openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Shop description: "The _Shop REST API_ provides various endpoints to interact with a\ \ shop. It allows retrieving attachment content, \nconfiguration details, contact\ \ information, country details, localizations, and store locator functionality.\n\ \n## Changelog\n- - -\n### Version 1.5.0\n* __BETA__ | Added new configuration\ \ section \"customFieldDefintions\" to the REST endpoint GET /configurations (`ConfigurationRO_v1`)\n\ \n### Version 1.4.0\n* Added new configuration value \"newsletterSubscriptionEnabled\"\ \ (section \"marketing\") of the REST endpoint GET /configurations \n\n### Version\ \ 1.3.1\n* Added this changelog\n* Improved the description of the REST endpoint\ \ GET /countries " version: 1.5.0 servers: - url: "/INTERSHOP/rest/{serverGroup}/{siteName}/{appUrl}" description: Intershop ICM Server variables: serverGroup: description: The server group default: WFS siteName: description: The site name default: inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site appUrl: description: The application URL identifier enum: - rest - rest - example - "-" default: rest tags: - name: Localizations description: "# Localizations\nThe localization API endpoint allows clients to obtain\ \ a list of localized texts or specific localization keys. All operations support\ \ different locales. In order to\nselect texts for a particular locale, use the\ \ matrix parameter ```loc```.\n\nThe returned localization value is the imported\ \ or defined value without any replacements or formatting (the server location\ \ functionality requires the Java Message Format for these values).\n\n## Example\ \ Usage\nFollowing (JUnit Test) example shows how to retrieve localized texts\ \ for a site:\n\n```\ncurl https:///INTERSHOP/rest/WFS//-/localizations\n\ ```\n " x-origin-class: com.intershop.beehive.platformrest.resource.localization.LocalizationResource paths: /configurations: get: tags: - Configuration summary: Returns the configuration details for given application. description: This operation returns the configuration details for the given application. operationId: getConfiguration responses: "200": description: The request was successful. content: application/vnd.intershop.configuration.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfigurationCtnrRO' "404": description: No application with this ID was found. content: application/vnd.intershop.configuration.v1+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackCtnrRO_v1' security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /contact: get: tags: - Contact summary: Get subjects for "Contact Us" description: Returns a list of subject that has to be used when "Contact Us" e-mail is requested. operationId: getSubjects responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactUsROResourceCollection' text/xml: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactUsROResourceCollection' security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public$ContactUsROResourceCollection x-origin-class: post: tags: - Contact summary: Send "Contact us" e-mail description: Triggers sending of "Contact Us" e-mail with data submitted with the request. operationId: sendMessage requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactRO' text/xml: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactRO' responses: "201": description: Created "400": description: |- Bad request in case the submitted data is missing or invalid. "404": description: |- Not found possible values for header error-key: - helpdesk.contact_us_not_found.error "500": description: |- Internal Server Error possible values for header error-key: - helpdesk.mail_not_sent.message security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public void x-origin-class: /countries: get: tags: - Country summary: Returns the available countries for the channel. description: "This operation returns the list of countries currently available\ \ for the channel. A country is considered available if it is included in\ \ an active region as part of an active freight class of a shipping eligibility.\ \ Moreover, the region and eligibility must have at least one shipping method\ \ assigned. It is not mandatory that the assigned shipping method is active." operationId: getCountries_V1 responses: "200": description: The list of available countries. content: application/ schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoObjectListCtnrRO_v1' x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /countries/{countryCode}: get: tags: - Country summary: Returns the country details for given country code. description: Returns the country details for given country code. If country with this code is not found a 404 error will be returned. operationId: getCountry_V1 parameters: - name: countryCode in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: The requested country details. content: application/ schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoObjectCtnrRO_v1' "404": description: If a country with the given code is not found. content: application/ schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackCtnrRO_v1' x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /countries/{countryCode}/main-divisions: get: tags: - Country summary: Returns the available maindivisions for given country code. description: Returns the available maindivisions for given country code. If country with this code is not found a 404 error will be returned. operationId: getMainDivisions_V1 parameters: - name: countryCode in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: The list of available maindivisions. content: application/ schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoObjectListCtnrRO_v1' "404": description: If a country with the given code is not found. content: application/ schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackCtnrRO_v1' x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /stores: get: tags: - Store Locator summary: Store locator description: Retrieves a list of stores and returns them to the client operationId: getStores parameters: - name: postalCode in: query description: "a postal code, search expressions are supported" schema: type: string - name: countryCode in: query description: country code in ISO format schema: type: string - name: city in: query description: "city, search expressions are supported" schema: type: string - name: storeName in: query description: "name of the store, search expressions are supported" schema: type: string - name: usePreference in: query description: "If set to true, than request check if pick up in store preference\ \ is enabled. If usePreference is set to true and the pick up in store preference\ \ is disabled, than response contains no stores. If usePreference is set\ \ to false, the pick up in store preference will ignored and response contains\ \ all listed stores." schema: type: boolean responses: "200": description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StoreROResourceCollection' text/xml: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StoreROResourceCollection' "204": description: No content security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: "public$StoreROResourceCollection\ \,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean)" x-origin-class: '{loc}/localizations': get: tags: - Localizations summary: Returns localized texts description: This operation returns a map that contains localized texts for the requested locale. operationId: getLocalizations parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/loc' - name: searchKeys in: query description: "An optional comma separated list of search keys. If given, only\ \ localizations which keys contain at least one of the search keys are returned. " schema: type: string description: "An optional comma separated list of search keys. If given,\ \ only localizations which keys contain at least one of the search keys\ \ are returned. " example: "error,webform" example: "error,webform" responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: default response text/xml: schema: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: default response x-origin-method: public java.util.Map com.intershop.beehive.platformrest.resource.localization.LocalizationResource.getLocalizations(java.lang.String) x-origin-class: com.intershop.beehive.platformrest.resource.localization.LocalizationResource '{loc}/attachments/{AttachmentResourceKey}': get: tags: - Attachment summary: Returns the content of an attachment description: | This operation returns the content of an attachment with a given descriptor and locale ID. Normally, this endpoint is not called directly. Rather, it is used in the Product and Promotion details to provide links to attachments. operationId: getAttachment parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/loc' - name: AttachmentResourceKey in: path description: "The content descriptor or URI of the attachment, double encoded." required: true schema: type: string description: "The content descriptor or URI of the attachment, double encoded." example: testDomain%253A%252Fmanual.pdf example: testDomain%253A%252Fmanual.pdf - name: type in: query description: The optional type of the attachment schema: type: string description: The optional type of the attachment example: promotion example: promotion responses: default: description: default response content: '*/*': {} security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: '{loc}/localizations/{key}': get: tags: - Localizations summary: Returns localized text for a given key description: This operation returns the localized text for the given key in the requested locale passed in as matrix parameter '''loc'''. operationId: getLocalization parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/loc' - name: key in: path description: The localization key required: true schema: pattern: "[^/]*" type: string description: The localization key example: account.giftcard.form.ok example: account.giftcard.form.ok responses: "200": description: OK content: text/plain: schema: type: string "204": description: No Content - Occurs if key is not available x-origin-method: public java.lang.String com.intershop.beehive.platformrest.resource.localization.LocalizationResource.getLocalization(java.lang.String) x-origin-class: com.intershop.beehive.platformrest.resource.localization.LocalizationResource components: schemas: ApplicationRO: title: ApplicationRO_v1 type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of configuration. readOnly: true example: application applicationId: type: string description: The unique id of the application. readOnly: true example: 2vIKABsmU9oAAAFprwgZvAHX applicationType: type: string description: "The application's type. Defines the application's code base\ \ (pipelines, ISML templates, ...)." readOnly: true example: intershop.REST displayName: type: string description: The application's display name readOnly: true example: REST urlIdentifier: type: string description: The url identifier of the application. readOnly: true example: b2c-responsive default: type: boolean description: Is the application used as default flag. readOnly: true example: true description: This resource holds information on an application and the URLs to use it. readOnly: true AttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' enum: - Boolean - Date - Decimal - Double - Integer - Long - Money - Quantity - String - Text - MultipleBoolean - MultipleDate - MultipleDecimal - MultipleDouble - MultipleInteger - MultipleLong - MultipleString value: type: object description: A representation of an attribute. readOnly: true discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: Boolean: '#/components/schemas/BooleanAttributeRO_v1' Date: '#/components/schemas/DateAttributeRO_v1' Decimal: '#/components/schemas/DecimalAttributeRO_v1' Double: '#/components/schemas/DoubleAttributeRO_v1' Integer: '#/components/schemas/IntegerAttributeRO_v1' Long: '#/components/schemas/LongAttributeRO_v1' Money: '#/components/schemas/MoneyAttributeRO_v1' Quantity: '#/components/schemas/QuantityAttributeRO_v1' String: '#/components/schemas/StringAttributeRO_v1' Text: '#/components/schemas/TextAttributeRO_v1' MultipleBoolean: '#/components/schemas/MultipleBooleanAttributeRO_v1' MultipleDate: '#/components/schemas/MultipleDateAttributeRO_v1' MultipleDecimal: '#/components/schemas/MultipleDecimalAttributeRO_v1' MultipleDouble: '#/components/schemas/MultipleDoubleAttributeRO_v1' MultipleInteger: '#/components/schemas/MultipleIntegerAttributeRO_v1' MultipleLong: '#/components/schemas/MultipleLongAttributeRO_v1' MultipleString: '#/components/schemas/MultipleStringAttributeRO_v1' oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/BooleanAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DateAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DecimalAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/DoubleAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/IntegerAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/LongAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MoneyAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/QuantityAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/StringAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TextAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultipleBooleanAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultipleDateAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultipleDecimalAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultipleDoubleAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultipleIntegerAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultipleLongAttributeRO_v1' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MultipleStringAttributeRO_v1' BasketSettingsRO: title: BasketSettingsRO_v1 type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of configuration. readOnly: true example: basket expirationType: type: string description: The basket expiration type. readOnly: true example: Session lineItemPositionHandling: type: string description: The strategy for line item positioning. readOnly: true example: AssignAndReassign addProductBehaviour: type: string description: The strategy for add products. readOnly: true example: Allow Repeats lifetime: type: string description: The basket lifetime. readOnly: true example: "28,800" maxItemSize: type: string description: The maximum number of line items. readOnly: true example: "50" maxItemQuantity: type: string description: The maximum item quantity per basket. readOnly: true example: "100" minTotalValue: type: array description: The minimum total value per basket. readOnly: true example: 10 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1' maxTotalValue: type: array description: The maximum total value per basket. readOnly: true example: 100 items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1' acceleration: type: boolean description: Is checkout acceleration enabled flag. readOnly: true example: false termsAndConditions: type: boolean description: Is terms and conditions enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true emailOptIn: type: boolean description: Is auto email Opt-In enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true displayTaxesAndFees: type: string description: The display taxes strategy. readOnly: true example: No taxes are displayed desiredDeliveryDate: type: boolean description: "Is desired delivery date enabled flag. (Deprecated, please\ \ use data.shipping.desiredDeliveryDate)" readOnly: true example: true deprecated: true deliveryExcludeSaturday: type: boolean description: "Is saturday excluded for delivery flag.(Deprecated, please\ \ use data.shipping.deliveryExcludeSaturday)" readOnly: true example: false deprecated: true deliveryExcludeSunday: type: boolean description: "Is sunday excluded for delivery flag. (Deprecated, please\ \ use data.shipping.deliveryExcludeSunday)" readOnly: true example: true deprecated: true packSlipMessage: type: boolean description: Is pack slip message enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true packSlipMessageMaxLength: type: string description: The pack slip message maximum length. readOnly: true example: "42" giftWrap: type: boolean description: Is gift wrap enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true giftMessage: type: boolean description: Is gift message enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true giftMessageMaxLength: type: string description: The gift message maximum length. readOnly: true example: "450" partialOrderNo: type: boolean description: Flag to set the partial order number on line item level. readOnly: true example: true customerProductID: type: boolean description: Flag to set the customer product id on line item level. readOnly: true example: true description: Describes a basket configuration. readOnly: true BooleanAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a boolean attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: boolean description: The boolean attribute value. CaptchaRO: title: CaptchaPreferenceRO_v1 type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of configuration. readOnly: true example: captcha redemptionOfGiftCardsAndCertificates: type: boolean description: Is captcha for redemption of giftcards and certificates enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true forgotPassword: type: boolean description: Is captcha for forgot password enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true contactUs: type: boolean description: Is captcha for contact us enabled flag. readOnly: true example: false emailShoppingCart: type: boolean description: Is captcha for email shopping cart enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true register: type: boolean description: Is captcha for register enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true description: Describes the channel captcha preference. readOnly: true ConfigurationCtnrRO: title: ConfigurationListCtnrRO_v1 type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConfigurationRO' errors: type: array description: List of errors that occurred in relation to the request. readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1' included: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: Optionally included related data objects. description: Optionally included related data objects. infos: type: array description: List of informations regarding to the request (e.g. value adjustments). readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1' links: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: "Map of links to this and the optionally included related\ \ data objects. The object in the \"data\" property is always referenced\ \ by identifier \"self\". Note that this identifier may also contain\ \ a list of URIs, if the data block contains multiple elements." readOnly: true description: "Map of links to this and the optionally included related data\ \ objects. The object in the \"data\" property is always referenced by\ \ identifier \"self\". Note that this identifier may also contain a list\ \ of URIs, if the data block contains multiple elements." readOnly: true ConfigurationRO: title: ConfigurationRO_v1 type: object properties: application: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApplicationRO' attributes: type: array readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' basket: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BasketSettingsRO' captcha: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CaptchaRO' customFieldDefinitions: type: array description: __BETA__ | The collection of the custom field definitions readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomFieldDefinitionRO_v1' general: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeneralSettingsRO' marketing: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MarketingPreferenceRO' preferences: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PreferenceRO' pricing: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PricingPreferenceRO' services: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServicesRO' shipping: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShippingPreferenceRO' description: Describes a configuration. CustomFieldDefinitionRO_v1: type: object properties: description: type: string description: The localized custom field description. readOnly: true displayName: type: string description: The localized display name of the custom field. readOnly: true example: Delivery Preference name: type: string description: The name of an element readOnly: true example: deliveryPreference position: type: integer description: The position of the custom field in the list of custom fields. format: int32 readOnly: true example: 1 scopes: type: array description: A list of configured scopes for this custom field. readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CustomFieldDefinitionScopeRO_v1' type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' readOnly: true example: String description: __BETA__ | A representation of a custom field definition. readOnly: true CustomFieldDefinitionScopeRO_v1: type: object properties: isEditable: type: boolean description: Flag indicating whether a custom field can be edited or not. readOnly: true example: true isVisible: type: boolean description: Flag indicating whether a custom field is visible or not. readOnly: true example: true name: type: string description: The name of an element readOnly: true example: Basket description: __BETA__ | A representation of a custom field definition scope. readOnly: true DateAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a date/time attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: string description: The date/time attribute value. format: date-time example: 2020-05-23T13:23:45+02:00 DecimalAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a decimal attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: number description: The decimal attribute value. DoubleAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a double attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: number description: The double attribute value. format: double FeedbackCauseRO_v1: title: FeedbackCauseRO_v1 required: - code - message type: object properties: code: type: string description: A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). example: message: type: string description: A human readable message in the request's locale. example: The product name must be specified. parameters: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message. description: A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message. paths: type: array description: "A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless\ \ otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity." example: - "\"$.name (position: 1)\"" externalDocs: url: items: type: string description: "A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. If\ \ not otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity." externalDocs: url: description: A representation for the common feedback information. FeedbackRO_v1: title: FeedbackRO_v1 required: - code - message type: object properties: causes: type: array description: A collection of errors/warnings/infos that caused the feedback. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackCauseRO_v1' code: type: string description: A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). example: message: type: string description: A human readable message in the request's locale. example: The product name must be specified. parameters: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message. description: A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message. paths: type: array description: "A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless\ \ otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity." example: - "\"$.name (position: 1)\"" externalDocs: url: items: type: string description: "A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. If\ \ not otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity." externalDocs: url: status: type: string description: The HTTP status code that is applicable to this problem. example: "422" description: An error or piece of information related to the current request. readOnly: true GeneralSettingsRO: title: GeneralSettingsRO_v1 type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of configuration. readOnly: true example: general defaultCurrency: type: string description: The default currency. readOnly: true example: USD defaultLocale: type: string description: The default locale. readOnly: true example: en_US currencies: type: array description: The available currencies. readOnly: true example: "\"USD\",\"EUR\"" items: type: string description: The available currencies. readOnly: true example: "\"USD\",\"EUR\"" locales: type: array description: The available locales. readOnly: true example: "\"en_US\",\"fr_FR\"" items: type: string description: The available locales. readOnly: true example: "\"en_US\",\"fr_FR\"" customerTypeForLoginApproval: type: array description: List of customer types to be checked for login purposes. example: "\"PRIVATE\",\"SMB\"" items: type: string description: List of customer types to be checked for login purposes. example: "\"PRIVATE\",\"SMB\"" description: Describes a general configuration values of an application. readOnly: true IntegerAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of an integer attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: integer description: The integer attribute value. format: int32 LongAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a long attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: integer description: The long attribute value. format: int64 MarketingPreferenceRO: title: MarketingPreferenceRO_v1 type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of the configuration. readOnly: true example: marketing newsletterSubscriptionEnabled: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the newsletter subscription is enabled (e-mail marketing provider is defined). readOnly: true example: true description: Describes the channel marketing preferences. readOnly: true MoneyAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a money attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MoneyRO_v1' MoneyRO_v1: title: MoneyRO_v1 type: object properties: currency: type: string description: Three-letter currency code (ISO 4217) of the monetary value. example: USD value: type: number description: The monetary value. example: 10.99 description: Describes a money object. readOnly: true example: 100 MultipleBooleanAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple boolean attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple boolean attribute value. items: type: boolean description: The multiple boolean attribute value. MultipleDateAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple date/time attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple date/time attribute value. items: type: string description: The multiple date/time attribute value. format: date-time MultipleDecimalAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple decimal attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple decimal attribute value. items: type: number description: The multiple decimal attribute value. MultipleDoubleAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple double attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple double attribute value. items: type: number description: The multiple double attribute value. format: double MultipleIntegerAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple integer attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple integer attribute value. items: type: integer description: The multiple integer attribute value. format: int32 MultipleLongAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple long attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple long attribute value. items: type: integer description: The multiple long attribute value. format: int64 MultipleStringAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a multiple string attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: array description: The multiple string attribute value. items: type: string description: The multiple string attribute value. PreferenceRO: title: PreferenceRO_v1 type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of configuration. readOnly: true example: preferences description: Describes a list of preferences. readOnly: true PricingPreferenceRO: title: PricingPreferenceRO_v1 type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of configuration. readOnly: true example: pricing priceType: type: string description: The price type for the channel. readOnly: true example: net privateCustomerPriceDisplayType: type: string description: The price type that is shown in the storefront to private customers. readOnly: true example: net smbCustomerPriceDisplayType: type: string description: The price type that is shown in the storefront to smb customers. readOnly: true example: gross defaultCustomerTypeForPriceDisplay: type: string description: Customer type which is used for logged-out customers. readOnly: true example: PRIVATE description: Describes the channel pricing preference. readOnly: true QuantityAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a quantity attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QuantityRO_v1' QuantityRO_v1: required: - value type: object properties: unit: type: string description: The unit of the quantity. example: kg value: type: number description: The quantity's value. example: 10 description: The quantity of a business entity. ServicesRO: title: ServicesRO_v1 type: object properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of configuration. readOnly: true example: services description: Describes the managed sevices preferences. readOnly: true ShippingPreferenceRO: title: ShippingPreferenceRO_v1 type: object properties: bucketSurchargeBehavior: type: string description: The default behavior of bucket surcharge. readOnly: true example: Lowest deliveryExcludeSaturday: type: boolean description: Is saturday excluded for delivery flag. readOnly: true example: false deliveryExcludeSunday: type: boolean description: Is sunday excluded for delivery flag. readOnly: true example: true desiredDeliveryDate: type: boolean description: Is desired delivery date enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true desiredDeliveryDaysMax: type: string description: The latest possible desired delivery day. readOnly: true example: "90" desiredDeliveryDaysMin: type: string description: The earliest possible desired delivery day. readOnly: true example: "2" id: type: string description: Identifier of configuration. readOnly: true example: shipping itemImportSurchargeBehavior: type: string description: The default behavior of item import surcharge. readOnly: true example: Highest itemSurchargeBehavior: type: string description: The default behavior of item surcharge. readOnly: true example: AddAll messageToMerchant: type: boolean description: Is message to merchant enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true multipleShipmentsSupported: type: boolean description: Is multiple shipments supported enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true pickupInStoreEnabled: type: boolean description: Is pickup in store enabled flag. readOnly: true example: true readyForShipmentMaximumTime: type: string description: The maximum time for ready for shipment. readOnly: true example: "3" readyForShipmentMinimumTime: type: string description: The minimum time for ready for shipment. readOnly: true example: "1" shippingMaximumTime: type: string description: The maximum time for shipment. readOnly: true example: "7" shippingMinimumTime: type: string description: The minimum time for shipment. readOnly: true example: "2" description: Describes the channel shipping preference. readOnly: true StringAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a string attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: string description: The string attribute value. TextAttributeRO_v1: required: - name - type - value type: object description: A representation of a text attribute. