KB0013954 • 05-Nov-2024 • Support Articles
Table of Contents Problem Description Cause of the Error Problem Description During the replication process, an error occurs due to an incorrect column name in the database. The error message 'Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid column name 'ATTRIBUTES_DE_CH' indicates
KB0013955 • 05-Nov-2024 • Support Articles
Table of Contents Problem Description Cause of the Error Solution Steps Problem Description The transportation job fails due to an error while trying to rename a file, resulting in a "Resource busy" exception. This can occur when the affected file is being accessed by other jobs or processes, or caused
AWI-100998 • 08-Nov-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description When Content Directories are renamed with special characters (e.g. "&") the XML query for the configuration parameters fails this is because the query string is not correctly encoded. Steps to Repeat Login into inSPIRED BO Click on "Master Content" -> "Content Upload" Create a subdirectory
AWI-100955 • 04-Nov-2024 • Task • Solr Cloud
Description Upgrade the solrj client library dependency that is used by the Solr Adapter from 8.11.2 to 8.11.4 null Task null Moved out of state Resolved Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 100955 Products Search Services Solr Products ICM 0 Fixed in Commit 100094 Parent solrcloud/3.8.1
AWI-100931 • 08-Nov-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description On dbinit of an ICM against an Oracle DB <= 12.1.0 "Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00972: identifier is too long" exceptions are thrown. This affects: sp_deletePersonalDataRequestByDomain sp_deleteCustomerAccountManagerAssignmentByDomain sp_deleteCostCenterBaseByDomain
31X306 • 30-Oct-2024 • Guidelines • ICM 12
Table of Contents Introduction JDBCQueryProcessor Configuration Changes Introduction The JDBCQueryProcessor uses a shared connection to execute a query file against the database. The system-wide preconfigured prefetch size may not be sufficient when working with a large number of objects (e.g., when
AWI-100889 • 08-Nov-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Execution of the `bc_transport_orm:post.Class1` preparer fails with the following exception on Oracle DB with version 12.1.0 and older. Newer Oracle DB servers are not affected. [2024-10-21 09:24:58.017 +0000] ERROR ES1 dbmigrate [] [[migrate]bc_transport_orm:post.Class1 ExecuteSQLScriptPreparer
313R05 • 24-Oct-2024 • Guidelines • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Table of Contents Introduction References Migration Introduction This migration guide applies to and and 11.2.0. Process chains are a commonly used feature in Intershop Commerce Management (ICM). Executing jobs or pipelines in a process chain that get stuck can create long feedback
AWI-100831 • 04-Nov-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The quantity of wishlist items is stored as a FLOAT. In MSSQL, the BigDecimal is initialized with an intValue of 1000000 and a scale of 6. This causes the following problem (after clearing the ORM cache): When an order template is added to the basket directly from the overview page (using
AWI-100823 • 29-Oct-2024 • Bug
Description The exception "SQLServerException: The result set is closed." is thrown from time to time. It happens during use cases: assignAccessPrivilegesInChannel testAssignAlreadyAssignedAccessPrivilegesInChannel Complete stacktrace: {"@timestamp":"2024-09-25T05:34:50.555Z","@version":"1","message":"Executing
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