AWI-97080 • 15-Dec-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description com.intershop.adapter.ordersubmission.service.internal.OrderSubmissionService When using the order submission service the following NullpointerException can occur: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull( at com.intershop.api.remote.resource
AWI-97071 • 04-Sep-2024 • Bug
Description The job CheckProcessesState could fail with an IllegalStateException with cause "end size n is less than fixed size m": Console: [2024-04-19 09:46:00.247 +0200] ERROR [root] [system] com.intershop.beehive.core.internal.job.JobExecutor [JOB] [Unknown] [McEKAM56j6MAAAGOfhvymOwD] [7XwKAM56A
KB0013775 • 12-Aug-2024 • Support Articles
Table of Contents Introduction Instructions Introduction ICM allows you to create direct custom attributes (DCA) for database tables such as product, catalog, category, etc. Within a data replication environment there is a need that the edit and live systems contain the same database objects in terms
AWI-97017 • 05-Nov-2024 • Issue • Solr Cloud
Description The "Advanced Variation Handling" ( of the ICM products REST API relies on the presence of the MasterSKU to be able to filter variations for a specific master product. All the default demo shop search index configurations contain
G31203 • 10-Jun-2024 • Concepts • ICM 11, ICM 12
Table of Contents Introduction References Custom Fix Process Introduction This concept describes the custom fix process in ICM 11+. A custom fix addresses emergency fixes of ICM-AS and ICM standard customization. A custom fix is delivered with a temporarily available docker image that contains fixes
AWI-96988 • 07-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description Content upload fails when using zip files with images containing special characters. Steps to repeat: 1. Go to application > content upload 2. Select a zip file containing at least one image with special characters in the file name (e.g. "bollé.png" with the special character "é") 3. Click
AWI-96978 • 03-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description The CustomerRO and UserRO ID attributes of the Customer Management REST API are URL-encoded in the responses. However, standard attributes within a JSON response must not be URL-encoded! If the corresponding values are later used in a URL (e.g., to call a corresponding sub-resource), it is
31B202 • 30-May-2024 • Guidelines • ICM 7.10, ICM 11, ICM 12
Table of Contents Introduction Glossary References Replication Process Generic Search Index Replication Solr Cloud-specific Replication Info This guide is valid for ICM version 7.10.32 and higher. For previous versions see Guide - Solr Replication (valid to 7.10.31). Introduction This document is about
AWI-96956 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description When a the flag "Promotion Code Required" from a public available promotion is removed at a time where it was already used by customers, they cannot login anymore. Steps to Repeat 1. create a promotion and check the checkbox for "Promotion Code Required" 2. log in to the storefront 3. add
AWI-96961 • 06-Dec-2024 • Bug
Description The ICM WA and WAA container did not respect external process signals and therefore the HTTPD/WAA or previously executed commands in the start up script did not receive passed signals. Leading to non-graceful container shutdowns of ICM WA / WAA. Steps to Repeat For WA: Start ICM WA container