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttributeRO_v1' - type: object properties: value: type: string description: The text attribute value. FeedbackCtnrRO_v1: type: object properties: errors: type: array description: List of errors that occurred in relation to the request. readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1' included: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: Optionally included related data objects. description: Optionally included related data objects. infos: type: array description: List of informations regarding to the request (e.g. value adjustments). readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1' links: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: "Map of links to this and the optionally included related\ \ data objects. The object in the \"data\" property is always referenced\ \ by identifier \"self\". Note that this identifier may also contain\ \ a list of URIs, if the data block contains multiple elements." readOnly: true description: "Map of links to this and the optionally included related data\ \ objects. The object in the \"data\" property is always referenced by\ \ identifier \"self\". Note that this identifier may also contain a list\ \ of URIs, if the data block contains multiple elements." readOnly: true ContactRO: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element example: Patricia Miller xml: attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' example: Contact xml: attribute: true email: type: string description: the email of the person contacting example: phone: type: string description: the phone number of the person contacting example: "12345" order: type: string description: the order number this contact refers to example: "54321" subject: type: string description: the subject of the contact example: Order Inquiries comment: type: string description: the comment of the contact example: Where can I find the status of my order? xml: name: Contact ContactUsROResourceCollection: type: object properties: pageable: type: string description: The pageable ID total: type: integer description: The pageable amount total format: int32 offset: type: integer description: The pageable offset format: int32 amount: type: integer description: The pageable amount format: int32 elements: type: array description: The list of elements xml: wrapped: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactRO' type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true sortKeys: uniqueItems: true type: array description: The keys to sort for xml: wrapped: true items: type: string description: The keys to sort for xml: name: sortKey name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: Subjects StoreRO: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element example: Factory Outlet B5 xml: attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' example: StoreLocation xml: attribute: true address2: type: string address3: type: string postalCode: type: string description: the postal code of the stores location example: "14641" city: type: string description: the city the store is located in example: Wustermark country: type: string countryCode: type: string description: the country code of the store example: DE email: type: string description: the email address of the store example: fax: type: string description: the fax number of the store example: +49 (0) 33 234 - 90 420 phoneBusiness: type: string description: the business phone number of the store example: +49 (0) 33 234 - 90 40 phoneBusinessDirect: type: string firstName: type: string lastName: type: string firstLastName: type: string uuid: type: string description: the uuid of the store example: rPMKABsm2RsAAAFOI8ss9GK2 latitude: type: string description: Latitude of the Stores location example: "52.45323" longitude: type: string description: Longitude of the Stores location example: "12.02345" address: type: string description: the address of the store example: Alter Spandauer Weg 1 description: The list of elements xml: name: StoreLocation StoreROResourceCollection: type: object properties: pageable: type: string description: The pageable ID total: type: integer description: The pageable amount total format: int32 offset: type: integer description: The pageable offset format: int32 amount: type: integer description: The pageable amount format: int32 elements: type: array description: The list of elements xml: wrapped: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StoreRO' type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true sortKeys: uniqueItems: true type: array description: The keys to sort for xml: wrapped: true items: type: string description: The keys to sort for xml: name: sortKey name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: Stores GeoObjectListCtnrRO_v1: type: object properties: data: type: array description: The core data of the response object. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoObjectRO_v1' errors: type: array description: List of errors that occurred in relation to the request. readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1' included: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: Optionally included related data objects. description: Optionally included related data objects. infos: type: array description: List of informations regarding to the request (e.g. value adjustments). readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1' links: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: "Map of links to this and the optionally included related\ \ data objects. The object in the \"data\" property is always referenced\ \ by identifier \"self\". Note that this identifier may also contain\ \ a list of URIs, if the data block contains multiple elements." readOnly: true description: "Map of links to this and the optionally included related data\ \ objects. The object in the \"data\" property is always referenced by\ \ identifier \"self\". Note that this identifier may also contain a list\ \ of URIs, if the data block contains multiple elements." readOnly: true GeoObjectRO_v1: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The id of the geoobject. readOnly: true example: US name: type: string description: The name of an element readOnly: true example: United States description: Describes a geoobject which can be a country or maindivision/state. GeoObjectCtnrRO_v1: type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GeoObjectRO_v1' errors: type: array description: List of errors that occurred in relation to the request. readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1' included: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: Optionally included related data objects. description: Optionally included related data objects. infos: type: array description: List of informations regarding to the request (e.g. value adjustments). readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FeedbackRO_v1' links: type: object additionalProperties: type: object description: "Map of links to this and the optionally included