Description Assuming the settings intershop.authentication.expires.idtoken=50 intershop.authentication.expires.accesstoken=5 intershop.authentication.expires.refreshtoken=60 the PWA obvioulsy relies on the "expires_in", which is the expire time of the id_token. But, the relevant token for being logged
AWI-95303 • 25-Apr-2024 • Bug
Description The address doctor feature does not take effect when providing the necessary configurations in a YAML file for a Flux deployment. Steps to Repeat The following steps refer to our Azure project "issup" ( 1. Open the "Environments" repository
AWI-95296 • 22-Apr-2024 • Bug • Intershop Progressive Web App
Description When a large number of products are shared, from Master Repository into Channel, the unshare process can take several hours to complete. And afterwards products might still remain accessible in the channel. null Bug null Verified Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 95204 Products Products Product
AWI-95204 • 25-Mar-2024 • Bug
Description The OMT has no direct support for product shop name aliases. It display such aliases instead as a comma separated list. Trying to edit such a product leads to an exception (stack trace attached, in "log"): java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"bakery.persistence.viewobject.article
AWI-95193 • 16-Apr-2024 • Bug • Intershop Order Management, IOM 4.7
Description The server group WFS for the URLs used by the swagger UI (SMC) are hard coded. The customer accesses the SMC only via the server groups BOS. In order to have the access really restricted only a private IP is allowed, and the BOS are the only URLS that they allow for access. This works fine
AWI-95176 • 25-Apr-2024 • Bug
Description You can select retail sets as item inclusion for promotions but the promotion wont be triggered because the retail set uses an own sku and in the basket you will have products with a different sku Steps to Repeat on the inTRONICS channel create a new promotion in the discount rules tab create
AWI-95154 • 28-Mar-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description AS SMC does display an usual increasing from active sessions during AS runtime - SessionMgrImpl seems not to decrease session count correctly Steps to Repeat - setup ICM or system - for test purpose define intershop.session.TimeOut=5 - execute some
AWI-95157 • 26-Apr-2024 • Bug
Description Importing a category with an empty name throws an error page and also creates a catalog without id/name. The catalog cannot be edited / deleted in the back office. Stacktrace: com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.pipeline.PipelineExecutionException: Exception occurred while executing pipelet 'UpdateProductType'
AWI-95099 • 02-Apr-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Problem with Paypal connector 6.0.4 in ICM Use case: 4 different Paypal services for 4 different paypal accounts in the same channel. Which paypal account will be used by which customer is defined by the customer segment to which the customer belongs and that the service is
AWI-95038 • 26-Mar-2024 • Bug • PayPal
Description This might be a new bug introduced with the fix of #93998 steps to repeat: Configuration: no use of hierarchical stocks shop 1 bound to supplier 1 and supplier 2 BC files for supplier 1 only Create order with order approval (supplier 1) Check the evaluations in OrderSupplierEvaluationDO:
AWI-94949 • 12-Apr-2024 • Bug • IOM 4.7, IOM 5.0
Description The Scheduling section had a description text in an earlier version which can be seen in the SMC Online Help. It's not available anymore at least since 7.6 (no older demo server was available.) Furthermore the text for the section Site Management is missing as well. Actual Behavior The Schedules
AWI-94842 • 12-Mar-2024 • Bug
Description The customer reports the following to the topic OCI Punchout. His opinion is that the class PunchoutPricePlaceholderImpl and the line: price = punchoutConfigurationContext.getLineItem().getSingleBasePrice(); should be replaced with the discounted single base price e.g.: price = punchoutConfigurationContext
AWI-94831 • 05-Apr-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Created URLs for "intershop.REST" static pages in PWA3 sitemaps are incorrect. Steps to Repeat 1. Open the file "domainsplittings.xml" under "<server>/share/system/config/cluster". 2. Add a valid domain splitting entry where the host name matches the host from the "intershop.WebServerSecureURL"
AWI-94830 • 12-Mar-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Static pages of "intershop.REST" applications cannot be selected for sitemaps under the "Target" tab. Steps to Repeat 1. Open the ICM and switch to the "inTRONICS Business" channel. 2. Go to "Catalogs" > "Product Data Feeds" and click "New". 3. Enter a "Name" and "ID" and click on "Apply"
AWI-94822 • 25-Mar-2024 • Bug • Responsive Starter Store
Description A lot of error messages occur in case the connection between application server and database is broken. "Error while trying to send a heartbeat signal over a non-alive connection of JDBCSharedConnectionPool [currentPoolSize=15, maxPoolSize=20]." The non-alive connections will be removed and
AWI-94727 • 08-Apr-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Configuration: shop 1 (supplier 1 and supplier 2) (Shop2SupplierDO are active) |_> shop 2 (supplier 1 and supplier 2) (allowParent=true) (Shop2SupplierDO are not active) |_> shop 3 (supplier 1 and supplier 2) (Shop2SupplierDO are active) product data and inventory A and N files for shop 1 and both supplier
AWI-94702 • 12-Apr-2024 • Bug • IOM 4.7, IOM 5.0
Description The edit environment faces the behavior that an update of index configuration (e.g. adding an attribute) does not lead to a touch / update of the related ish-config.xml in the channels site directory. However the file IS updated in the same directory. The circumstances
AWI-94700 • 18-Apr-2024 • Bug • Solr Cloud
Description After upgrade from ICM to jobs executions get stuck often. Based on the SMC process details of the last execution and also based on the PROCESS table these "Running" jobs finished already. null Bug null Verified Closed null Blocker AdoWorkItem 94639 Products Schedules
AWI-94639 • 08-Apr-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description A null value in Shop2SupplierDO."allowParentStock" will cause a jpa error when loading the entity as the setter/attribute expects a primitive boolean. The database column should hence be defined as not null (it has already a default set to false). Otherwise such errors will be triggered:
AWI-94641 • 12-Apr-2024 • Bug • IOM 4.7, IOM 5.0
Description NullPointerException in ReCaptcha v3 when the Recaptcha cookie is absent (empty). Steps to Repeat There is an issue with a NullPointerException in ReCaptcha v3 when the store customer refused the google cookies. The NPE happened here: at com.intershop.adapter.captcha_recaptcha.internal.v3
AWI-94599 • 08-Apr-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Showing 21-40 of 3209
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