Description The process chain sequence ignores the task "ignore" configuration in case the task reached the timeout. Actual Behavior In case a task is not finished during the "timeout" period, the sequence aborts the chain, also if the task is marked with "ignore:interrupted" Expected Behavior In case
AWI-97548 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Assuming the settings intershop.authentication.expires.idtoken=50intershop.authentication.expires.accesstoken=5intershop.authentication.expires.refreshtoken=60 the PWA obvioulsy relies on the "expires_in", which is the expire time of the id_token. But, the relevant token for being logged
AWI-97532 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug
Description A partner created a custom maintenance page by changing the standard application/SiteOffline.isml template within a custom cartridge. When setting the site to "Maintenance" mode in SMC -> Operations the texts are not localized neither with custom page nor using the default ISML. Always the
AWI-97529 • 11-Jul-2024 • Bug • Responsive Starter Store
Description The SQL query is executed too often. "SELECT SERVICEDEFINITIONKEYID, ALLOWEDFLAG, UUID, DOMAINID, OCA, LASTMODIFIED FROM SERVICEPERMISSION WHERE SERVICEDEFINITIONKEYID=? AND DOMAINID=?" To avoid these SQL queries, we adapted the size of miss cache for that persistent object null Bug null
AWI-97505 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug
Description When showing a pagelet preview image in the backoffice, the overwritings of images will be ignored in lists. This is caused by showing the pagelet as it is (without its overwriting information) instead of its pagelet view (which calculated the overwritten values). null Bug null Fixed and
AWI-97493 • 04-Sep-2024 • Bug
Description Edit db schema $X views are not (re)created for new DCA columns in case of dbPrepare execution Steps to Repeat - setup ICM replication environment on SQL Server - create and place in the edit and live system same directCustomAttributes.xml file for example \eserver\share\system
AWI-97473 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The entries for following tables are not removed when running the "DeleteDomainReferences" Job: PromotionBasketReservation PromotionCodeBasketReservation Promotion_RT Campaign_RT PromotionCode_RT PromotionCodeGroup_RT ApprovalStep ApprovalStep_AV CustomerAccountMgrAssignment PersonalDataRequest
AWI-97419 • 23-Aug-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description In within the method getChannelCatalogs there is a count query and an objects query executed. The count query is used to determine the total catalogs found, regardless of any offset or limit. However, the count
AWI-97355 • 19-Sep-2024 • Bug
Description The "priceQuantity" product attribute (where you define the number of pieces Y that you will get for price X) is not sufficiently described in documentation. It might create the idea that it is used in the calculation process to calculate the price of a part of a package which is not the
AWI-97278 • 19-Sep-2024 • Bug
Description For a short time, the application server is out of service and the webadapter still forwards requests to the application server. In that time the application server has to serve requests, also in out-of-service state. null Bug null Verified Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 97268 Products REST
AWI-97268 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug
Description The deadlock detector thread stops the server first and logged the related stacktraces, afterwards. Which leads sometimes to the situation, that the logs are not written. The deadlock detector failed at first deadlock appearance. In case the deadlock is gone, the internal counter was not
AWI-97255 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug
Description The deadlock detector thread stops the server first and logged the related stacktraces, afterwards. Which leads sometimes to the situation, that the logs are not written. release-as11-merge-done null Bug null Verified Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 97254 Products Products Infrastructure 0
AWI-97254 • 23-Aug-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Server is LIVE ServletEngine started (after 7 seconds the WA sends requests to the AS) get Requests (But should wait for "READY") null Bug null Verified Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 97222 Products REST Framework Products Infrastructure 0 Fixed in Commit 96828 Parent as/11.11.0-lts as/12
AWI-97222 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug
Description com.intershop.adapter.ordersubmission.service.internal.OrderSubmissionService When using the order submission service the following NullpointerException can occur: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull( at com.intershop.api.remote.resource
AWI-97080 • 08-Oct-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The job CheckProcessesState could fail with an IllegalStateException with cause "end size n is less than fixed size m": Console: [2024-04-19 09:46:00.247 +0200] ERROR [root] [system] com.intershop.beehive.core.internal.job.JobExecutor [JOB] [Unknown] [McEKAM56j6MAAAGOfhvymOwD] [7XwKAM56A
AWI-97071 • 04-Sep-2024 • Bug
Description Content upload fails when using zip files with images containing special characters. Steps to repeat: 1. Go to application > content upload 2. Select a zip file containing at least one image with special characters in the file name (e.g. "bollé.png" with the special character "é") 3. Click
AWI-96988 • 07-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description The CustomerRO and UserRO ID attributes of the Customer Management REST API are URL-encoded in the responses. However, standard attributes within a JSON response must not be URL-encoded! If the corresponding values are later used in a URL (e.g., to call a corresponding sub-resource), it is
AWI-96978 • 03-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description The ICM WA and WAA container did not respect external process signals and therefore the HTTPD/WAA or previously executed commands in the start up script did not receive passed signals. Leading to non-graceful container shutdowns of ICM WA / WAA. Steps to Repeat For WA: Start ICM WA container
AWI-96961 • 18-Jul-2024 • Bug
Description When a the flag "Promotion Code Required" from a public available promotion is removed at a time where it was already used by customers, they cannot login anymore. Steps to Repeat 1. create a promotion and check the checkbox for "Promotion Code Required" 2. log in to the storefront 3. add
AWI-96956 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description In ICM 11 the b2b_customer.xsd is missing the entry for the external-Id element, which leads to errors on the partners customer xml imports. Steps to Repeat check the b2b_customer.xsd; starting with line 34 <xsd:element name="external-id" type="simpleType.Generic.String.256" minOccurs="0"
AWI-96949 • 13-Aug-2024 • Bug