related\ \ data objects. The object in the \"data\" property is always referenced\ \ by identifier \"self\". Note that this identifier may also contain\ \ a list of URIs, if the data block contains multiple elements." readOnly: true description: "Map of links to this and the optionally included related data\ \ objects. The object in the \"data\" property is always referenced by\ \ identifier \"self\". Note that this identifier may also contain a list\ \ of URIs, if the data block contains multiple elements." readOnly: true responses: "200": description: OK "201": description: Created "202": description: Accepted "204": description: No Content "205": description: Reset Content "206": description: Partial Content "300": description: Multiple Choices "301": description: Moved Permanently "302": description: Found "303": description: See Other "304": description: Not Modified "305": description: Use Proxy "307": description: Temporary Redirect "308": description: Permanent Redirect "400": description: Bad Request "401": description: Unauthorized "402": description: Payment Required "403": description: Forbidden "404": description: Not Found "405": description: Method Not Allowed "406": description: Not Acceptable "407": description: Proxy Authentication Required "408": description: Request Timeout "409": description: Conflict "410": description: Gone "411": description: Length Required "412": description: Precondition Failed "413": description: Request Entity Too Large "414": description: Request-URI Too Long "415": description: Unsupported Media Type "416": description: Requested Range Not Satisfiable "417": description: Expectation Failed "428": description: Precondition Required "429": description: Too Many Requests "431": description: Request Header Fields Too Large "451": description: Unavailable For Legal Reasons "500": description: Internal Server Error "501": description: Not Implemented "502": description: Bad Gateway "503": description: Service Unavailable "504": description: Gateway Timeout "505": description: HTTP Version Not Supported "511": description: Network Authentication Required parameters: loc: name: loc in: path description: "The locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;loc=```).\ \ If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter,\ \ user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend\ \ on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA\ \ language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using a\ \ underscore, e. g. ```en_US```." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;loc=```).\ \ If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter,\ \ user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend\ \ on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA\ \ language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using\ \ a underscore, e. g. ```en_US```." default: en_US examples: en_US: description: English (United States) value: en_US fr_FR: description: French (France) value: fr_FR de_DE: description: German (Germany) value: de_DE x-matrixParamPath: / cur: name: cur in: path description: "The currency code (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;cur=```).\ \ If omitted, the site's or user's default currency is used." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The currency code (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;cur=```).\ \ If omitted, the site's or user's default currency is used." default: USD examples: FJD: description: Fiji Dollar value: FJD MXN: description: Mexican Peso value: MXN STD: description: São Tomé / Príncipe Dobra value: STD LVL: description: Latvian Lats value: LVL SCR: description: Seychelles Rupee value: SCR CDF: description: Congolese Franc value: CDF BBD: description: Barbados Dollar value: BBD GTQ: description: Guatemalan Quetzal value: GTQ CLP: description: Chilean Peso value: CLP HNL: description: Honduran Lempira value: HNL UGX: description: Ugandan Shilling value: UGX ZAR: description: South African Rand value: ZAR TND: description: Tunisian Dinar value: TND BSD: description: Bahamian Dollar value: BSD SLL: description: Sierra Leonean Leone value: SLL SDG: description: Sudanese Pound value: SDG IQD: description: Iraqi Dinar value: IQD CUP: description: Cuban Peso value: CUP GMD: description: Gambian Dalasi value: GMD TWD: description: New Taiwan Dollar value: TWD RSD: description: Serbian Dinar value: RSD ZRZ: description: Zaire value: ZRZ DOP: description: Dominican Peso value: DOP KMF: description: Comoro Franc value: KMF MYR: description: Malaysian Ringgit value: MYR FKP: description: Falkland Islands Pound value: FKP XOF: description: CFA Franc BCEAO value: XOF GEL: description: Lari value: GEL UYU: description: Uruguayan Peso value: UYU MAD: description: Moroccan Dirham value: MAD CVE: description: Cape Verde Escudo value: CVE TOP: description: Tongan Pa'anga value: TOP AZN: description: Azerbaijanian Manat value: AZN OMR: description: Omani Rial value: OMR PGK: description: Papua New Guinean Kina value: PGK KES: description: Kenyan Shilling value: KES SEK: description: Swedish Krona value: SEK BTN: description: Ngultrum value: BTN UAH: description: Ukrainian Hryvnia value: UAH GNF: description: Guinea Franc value: GNF ERN: description: Nakfa value: ERN MZN: description: Mozambican Metical value: MZN SVC: description: Salvadoran Colón value: SVC ARS: description: Argentine Peso value: ARS QAR: description: Qatari Riyal value: QAR IRR: description: Iranian Rial value: IRR NLG: description: Dutch Guilder value: NLG MRO: description: Mauritanian Ouguiya value: MRO CNY: description: Yuan Renminbi value: CNY THB: description: Thai Baht value: THB UZS: description: Uzbekistani Som value: UZS XPF: description: CFP Franc value: XPF BDT: description: Bangladeshi Taka value: BDT LYD: description: Libyan Dinar value: LYD BMD: description: Bermudian Dollar value: BMD KWD: description: Kuwaiti Dinar value: KWD PHP: description: Philippine Peso value: PHP RUB: description: Russian Ruble value: RUB PYG: description: Paraguayan Guarani value: PYG ISK: description: Iceland Krona value: ISK JMD: description: Jamaican Dollar value: JMD GWP: description: Guinea Peso value: GWP BEF: description: Belgian Franc value: BEF ESP: description: Spanish Peseta value: ESP COP: description: Colombian Peso value: COP MKD: description: Denar value: MKD USD: description: US Dollar value: USD DZD: description: Algerian Dinar value: DZD PAB: description: Panamanian Balboa value: PAB SGD: description: Singapore Dollar value: SGD ETB: description: Ethiopian