Description This affects ICM11 version 11.1.3 only. In ICM 11.1.3 the PWA gets HTTP 404 on /customers/-/users/-/wishlists directly after login. This breaks the PWA code and prevents the PWA from loading the user’s roles. And this leads to missing APP_B2B_ACCOUNT_OWNER rights for all users and thus missing
AWI-86273 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 11
Description When executing a replication process a NPE is thrown (on the live-system): java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"com.intershop.platform.objectgraph.capi.ObjectGraph.injectMembers(Object)\" because \"this.objectGraph\" is null \tat com.intershop.beehive.core.internal.messenger.DBSyncMessenger
AWI-86191 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 11
Description If a replication collection exist in the live system but no ConfigSet Alias for it, the old (already existing) collection will be defined as alias for the ConfigSet after replication. Before Replication: /aliases.json {"collection":{ "localhost.eserver1-editinSPIRED-MasterRepository-prod
AWI-86162 • 18-Apr-2024 • Bug • Solr Cloud
Description cost center can not deleted due to ArithmeticException Steps to Repeat CAAS customer would like to delete cost centers from B2B channel Unfortunately the pipeline/ISML page logic which allows this does generate below exception ... ERROR ES1 appserver0
AWI-86156 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10, Responsive Starter Store
Description Sporadically the replication process gets stuck at progress "98% - Completion in the source system successfully finished!" Based on the Edit and Live system staging logs all replication steps finish successful but on Edit system side the replication status update at the end of the replication
AWI-86103 • 14-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Actual Behavior On occasion the collection(s) that are created during an initial build on the live side of an ICM staging system are not deleted by a subsequent replication. On initial index creation there is a collection named 'localhost.eserver1-liveinSPIRED-MasterRepository-product-search-idx-de_DE'
AWI-86068 • 18-Apr-2024 • Bug • Solr Cloud
Description QuoteID from basket product line items should be copied to order product line item. Therefore there is the implementation ProductLineItemOrderCreationHandler: But value of field QuoteID is not copied to the product line items in the order. Steps to Repeat create a quote in the b2b storefront
AWI-86058 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description According to our documentation you can set recipent mailaddress for Data Deletion Requests by adapting ContactFormUserServiceEmailTo in the Contact Us Preferences. However changing the preference doesnt show any effect, mails are always
AWI-86034 • 14-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Table of Contents Introduction View and Edit Interactive Prototype Responsive Design Page Notes Widget Style Manager Feedback Wireframes Introduction The wireframes described here contain interaction designs for storefront pages. Elements and functionality of the Intershop Progressive Web App are displayed
30Z877 • 12-May-2023 • Wireframes • Intershop Progressive Web App
Steps to Repeat ICM backoffice: - select channel inSPIRED - go to Orders > Shipping Configuration - create a region without a (display) name, e.g. - by import <region> <id>ATestWithoutDisplayName</id> <address-type>Regular</address-type> <active>true</active> </region> - or select user preferred language
AWI-85991 • 14-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description When the database is not (yet) available during startup and the retryOnError property is enabled then a retry fails with exceptions. A connection to the database can't be established by the Appserver, the startup fails Steps to Repeat 1. set the properties intershop.startup.retryOnError=true
AWI-85986 • 14-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Expected Behavior Shipping address has to belong to the positions in that invoice Business Impact Wrong documents are created. This probably has some legal implications. Domain Order Management Bug Order Management Fixed and verified Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 85085 Products IOM Invoicing Payment
AWI-85085 • 03-Apr-2023 • Bug • IOM 4.5
Description Temporary workaround for #61509 causes a test failure and has to be reverted since it's obsolete now. Actual Behavior Temporary workaround causes a test failure and has to be reverted since it's obsolete now. Expected Behavior No test failures. konsum-starter release-as11-merge-skipped Konsum
AWI-75684 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Note: This is an intermediate fix, ensuring that a shipping address belonging to one of the invoice positions is assigned to the invoice. There will be a subsequent release for order documents "v2" including proper shipping bucket support in invoice documents. Actual Behavior a random shipping
AWI-75321 • 28-Mar-2022 • Bug • IOM 4.0
Description According to the API, a name for the deliveryDate is only required for the type EXPRESS, and ignored in other cases. A name mismatch between the STANDARD and EXPRESS types can lead to a wrong type assignement. Steps to Repeat Define a name mapping for the STANDARD type in "Shop2DeliveryTypeDefDO"
AWI-75213 • 24-Mar-2022 • Bug • IOM 4.0
Description Removal of outdated (invalid) baskets in the database should be different for ORACLE and MS SQL Server, because current Storage Procedure sp_basket_observer might cause a so-called Lock Escalation on MS SQL Server in case of a large amount of entries in the table BASKET or basket related
AWI-71589 • 22-Mar-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description Release notes: This release improve the product import performances. Beside stored procedure changes, and small changes in the definition of some DOs in java, the fillfactor of 4 tables have been modified to reduce bloat issues. It is recommended to fully vacuum these tables as part of the
AWI-71437 • 29-Feb-2024 • User Story
Description These attributes were apparently forgotten in a previous removal of the order merge feature. ReturnPosDO.subReturnRef DispatchPosDO.subDispatchRef (this one was not even tagged as deprecated ) OrderPosCancelDO.subOrderCancelRef ResponsePosDO.subResponseRef RemovalNote Domain Order Management
AWI-70704 • 02-Nov-2021 • Task • IOM 3.7
Description Actual behavior When you're having a lot of backoffice users registered in IOM, creating new suppliers via SQL configuration becomes extremely slow. The runtime seems to increase exponentially. Expected behavior Lower performance impact - linear increase in runtime Business impact Increased
AWI-69721 • 07-Oct-2021 • Bug • IOM 3.4, IOM 3.6
Description Situation: The BI Data Hub uses ICM's Order Submission Service in order to receive order information for BI purposes. When an order export fails, e.g. due to unavailability of network or the receiving service, the order submission service/export service sets the order state of all from the
AWI-69724 • 05-Oct-2022 • User Story • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
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