We Are ISO 9001 Certified
What is DIN EN ISO 9001:2015?

Since August 2003 the work of Intershop Customer Support is certified in the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. The ISO 9000 family of standards is concerned with "quality management", and what a particular organization does to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements and to continually improve its performance in this regard.

For more information on ISO 9001, visit the International Organization for Standardization's website.


We want to satisfy our customers. Therefore, being certified in the ISO 9001:2015 standard means to guarantee that all our processes, documentation and improvements of our service meet the given requirements. By this, our customers can expect a constant and high level of reliability and transparency from our work. The department maintains a detailed documentation of all relevant processes, performs internal training sessions, and has each team take internal "quality" tests once per year.

Andy Stephan
Director Customer Support

We are up-to-date

The latest audit did take place on August 15, 2023 and we are pleased to have passed the audit successfully again.


To efficiently meet the customers' needs the team puts in their heart, soul and creativity.The department has a high motivation to continuously strive for improvement, any incident is handled efficiently, the internal processes are reasonable. Therefore, Intershop Customer Support fulfills all requirements to be certified in the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Mrs. Urbansky

The Customer Support Quality Manual

The Quality Manual contains information about the department goals and key processes. It shows, how the quality of our work is measured, analyzed and approved. Its main objective is to summarize how Intershop Customer Support meets the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 requirements by the use of our quality management system. You can download the Customer Support Quality Manual (revision 18) to read it in detail.

Quality Manual

For me, ISO certification means that the department provides me with the necessary tools and assistance to solve problems as quickly and effectively as possible. This is what "Top Quality Support" means to me.

Danny Mueller
Support Expert

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