AWI-103195 • 17-Jan-2025 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The pipelet does not declare the (mandatory) input parameter 'StagingProcess' . So the usage of the pipelet can lead to ERROR - 'bc_pagecache_***' pipeline 'ProcessReplicationExtension-OnPostPublication' finished with exception
AWI-103045 • 17-Jan-2025 • Bug • ICM 12
Description If the ICM is configured to use SSO for authentication and the SSO provided delegates the authentication to another SSO provider (cascading) the authentication inside the ICM will fail as soon as the browser is redirected back to the ICM after the user has finished his/her actual login. Steps
AWI-103032 • 17-Jan-2025 • Bug
Description What would be the recommended way to extend the standard 7.10 CXML API so that it takes into account Extrinsic values provided in the setuprequest? Use case: A buyer submits a CXML setuprequest with the redirectURL provided in an Extrinsic field because it differs from the returnURL where
AWI-102895 • 17-Jan-2025 • Bug
Description With active JDBC Batch delete mode: intershop.bmeCatImport.removeProductsWithJDBCBatch=true intershop.productBulkOperation.removeProductsWithJDBCBatch=true intershop.productImport.deleteMode.removeProductsWithJDBCBatch=true product delete options using Intershop XML Import with delete mode
AWI-102774 • 13-Jan-2025 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The customer consistently gets error when publish products. This error occurs with products that have attachments whose URL contains line break. Example attachement definition with line break: <custom-attribute name="AC_Information_2_Name" dt:dt="string" xml:lang="en-US">Guarantee booklet
AWI-102752 • 14-Jan-2025 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Deleting a single image or an entire content directory via the ICM master repository image management, CMS components that reference the deleted item in a Pagelet parameter lose the entire parameter content. The Freestyle HTML Component is one example where this issue occurs when an image
AWI-102713 • 15-Jan-2025 • Bug
Description ICM 12 Missing User-Friendly Error Message when Importing a User that Already Exists for Another Customer If you import a user with a user ID that is already defined in another customer company in the database, a database exception is triggered during import instead of a nice error message
AWI-102673 • 13-Jan-2025 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description ICM 12.2.1, Channel back office > Orders > Quotes: In the Channel back office, searching Quotes by customers does not work. The input has no effect at all. Steps to Repeat PWA B2B: login as create a quote request Backoffice channel InTRONCIS Business: add Admin
AWI-102634 • 17-Jan-2025 • Bug
Description NullPointerException in CostCenterItemPatchRequest if costCenterId not set in the RO An NPE can occur in CostCenterItemPatchRequest class, if updateCostCenterId not set in the RO: String updateCostCenterId = uddateCostCenterRO.getCostCenterId(); CostCenterBO anotherCostCenterBO = costCenterHandler
AWI-102621 • 17-Jan-2025 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description A customer ran a security scan with synk and found the following two critical vulnerabilities in the LTS release, which also affect the current LTS release: Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability: net.sourceforge.htmlunit:htmlunit Introduced through: net.sourceforge