSHOTOn Hold obi-review null User Story null Acceptance
AWI-88736 • 28-Feb-2024 • User Story • Solr Cloud
Description Resource leak in QueryORMObjectCollection when using size and iterator methods (size first, then iterator). Steps to Repeat There is a cartridge code scenario which will lead to below exception "Finalizer" Closing query result via finalize method. java.lang.Throwable: Stack trace on 'QueryResult'
AWI-88713 • 27-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description In exceptional cases the ssh channels and connections are not closed explicitly. This could lead to memory pressure and more GC activities. "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Session.connect: Connection reset at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect( at com
AWI-88413 • 28-Mar-2024 • Bug
Description When deleting one or more (per batch) products in the back office (master or channel), then the SOLR product search index is updated in the background (cache refresh is triggered). However, this update is not visible in the search index list view - the number of indexed products does not
AWI-88378 • 18-Apr-2024 • Bug • Solr Cloud
Description The customer had a strange exception during DBPrepare in regard to a search service: [2023-07-04 15:23:00.556 +0200] ERROR DESKTOP-<ASERVER> ES1 dbinit [] [[migrate]<project>_init:Class80 ImportPreparer [unit=<project>-MasterRepository,ProcessPageletImport-DBInit,DBMigrate-PageletImport_2023_1_0
AWI-88372 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • Responsive Starter Store
Description I tried to identify the staging problem. I had a search a at logs, and found. Unfortunately, the log doesn't contain information, where is no space. We assume, the transport framework tries to store the file inside of the container. But larger files must be stored at shared sites folder
AWI-88348 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug
Description The order's articles must be lock in the db in order to serialize their stock handling. A failure while acquiring a lock for position updates is acceptable as there are repair jobs that wil restart the process, but the lock acquisition must be tried harder on order creation. Raise the try
AWI-88270 • 03-Aug-2023 • Bug • Intershop Order Management, IOM 4.6
Description When the ConnectionServlet fails to gather some information it just skips the output of these information which lead to wrong behavior of the WA. The log written on the appserver looks like: 29 events since 2023-07-31T15:09:03.931052383 (com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.log.Logger.error(Logger
AWI-88220 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 11
Description When a label is created and assigned to a page at application level (edit system), the label and the assignment is not replicated to the live system. Steps to Repeat ICM Back-Office (Edit system): 1) switch to the "B2C - Responsive " application of inTRONICS 2) go to Content > Pages 2.2)
AWI-87937 • 14-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description With #86470 a retry for the restore command was introduced. But if the restore fails with a server exception the retry is not executed. Example: [%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z}] %-5level localhost ES1 appserver0 [%mdc{requestsite}] [%mdc{requestapplication}] %logger [%marker] [%mdc{request
AWI-87853 • 18-Apr-2024 • Bug • Solr Cloud
Description When you create a new user via Storefront the Welcome mail is always send from even if you change the NewUserEmailFrom Preference Steps to Repeat In the PREFERENCEDEFINITION table set a new NewUserEmailFrom different to for your domain Go to the
AWI-87814 • 20-Oct-2023 • Bug • Responsive Starter Store
Description Business Object Replication does generate NPE in case ContentPageCacheKeyProvider Steps to Repeat a) setup ICM replication environment b) inside edit system inSPIRED master repository execute the below steps: 1. Create component_freestyle_966621 on EDIT 2. Publish component_freestyle_966621
AWI-87815 • 08-Feb-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description With the parallel backup and restore introduced in #87503 the initial replication fails frequently if the default config set does not exist yet on the live system. [2023-07-12 10:20:27.531 +0000] ERROR localhost ES1 appserver0 [] [] com.intershop.beehive.core.pipelet.staging.process.ProcessReplication
AWI-87729 • 18-Apr-2024 • Bug • Solr Cloud
Description Independent from actual job configuration jobs do not get executed because execution conditions seem to always get evaluated to false (independent from JobServer). The implementation uses a TimeEvent, which has a "validity" of one minute. In case of the JobServer, the startup could be nearly
AWI-87710 • 22-May-2024 • Bug
Description When two or three promotion messages should be displayed in the shopping cart, an IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs instead. I have attached the error stacktrace as "Error_IndexOutOfBoundsException.txt". In the PWA storefront, an error 500 page is additionally displayed (see screenshot "PWA_ErrorPage
AWI-87670 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
description some solutions are proprietary or require licensing even for prove of concept (poc). some vendors are also willing to participate in poc phase to provide and additional support. all these factors make the process complicated. environment icm-11.3 null task null moved out of state on hold
AWI-87604 • 13-Dec-2023 • Task
Description Hold a meeting with vendors to gather their features for the report. Vendors list: Semgrep Synopsys Checkmarx Fortify Klcockwork Aqua Banzai Snyck Veracode HCL Rapid7 Contrast Security NeuVector (SUSE) Sparrow Imperva Signal Sciences Airlock Polaris F5 Parasoft Sysdig Anchore AppDynamics
AWI-87601 • 27-Jul-2023 • Task
Description Hold a meeting with "big" vendors: CrowdStrike Cloudflare Trend Micro CheckPoint CloudDefense Then, understand their applicability and real need in the process of Sec. SDLC integration for the company null Task null Moved out of state On Hold Closed null Major AdoWorkItem
AWI-87602 • 17-Aug-2023 • Task
Showing 2121-2140 of 5422
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