Birr value: ETB KGS: description: Som value: KGS SOS: description: Somali Shilling value: SOS VEF: description: Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte value: VEF VUV: description: Vanuatu Vatu value: VUV LAK: description: Lao Kip value: LAK BND: description: Brunei Dollar value: BND ZMK: description: Zambian Kwacha value: ZMK XAF: description: CFA Franc BEAC value: XAF LRD: description: Liberian Dollar value: LRD ATS: description: Austrian Schilling value: ATS CHF: description: Swiss Franc value: CHF HRK: description: Croatian Kuna value: HRK ITL: description: Italian Lira value: ITL ALL: description: Albanian Lek value: ALL DJF: description: Djibouti Franc value: DJF MTL: description: Maltese Lira value: MTL TZS: description: Tanzanian Shilling value: TZS VND: description: Vietnamese Dong value: VND AUD: description: Australian Dollar value: AUD ILS: description: New Israeli Sheqel value: ILS GHS: description: Ghanaian Cedi value: GHS GYD: description: Guyanese Dollar value: GYD KPW: description: North Korean Won value: KPW BOB: description: Boliviano value: BOB KHR: description: Cambodian Riel value: KHR MDL: description: Moldovan Leu value: MDL IDR: description: Indonesian Rupiah value: IDR KYD: description: Cayman Islands Dollar value: KYD AMD: description: Armenian Dram value: AMD BWP: description: Botswana Pula value: BWP SHP: description: Saint Helena Pound value: SHP TRY: description: Turkish Lira value: TRY CYP: description: Cyprus Pound value: CYP LBP: description: Lebanese Pound value: LBP TJS: description: Tajikistani Somoni value: TJS JOD: description: Jordanian Dinar value: JOD AED: description: United Arab Emirates Dirham value: AED HKD: description: Hong Kong Dollar value: HKD RWF: description: Rwanda Franc value: RWF EUR: description: Euro value: EUR LSL: description: Lesotho Loti value: LSL DKK: description: Danish Krone value: DKK CAD: description: Canadian Dollar value: CAD BGN: description: Bulgarian Lev value: BGN EEK: description: Estonian Kroon value: EEK MMK: description: Kyat value: MMK MUR: description: Mauritian Rupee value: MUR NOK: description: Norwegian Krone value: NOK SYP: description: Syrian Pound value: SYP ZWL: description: Zimbabwean Dollar value: ZWL GIP: description: Gibraltar Pound value: GIP RON: description: Romanian New Leu value: RON LKR: description: Sri Lankan Rupee value: LKR NGN: description: Nigerian Naira value: NGN CRC: description: Costa Rican Colon value: CRC CZK: description: Czech Koruna value: CZK IEP: description: Irish Pound value: IEP PKR: description: Pakistani Rupee value: PKR GRD: description: Greek Drachma value: GRD XCD: description: East Carribean Dollar value: XCD ANG: description: Netherlands Antillian Guilder value: ANG HTG: description: Haitian Gourde value: HTG BHD: description: Bahraini Dinar value: BHD SIT: description: Slovenian Tolar value: SIT PTE: description: Portuguese Escudo value: PTE BPP: description: Bonus Point Price value: BPP KZT: description: Kazakhstani Tenge value: KZT SRD: description: Surinam Dollar value: SRD SZL: description: Swazi Lilangeni value: SZL LTL: description: Lithuanian Litas value: LTL SAR: description: Saudi Riyal value: SAR TTD: description: Trinidad and Tobago Dollar value: TTD YER: description: Yemeni Rial value: YER MVR: description: Maldivian Rufiyaa value: MVR AFN: description: Afghani value: AFN BPV: description: Bonus Point Value value: BPV INR: description: Indian Rupee value: INR AWG: description: Aruban Florin value: AWG KRW: description: South Korean Won value: KRW NPR: description: Nepalese Rupee value: NPR JPY: description: Japanese Yen value: JPY MNT: description: Mongolian Tugrik value: MNT AOA: description: Angolan Kwanza value: AOA PLN: description: Polish Złoty value: PLN GBP: description: Pound Sterling value: GBP SBD: description: Solomon Islands Dollar value: SBD HUF: description: Hungarian Forint value: HUF BYR: description: Belarussian Ruble value: BYR LUF: description: Luxembourgian Franc value: LUF BIF: description: Burundi Franc value: BIF MWK: description: Malawian Kwacha value: MWK MGA: description: Malagasy Ariary value: MGA FIM: description: Finnish Mark value: FIM BZD: description: Belize Dollar value: BZD DEM: description: Deutsche Mark value: DEM BAM: description: Convertible Marks value: BAM EGP: description: Egyptian Pound value: EGP MOP: description: Macanese Pataca value: MOP NAD: description: Namibian Dollar value: NAD SKK: description: Slovakian Krona value: SKK NIO: description: Cordoba Oro value: NIO PEN: description: Peruvian Nuevo Sol value: PEN NZD: description: New Zealand Dollar value: NZD WST: description: Samoan Tala value: WST TMT: description: Turkmenistani Manat value: TMT FRF: description: French Franc value: FRF BRL: description: Brazilian Real value: BRL x-matrixParamPath: / regionals: name: regionals in: path required: false style: matrix schema: type: object properties: loc: type: string description: The locale ID example: en_US cur: type: string description: The currency code example: EUR x-matrixParamPath: / pgid: name: pgid in: path description: "The personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix parameter\ \ ```;pgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix parameter\ \ ```;pgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 spgid: name: spgid in: path description: "The secure personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix\ \ parameter ```;spgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The secure personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix\ \ parameter ```;spgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 securitySchemes: basicAuth: type: http description: "Basic access authentication. In basic authentication, a request\ \ contains a header field in the form of authorization: ```Basic ```,\ \ where credentials is the Base64 encoding of ID and password joined by a\ \ single colon :." scheme: basic authToken: type: apiKey description: User authentication token to authenticate the request. The token is a string generated by the ICM server in the same header in every response of an REST endpoint. name: authentication-token in: header bearerAuth: type: http description: "Bearer token authentication. A request contains a header field\ \ in the form of authorization: ```Bearer ```, where is a string\ \ generated by an authentication service in response to a login request." scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT x-apiID: shop x-origin-class: ",,,,com.intershop.beehive.platformrest.resource.localization.LocalizationResource,,"